Cisco Unified Contact Center Express is the contact center solution for small to medium size contact centers. This document provides details about the Cisco UCCX tables at UCCX IBM Informix Database. Learn more about Comstice UCCX real-time and historical dashboards and Comstice UCCX contact center analytics platforms as well as other Comstice solutions for Cisco UCCX.
Cisco UCCX Informix database stores the data in the tables explained below. However, actual reports are run using the stored procedures. Click here to learn more about Cisco UCCX Database Stored Procedures used to generate CUIC reports.

Comstice Quartz Reporting and Analytics solution stores your Cisco UCCX data as long as you want and helps to visualise and automate the reporting for Cisco UCCX. It offers;
- - Repetitive Call Analysis,
- - Team Visual Scorecards by Email, Daily Weekly, Monthly
- - Per Agent Visual Scorecards by Email, Daily Weekly, Monthly
- - Customer Patience Analysis,
- - Daily Actionable Insights by Email
- - Wrap-Up/Call Result Analysis
- - Call Variable Analysis
- as well as Heatmaps, Drilldown charts from Year on Year to Monthly, Weekly, Daily and Hourly.

Comstice Quartz for Cisco UCCX is an omnichannel reporting solution; you can integrate other channels such as third-party chat, email and social media and create a unified report for your customer service.
You can also access Cisco Callmanager Call Detail Records and UCCX contact center reports atht eh same time. Comstice Quartz Reporting and Analytics solution also stores Cisco Callmanager (CUCM) Call Detail Reports (CDR) so that you can access not only contact center reports but also Cisco CUCM CDR reports for additional information such as which party hung up the call and audio quality.
Cisco UCCX Database Schema
10.5, 11.0, 11.6, 12.0, 12.5+
Cisco UCCX Configuration Database Tables

The AreaCode table contains a mapping of area codes and their time zones. This table is used as a reference for populating the gmtPhone and dstPhone columns of the DialingList table. This table is pre-populated by the Unified CCX system with the data for North America during the installation process, using a SQL script that the installer invokes. If the Unified CCX is installed in a different location, administrators can enter the area code and time zone information for that region using Unified CCX Administration, and the data is stored in this table.
Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
profileid | Identifier of the profile. int NOT NULL Primary Key | What's Next? |
createdatetime | Default -CURRENT_TIMESTAMP.datetime year to second NOT NULL | What's Next? |
recordid | Unique identifier for the record. int NOT NULL Primary Key. | What's Next? |
areacode | The area code of the call. nvarchar(10) NOT NULL Primary Key | What's Next? |
regioncode | Uses the same data as that of gmtzone. nvarchar(10) NULL | What's Next? |

Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
daylightsavingsenabled | Indicates whether daylight savings time is observed. N = Daylight savings time is not observed. Y = Daylight savings time is observed char(1) NOT NULL |
What's Next? |
gmtzone | Stores identifiers that internally maps to the GMT offset corresponding to the area code. int NULL | What's Next? |
privatedata | Any fields which are to be used internally only. BLOB NULL | What's Next? |
active | Whether the record is active in the system. A record becomes inactive if the team is deleted from the system. f = Inactive t = Active boolean NOT NULL |
What's Next? |
dateinactive | Date this record was deleted. datetime year to second NULL | What's Next? |

The campaign configuration information is stored in this table. A campaign is associated with one or more CSQs. This mapping of Campaigns and CSQs is stored separately in CampaignCSQMap table.

Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
recordid | A unique identifier for the record. int NOT NULL Primary Key | What's Next? |
campaignid | A unique identifier for the campaign. int NOT NULL Primary Key | What's Next? |
profileid | Identifier of the Unified CCX profile that is associated with this record. int NOT NULL Primary Key | What's Next? |
createdatetime | Default -CURRENT_TIMESTAMP datetime year to second NOT NULL | What's Next? |
campaignname | Name of the campaign. Must be unique. nvarchar(10) NULL | What's Next? |
enabled | 0 = campaign is enabled 1 = campaign is disabled smallint NOT NULL |
What's Next? |
description | A description of the campaign. varchar(50) NULL | What's Next? |
starttime | When the campaign starts (based on server time). This is stored in minutes. int NOT NULL | What's Next? |
endtime | When the campaign ends (based on server time). This is stored in minutes. int NOT NULL | What's Next? |
cachesize | Number of contacts to be retrieved in a batch for dialing for this campaign. int NOT NULL | What's Next? |
maxattempts | Maximum number of attempts made to dial a contact for this campaign. int NOT NULL | What's Next? |
ansmachineretry | 0 = Dialer should try dialing a contact again if it reached an answering machine 1 = Dialer should not try dialing a contact again if it reached an answering machine smallint NOT NULL |
What's Next? |
callbacktimelimit | The amount of time in minutes before and after the scheduled callback time, during which the Dialer attempts a callback. int NULL | What's Next? |
missedcallbackaction | Indicates what the Dialer should do if a callback could not be placed at the scheduled time: int NULL 0 = reschedule callback to same time the next business day 1 = make an ordinary retry 2 = close record |
What's Next? |
privatedata | Any fields which are used internally only can be stored in this column in a blob. BLOB NULL | What's Next? |
active | Indicates whether the record is active in the system. A record becomes inactive if the campaign is deleted from the system. boolean NOT NULL f = Inactive t = Active |
What's Next? |
dateinactive | Date this record was deleted. datetime year to second NULL | What's Next? |
dialertype | The type of the dialer used for the campaign. The dialer can be any one of the following three types - Predictive, Progressive or Preview Outbound. smallint NOT NULL 0 - Direct Preview Dialer 1 - IVR based Predictive Dialer 2 - IVR based Progressive Dialer Default value = 0 |
What's Next? |
campaignType | The campaign type can be IVR-based or ICD-based. smallint NOT NULL 0 - IVR based campaign 1 - Agent based campaign Default value = 1 |
What's Next? |
campaignCallingNum | The campaign calling number that is displayed to the contact. This number is used by the outbound IVR dialer. smallint NOT NULL Note This field will have value only if you have an Outbound IVR license on top of Unified CCX premium license in your Unified CCX and the dialer type is progressive or predictive. BLOB NULL |
What's Next? |
applicationTrigger | This is the JTAPI trigger associated with this campaign. NoteThis field will have value only if you have an Outbound IVR license on top of Unified CCX premium license in your Unified CCX and the dialer type is progressive or predictive. BLOB NULL |
What's Next? |
applicationName | The name of the application associated with the above-mentioned JTAPI trigger. NoteThis field will have value only if you have an Outbound IVR license on top of Unified CCX premium license in your Unified CCX and the dialer type is progressive or predictive. BLOB NULL |
What's Next? |

The Chat CSQ Activity Report presents a summary of presented, handled, and abandoned chats for each Contact Service Queue (CSQ). It also displays the average and maximum time for chats that are handled and queued.

Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
recordid | A unique identifier for the record, int NOT NULL Primary Key | What's Next? |
campaignid | A unique identifier for the campaign, from the Campaign table, int NOT NULL Primary Key. | What's Next? |
csqid | A unique identifier for the CSQ, from the ContactServiceQueue table, int NOT NULL Primary Key | What's Next? |
active | Indicates whether the record is active in the system. A record becomes inactive if the campaign is deleted from the system, smallint NULL; f = Inactive t = Active. |
What's Next? |
createdatetime | Default, CURRENT_TIME_STAMP, datetime year to second NULL | What's Next? |
dateinactive | Date this record was deleted. datetime year to second NULL | What's Next? |

The CampaignSupervisorMap table shows the relationship between campaign and supervisor associated with that campaign. A new record is created in the CampaignSupervisorMap table when a campaign is associated with a supervisor in Unified CCX Administration.

Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
recordid | A unique identifier for the record, int NOT NULL Primary Key | What's Next? |
campaignid | A unique identifier for the campaign, from the Campaign table, int NOT NULL Primary Key | What's Next? |
Agent Name | First name and last name of the agent who handles chats for this CSQ. | What's Next? |
Chat Received | Number of chats that are queued for this CSQ and are assigned to the agent. | What's Next? |
Chat Handled | Number of chats that are queued for this CSQ and answered by the agent. | What's Next? |
Average Active Chat Time | Average chat time for all the chats that the agent handled for this CSQ. Chat time is the elapsed time between the time an agent answers a chat and ends the chat. Average chat time = Total chat time / Number of chats handled |
What's Next? |
Chat No Answer | Number of chats that are connected to the agent, but not answered. | What's Next? |
Average Acceptance Time | Elapsed time between the time that a chat alert is presented on the desktop and the time that the chat is answered by an agent or disconnected. This field is blank if the chat was not presented to an agent. | What's Next? |

Cisco UCCX Chat Reports: Chat Traffic Analysis Report
The Chat Traffic Analysis Report presents information about incoming chat contacts to the Unified CCX system. The information is presented for each day, and includes information about the peak hour for that day.
Using this data, you can create

Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
Total Incoming Chats | Number of chat contacts that are received daily by Unified CCX. Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. |
What's Next? |
Avg Chats (per Hour) | Average number of chat contacts that are received in an hour. Summary info—Maximum value in this column |
What's Next? |
Peak Chats (per Hour) | Number of chat contacts that are received during the peak hour. Summary info—Maximum value in this column |
What's Next? |
Peak Hour Time—Start | Start time of the peak hour (the hour when the largest number of chat contacts are received). | What's Next? |
Peak Hour Time—End | End time of the peak hour (the hour when the largest number of chat contacts are received). | What's Next? |
Chat Duration—Avg | Average chat duration for the day. Summary info—Maximum value in this column |
What's Next? |
Chat Duration—Min | Duration of the shortest chat for the day. Summary info—Minimum value in this column. |
What's Next? |
Chat Duration—Max | Duration of the longest chat for the day. Summary info—Maximum value in this column. |
What's Next? |

Cisco UCCX Email Reports: Email Agent Activity Report
You can use agent by skillset statistics to monitor an agent’s performance in a skillset. The data fields peg based on a combination of skillset and agent information.
Using this data, you can create

Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
Agent Name | Name of the agent to whom the email messages are routed. | What's Next? |
Agent Id | Login user ID of the agent. | What's Next? |
Login Date | Date the agent logged in. | What's Next? |
Logged-In | Total time the agent logged in.Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. | What's Next? |
Not Ready | Total time the agent spent in the E-Mail Not Ready state.Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. | What's Next? |
Ready | Total time the agent spent in the E-Mail Ready state.Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. | What's Next? |
Time Spent On Desk | Total Time the agent spent in the E-Mail Processing state.Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. | What's Next? |
Presented | Number of email messages that are presented to the agent.Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. | What's Next? |
Requeued | Number of email messages that the agent requeued. The requeue date and time determines whether the email message falls within the interval.Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. | What's Next? |
Sent | Number of response email messages that the agent sent. The send date and time determines whether the email message falls within the interval.Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. | What's Next? |
Discarded | Number of email messages that the agent discarded. The discarded date and time determines whether the email message falls within the interval.Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. | What's Next? |
Avg On Desk | Average on-desk time = Total time spent on handling email contacts/Number of emails sent, requeued and discarded. | What's Next? |

Cisco UCCX Email Reports: Email Contact Detail Report
The Email Contact Detail Report presents information about each email contact that is handled by the agent.
Using this data, you can create

Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
Contact ID | Unique social contact ID that identifies the email contact. | What's Next? |
Sequence No | Number that the system assigns to each contact leg. The sequence number starts with 0 and increases by 1 for each leg of a contact, such as requeue. | What's Next? |
CSQ Name | Name of the Contact Service Queue (CSQ) that routed the email contact to the agent. | What's Next? |
Agent Name | First name and last name of the agent who responded to the email message. | What's Next? |
Received | Date and time that the contact center received the email contact. There might be a mismatch in the presented timestamp of the email received from the end user. This might be due to a different time zone or a different time configured in the exchange server from where the email was sent. |
What's Next? |
Retrieved | Date and time that the agent retrieved the email contact. | What's Next? |
Replied | Date and time that the agent responded to the email message. | What's Next? |
Discarded | Date and time that the agent discarded the email message. | What's Next? |
From | Email address of the customer who sent the email message. | What's Next? |
Reply-To | Email address of the customer to whom the response is sent. | What's Next? |
To | Email address of the contact center to which the email message was sent. | What's Next? |
Subject | Subject line of the received email message. | What's Next? |
Contact Type | Contact type of the email contact. 1 = Incoming. Outside contact that is received by Unified CCX. 2 = Transfer. Requeued leg of contact. |
What's Next? |
Contact Disposition | Disposition of the email contact. 2—Handled, Requeued, or Forwarded 4—Discarded or Aborted. The contact disposition for the system aborted emails will also be 4. These emails will not be considered as agent discarded emails. |
What's Next? |

Cisco UCCX Email Reports: Email CSQ Activity Report
The Email CSQ Activity Report presents email activity statistics of agents in a Contact Service Queue (CSQ) for each day.
Using this data, you can create

Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
CSQ Name | Name of the CSQ through which the email messages are routed. | What's Next? |
Date | Date of each day in the interval. | What's Next? |
Agent Name | Name of the agent to whom the email messages are routed. | What's Next? |
Retrieved | Number of email messages that are routed through the CSQ to the agent and then retrieved by the agent. The retrieved date time determines whether the email message falls within the interval. Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. |
What's Next? |
Requeued | Number of email messages that are requeued to the agent. The requeue date and time determines whether the email message falls within the interval. Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. |
What's Next? |
Sent | Number of response email messages that the agent sent. The send date and time determines whether the email message falls within the interval. Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. |
What's Next? |
Discarded | Number of email messages that the agent discarded. The discarded date and time determines whether the email message falls within the interval. Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. |
What's Next? |
Avg On Desk | Average on-desk time = On-desk time / Number of emails sent, requeued and discarded. On-desk time = Time the agent processed the email - Time the agent received the email. (This includes the emails sent, requeued and discarded by the agent.) |
What's Next? |

Cisco UCCX Email Reports: Email Traffic Analysis Report
The Email Traffic Analysis Report gives the count of email messages received for the specified date or date range.
Using this data, you can create

Chart Name | Description | What's Next? |
Email Inbox Traffic Analysis by Date Chart | Displays the number of email messages received for the specified date or date range. | What's Next? |
Email Inbox Traffic Analysis by Email Address Chart | Displays the number of email messages received by an email address. | What's Next? |

Cisco UCCX Inbound Reports:
- - Abandoned Call Detail Activity Report, ,
- - Aborted Rejected Call Detail Report ,
- - Call Custom Variables Report,
- - Called Number Summary Activity Report,
- - Common Skill CSQ Activity Report,
- - Call Custom Variables Report,
- - Contact Service Queue Activity by CSQ Report,
- - Contact Service Queue Activity by Window Duration,
- - Contact Service Queue Activity Report,
- - Contact Service Queue Activity Report by Interval,
- - Contact Service Queue Call Distribution Summary,
- - Contact Service Queue Priority Summary,
- - Contact Service Queue Service Level Priority Summary Report,
- - CSQ Agent Summary Report,
- - CSQ All Fields Report,
- - Detailed Call by Call CCDR Report,
- - Detailed Call CSQ Agent Report,
- - Priority Summary Activity Report,
- - Traffic Analysis Report

Cisco UCCX Inbound Reports: Abandoned Call Detail Activity Report
The Abandoned Call Detail Activity Report presents information about calls that are abandoned.
Using this data, you can create

Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
Call Start Time | Date and time the call leg starts. | What's Next? |
Called Number | Telephone number that the caller dials. | What's Next? |
Call ANI | Originator's telephone number. (ANI = Automatic Number Identification) | What's Next? |
Initial Call Priority | Priority that is assigned to the call by Unified CCX workflow when the call is received. - 1—Lowest. - 10—Highest. - N/A—Call is abandoned before a priority is assigned. |
What's Next? |
Call Routed CSQ | Contact Service Queue (CSQ) to which the call is queued. | What's Next? |
Agent Name | Agent who is presented with the call before it is abandoned. | What's Next? |
Call Skills | Skills that are associated with the CSQ to which the call is routed. | What's Next? |
Final Call Priority | Priority of the call when it is abandoned. | What's Next? |
Call Abandon Time | Date and time the call is abandoned. | What's Next? |
Time to Abandon | Elapsed time between the time the call comes to the system and the time it is abandoned Summary info—Average abandon time of all calls. | What's Next? |
Aborted Rejected Call Detail Report
The Aborted Rejected Call Detail Report presents information about each call that is aborted or rejected by the system.
Using this data, you can create

Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
Node ID - Session ID - Sequence No | Node ID is the unique numeric ID, which starts from 1, that the system assigns to each Unified CCX server in the cluster. Session ID is the unique session ID that the system assigns to a call. Session sequence number is the number that the system assigns to each call leg. The session sequence number increases by 1 for each leg of a call. Together, these three values uniquely identify an Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) call that is processed by the system. |
What's Next? |
Call Start Time | The number of calls conferenced from this IVR port. INT | What's Next? |
Call End Time | The number of calls transferred from this IVR port. INT | What's Next? |
Contact Type | Contact type of a call. - 1 = Incoming. Outside call that is received by Unified CCX. - 2 = Outgoing. Call that originated from the Unified CCX Computer Telephony Interface (CTI) port, other than the call that is made within the system. - 3 = Internal. Call that is transferred or conferenced between agents, or a call that is made within the system. - 4 = Redirect. A previous call leg that redirected the call to this leg. - 5 = Transfer-in. A previous call leg that transferred the call to this leg. - 6 = Preview Outbound. Call that originated from a Unified CCX agent phone to an outside destination, after an agent accepts a preview call. - 7 = IVR Outbound. Call that originated from a Unified CCX outbound dialer to an outside destination for an IVR outbound campaign. - 8 = Agent Outbound. Call that originated from a Unified CCX outbound dialer to an outside destination for an agent progressive or predictive outbound campaign. |
What's Next? |
Contact Disposition | Disposition of the call. - 1—Abandoned - 2—Handled - 4—Aborted - 5 to 98—Rejected - 99—Cleaned |
What's Next? |
Abort/Reject Reason | Reason the call is aborted or rejected. | What's Next? |
Originator DN (Directory Number) | The originator directory number. This number is the same as the calling number. Originator Type can be agent, device, or unknown. - If Originator Type is agent, this field shows the Unified CCX extension of the agent. If the call is attended at the non-IPCC extension, then the non-IPCC extension is displayed. If the call is made from a non-IPCC extension, then the non-IPCC extension is displayed. - If Originator Type is device, this field shows the CTI port number. - If Originator Type is unknown (through a gateway or an unmonitored device), this field shows the telephone number of the caller. |
What's Next? |
Destination DN | The destination directory number. Destination Type can be agent, device, or unknown. - If Destination Type is agent, this field shows the Unified CCX extension of the agent. - If destination type is device, this field shows the CTI port number. - If destination type is unknown (through a gateway or an unmonitored device), this field shows the telephone number called. |
What's Next? |
Called Number | Number that is originally dialed by the caller. If the call is a transfer, the number that the call is transferred to is displayed. | What's Next? |
Original Called Number | Number that is originally dialed by the caller—either a route point number or an agent extension. | What's Next? |
Application Name | Unified CCX or Unified IP IVR application that is associated with the route point. | What's Next? |
Call Routed CSQ | Contact Service Queue (CSQ) to which the call is routed. This field is blank if the call is aborted or rejected before being routed to a CSQ. | What's Next? |

Cisco UCCX Inbound Reports: Call Custom Variables Report
The Call Custom Variables Report shows information about custom variables set by the Set Enterprise Call Info step in the workflow that the Unified CCX or Unified IP IVR application associated with this call.
Using this data, you can create

Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
Node ID - Session ID - Sequence No | Node ID is the unique numeric ID, which starts from 1, that the system assigns to each Unified CCX server in the cluster. Session ID is the unique session ID that the system assigns to a call. Session sequence number is the number that the system assigns to each call leg. The session sequence number increases by 1 for each leg of a call. Together, these three values uniquely identify an Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) call that is processed by the system. | What's Next? |
Start Time | Date and time the call starts. | What's Next? |
End Time | Date and time the call was disconnected, transferred, or redirected. | What's Next? |
Contact Disposition | Disposition of the call. 1—Abandoned 2—Handled 4—Aborted 5 to 98—Rejected 99—Cleaned |
What's Next? |
Contact Disposition | Disposition of the call. - 1—Abandoned - 2—Handled - 4—Aborted - 5 to 98—Rejected - 99—Cleaned |
What's Next? |
Agent Name | First name and last name of the agent. | What's Next? |
Application Name | Unified CCX or Unified IP IVR application that is associated with the route point. | What's Next? |
Custom Variable 1 | Contents of the variable _ccdrVar1. This value is displayed if the variable is set by the Set Enterprise Call Info step in the workflow that Unified CCX or Unified IP IVR application associated with this call or this leg invoked. | What's Next? |
Custom Variable 2 | Contents of the variable _ccdrVar2. This value is displayed if the variable is set by the Set Enterprise Call Info step in the workflow that Unified CCX or Unified IP IVR application associated with this call or this leg invoked. | What's Next? |
Custom Variable 3 | Contents of the variable _ccdrVar3. This value is displayed if the variable is set by the Set Enterprise Call Info step in the workflow that Unified CCX or Unified IP IVR application associated with this call or this leg invoked. | What's Next? |
Custom Variable 4 | Contents of the variable _ccdrVar4. This value is displayed if the variable is set by the Set Enterprise Call Info step in the workflow that Unified CCX or Unified IP IVR application associated with this call or this leg invoked. | What's Next? |
Custom Variable 5 | Contents of the variable _ccdrVar5. This value is displayed if the variable is set by the Set Enterprise Call Info step in the workflow that Unified CCX or Unified IP IVR application associated with this call or this leg invoked. | What's Next? |
Custom Variable 6 | Contents of the variable _ccdrVar6. This value is displayed if the variable is set by the Set Enterprise Call Info step in the workflow that Unified CCX or Unified IP IVR application associated with this call or this leg invoked. | What's Next? |
Custom Variable 7 | Contents of the variable _ccdrVar7. This value is displayed if the variable is set by the Set Enterprise Call Info step in the workflow that Unified CCX or Unified IP IVR application associated with this call or this leg invoked. | What's Next? |
Custom Variable 8 | Contents of the variable _ccdrVar8. This value is displayed if the variable is set by the Set Enterprise Call Info step in the workflow that Unified CCX or Unified IP IVR application associated with this call or this leg invoked. | What's Next? |
Custom Variable 9 | Contents of the variable _ccdrVar9. This value is displayed if the variable is set by the Set Enterprise Call Info step in the workflow that Unified CCX or Unified IP IVR application associated with this call or this leg invoked. | What's Next? |
Custom Variable 10 | Contents of the variable _ccdrVar10. This value is displayed if the variable is set by the Set Enterprise Call Info step in the workflow that Unified CCX or Unified IP IVR application associated with this call or this leg invoked. | What's Next? |

Cisco UCCX Inbound Reports: Contact Service Queue Activity by CSQ Report
The Contact Service Queue Activity by CSQ Report presents information about service levels, and the number and percentage of calls presented, handled, abandoned, and dequeued. It presents information for each 30 or 60 minute interval within the report period.
If agents are already receiving calls from a Contact Service Queue (CSQ) and you change the skill level of the CSQ, then the report displays one record with the old CSQ ID and another record with the new CSQ ID for the same CSQ.
Using this data, you can create

Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
CSQ Name | CSQ to which the call is queued. | What's Next? |
CSQ ID | Unique ID of the CSQ. | What's Next? |
Call Skills | Skills that are associated with the CSQ to which the call is routed. | What's Next? |
Interval Start Time | Start date and time of each 30 or 60 minute interval or the start date and time for the report range. | What's Next? |
Interval End Time | End date and time of each 30 or 60 minute interval or the end date and time for the report range. | What's Next? |
Service Level (sec) | Value that was entered in the Service Level field when the CSQ was set up in Unified CCX Administration. If the service level changes during the report period, the report shows the old and new service level values. | What's Next? |
Calls Handled < Service Level | Calls that are handled within the time shown in the Service Level field. A call is handled when an agent picks up the call Summary info—Sum of values in this column. | What's Next? |
Calls Abandoned < Service Level | Calls that are abandoned within the time shown in the Service Level field. A call is abandoned if the call disconnects before connecting to an agent. Summary info—Sum of values in this column. | What's Next? |
CSQ ID | Unique ID of the CSQ. | What's Next? |
Percentage of Service Level Met—Only Handled | Percentage of handled calls that were handled within the time shown in the Service Level field. This value is calculated as follows: (Number of calls handled within service level / Number of calls handled) x 100% Summary info—Overall percentage of handled calls that met the handled service level. |
What's Next? |
Percentage of Service Level Met—With No Abandoned Calls | Percentage of presented calls, not counting abandoned calls, handled within the time shown in the Service Level field. This value is calculated as follows: (Number of calls handled within the service level / (Number of calls presented – Number of calls abandoned within the service level) x 100% Summary info—Overall percentage of presented calls that met the handle service level (excluding the calls that met the abandoned service level). |
What's Next? |
Percentage of Service Level Met—With Abandoned Calls Counted Positively | Percentage of presented calls that are handled or abandoned within the time shown in the Service Level field. For this value, calls abandoned within the time shown in the Service Level field are considered to have met that service level. This value is calculated as follows: ([Number of calls handled within the service level + Number of calls abandoned within the service level] / Number of calls presented) x 100% Summary info—Overall percentage of presented calls that met either the handled or the abandoned service level. |
What's Next? |
Percentage of Service Level Met—With Abandoned Calls Counted Negatively | Percentage of presented calls that are handled within the time shown in the Service Level field. For this value, calls abandoned within the time shown in the Service Level field have not met that service level. This value is calculated as follows: (Number of calls handled within the service level / Number of calls presented) x 100% Summary info—Overall percentage of presented calls that met the handled service level. |
What's Next? |
Calls Presented | Calls routed to the CSQ regardless of whether an agent picked up the call. Summary info—Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |
Calls Handled—Handled | Number of calls that are handled by the CSQ. Summary info—Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |
Calls Handled—% | Percentage of calls that were handled by the CSQ. The percentage is calculated as follows: (Number of calls handled) / (Number of calls presented) x 100% Summary info—Overall percentage. |
What's Next? |
Calls Abandoned—Abandoned | Number of calls that were routed to the CSQ and were abandoned. Summary info—Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |
Calls Abandoned—% | Percentage of calls that were routed to the CSQ and were abandoned. The percentage is calculated as follows: (Number of calls abandoned / Number of calls presented) x 100% Summary info—Overall percentage. |
What's Next? |
Calls Dequeued—Dequeued | Number of calls that were dequeued. Summary info—Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |
Calls Dequeued—% | Percentage of calls that were dequeued. The percentage is calculated as follows: (Number of calls dequeued / Number of calls presented) x 100% Summary info—Overall percentage. |
What's Next? |
Cisco UCCX Inbound Reports: Contact Service Queue Activity by Window Duration
The Contact Service Queue Activity by Window Duration presents information about service levels, and the number and percentage of calls that are presented, handled, abandoned, and dequeued. It presents information for each 15 or 30 or 60 minute interval within the report period. This report can be filtered for specific window duration for a single day or multiple days. Unlike other reports, the time part of interval filter will be considered as window duration in this report.
Using this data, you can create

Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
CSQ Name | CSQ to which the call is queued. | What's Next? |
Date | Datewise grouping for corresponding intervals. | What's Next? |
Interval Start Time | Start date and time of each 15 or 30 or 60 minute interval or the start date and time for the report range. | What's Next? |
Interval End Time | End date and time of each 15 or 30 or 60 minute interval or the end date and time for the report range. | What's Next? |
Calls Presented | Calls that are routed to the CSQ, regardless of whether an agent picked up the call. Summary info-Sum of values in this field. |
What's Next? |
Calls Handled-Handled | Number of calls that were handled by the CSQ. Summary info-Sum of values in this field. |
What's Next? |
Calls Handled < Service Level | Calls that are handled within the time shown in the Service Level field. A call is handled when an agent picks up the call. Summary info-Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |
Service Level (sec) | Value that was entered in the Service Level field when the CSQ was set up in Unified CCX Administration. If the service level changes during the report period, the report shows the old and new service level values. | What's Next? |
Calls Abandoned-Abandoned | Number of calls that were routed to the CSQ and were abandoned. Summary info-Sum of values in this field. |
What's Next? |
Calls Abandoned < Service Level | Calls that are abandoned within the time shown in the Service Level field. A call is abandoned if the call disconnects before connecting to an agent. Summary info-Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |
Abandoned Rate-% | Percentage of calls that were routed to the CSQ and were abandoned. The percentage is calculated as follows: (Number of calls abandoned / Number of calls presented) x 100% Summary info-Overall percentage. |
What's Next? |
Cisco UCCX Inbound Reports: Contact Service Queue Activity Report
The Contact Service Queue Activity Report presents a summary of calls that are presented, handled, abandoned, and dequeued from each Contact Service Queue (CSQ). It also shows the calls that are handled by workflows in other CSQs, and average and maximum time information for calls handled, abandoned, and dequeued.
Using this data, you can create

Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
CSQ Name | CSQ to which the call is queued. | What's Next? |
CSQ ID | Unique ID of the CSQ. | What's Next? |
Skills | Skills that are associated with the CSQ to which the call is routed. | What's Next? |
Calls Presented | Number of calls routed to the CSQ, regardless of whether an agent picked up the call. Summary info—Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |
Avg Queue Time | Average queue time for all calls routed to the CSQ. | What's Next? |
Max Queue Time | Longest queue time of any one call that was routed to the CSQ. Summary info—Maximum value in this column. |
What's Next? |
Calls Handled | Number of calls that are handled by this CSQ. A call is handled if a caller is connected to an agent while queued for this CSQ. Summary info—Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |
Avg Speed of Answer | Average answer speed = Total queue time / Calls handled | What's Next? |
Avg Handle Time | Average handle time for all calls that the CSQ handled. | What's Next? |
Max Handle Time | Longest handle time of any call that the CSQ handled. Handle time = Talk time + Hold time + Work time Summary info—Maximum value in this column. |
What's Next? |
Calls Abandoned | Calls that are routed to the CSQ that were not answered by an agent because the caller hung up or was disconnected. Summary info—Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |
Avg Time to Abandon | Average time the calls spent in the queue before being abandoned. | What's Next? |
Max Handle Time | Longest handle time of any call that the CSQ handled. Handle time = Talk time + Hold time + Work time Summary info—Maximum value in this column. |
What's Next? |
Max Handle Time | Longest handle time of any call that the CSQ handled. Handle time = Talk time + Hold time + Work time Summary info—Maximum value in this column. |
What's Next? |
Max Handle Time | Longest handle time of any call that the CSQ handled. Handle time = Talk time + Hold time + Work time Summary info—Maximum value in this column. |
What's Next? |
Max Handle Time | Longest handle time of any call that the CSQ handled. Handle time = Talk time + Hold time + Work time Summary info—Maximum value in this column. |
What's Next? |
Max Handle Time | Longest handle time of any call that the CSQ handled. Handle time = Talk time + Hold time + Work time Summary info—Maximum value in this column. |
What's Next? |
Max Handle Time | Longest handle time of any call that the CSQ handled. Handle time = Talk time + Hold time + Work time Summary info—Maximum value in this column. |
What's Next? |
Calls Handled by Other | Total of the following calls: Calls that are queued for the CSQ, then dequeued by the Dequeue step in a workflow, then marked as handled by the Set Contact Info step in the workflow. Calls that are queued for more than one CSQ and then handled by another CSQ. Handle time = Talk time + Hold time + Work time Summary info—Maximum value in this column. |
What's Next? |
Cisco UCCX Inbound Reports: Contact Service Queue Activity Report by Interval
The Contact Service Queue Activity Report by Interval presents information about service levels, and the number and percentage of calls that are presented, handled, abandoned, and dequeued. It presents information for each 30 or 60 minute interval within the report period.
Using this data, you can create

Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
Interval Start Time | Start date and time of each 30 or 60 minute interval or the start date and time for the report range. | What's Next? |
Interval End Time | End date and time of each 30 or 60 minute interval or the end date and time for the report range. | What's Next? |
CSQ Name | CSQ to which the call is queued. | What's Next? |
Skills | Skills that are associated with the CSQ to which the call is routed. | What's Next? |
Service Level (sec) | Value that was entered in the Service Level field when the CSQ was set up in Unified CCX Administration. If the service level changes during the report period, the report shows the old and new service level values. | What's Next? |
Calls Handled < Service Level | Calls that are handled within the time shown in the Service Level field. A call is handled when an agent picks up the call. Summary info—Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |
Calls Abandoned < Service Level | Calls that are abandoned within the time shown in the Service Level field. A call is abandoned if the call disconnects before connecting to an agent. Summary info—Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |
Percentage of Service Level Met—Only Handled | Percentage of handled calls that are handled within the time shown in the Service Level field. This value is calculated as follows: (Number of calls handled within service level / Number of calls handled) x 100% Summary info—Overall percentage of handled calls that met the handled service level. |
What's Next? |
Percentage of Service Level Met—With No Abandoned Calls | Percentage of presented calls, not counting abandoned calls, that are handled within the time shown in the Service Level field. This value is calculated as follows: (Number of calls handled within service level / (Number of calls presented – Number of calls abandoned within service level) x 100% Summary info—Overall percentage of presented calls that met the handle service level (excluding the calls that met the abandoned service level). |
What's Next? |
Percentage of Service Level Met—With Abandoned Calls Counted Positively | Percentage of presented calls that are handled or abandoned within the time shown in the Service Level field. For this value, calls that are abandoned within the time shown in the Service Level field have met that service level. This value is calculated as follows: ([Number of calls handled within service level + Number of calls abandoned within service level] / Number of calls presented) x 100% Summary info—Overall percentage of presented calls that met either the handled or the abandoned service level. |
What's Next? |
Percentage of Service Level Met—With Abandoned Calls Counted Negatively | Percentage of presented calls that are handled within the time shown in the Service Level field. For this value, calls that are abandoned within the time shown in the Service Level field have not met that service level. This value is calculated as follows: (Number of calls handled within service level / Number of calls presented) x 100% Summary info—Overall percentage of presented calls that met the handled service level. |
What's Next? |
Calls Presented | Calls that are routed to the CSQ, regardless of whether an agent picked up the call. Summary info—Sum of values in this field. |
What's Next? |
Calls Handled—Handled | Number of calls that were handled by the CSQ. Summary info—Sum of values in this field. |
What's Next? |
Calls Handled—% | Percentage of calls that were handled by the CSQ. The percentage is calculated as follows: (Number of calls handled / Number of calls presented) x 100% Summary info—Overall percentage. |
What's Next? |
Calls Abandoned—Abandoned | Number of calls that were routed to the CSQ and were abandoned. Summary info—Sum of values in this field. |
What's Next? |
Calls Abandoned—% | Percentage of calls that were routed to the CSQ and were abandoned. The percentage is calculated as follows: (Number of calls abandoned / Number of calls presented) x 100% Summary info—Overall percentage. |
What's Next? |
Calls Dequeued—Dequeued | Number of calls that were dequeued. Summary info—Sum of values in this field. |
What's Next? |
Calls Dequeued—% | Percentage of calls that were dequeued. The percentage is calculated as follows: (Number of calls dequeued / Number of calls presented) x 100% Summary info—Overall percentage. |
What's Next? |
Cisco UCCX Inbound Reports: Contact Service Queue Call Distribution Summary
The Contact Service Queue Call Distribution Summary report presents the number and percentage of calls that are handled and dequeued in four configurable time intervals.
Using this data, you can create

Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
CSQ Name | CSQ to which the call is queued. | What's Next? |
CSQ ID | Unique ID of the CSQ. | What's Next? |
Call Skills | Skills that are associated with the CSQ to which the call is routed. | What's Next? |
Calls Handled | Number of calls handled by the CSQ. A call is handled when an agent picks up the call. Summary info—Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |
Total/Percentage Calls Handled With Queue Time—0–15 sec | Number of handled calls with a queue time that is less than or equal to 15 seconds. | What's Next? |
Total/Percentage Calls Handled With Queue Time—% 0–15 sec | Percentage of handled calls with a queue time that is less than or equal to 15 seconds. | What's Next? |
Total/Percentage Calls Handled With Queue Time—0–30 sec | Number of handled calls with a queue time that is less than or equal to 30 seconds. | What's Next? |
Total/Percentage Calls Handled With Queue Time—% 0–30 sec | Percentage of handled calls with a queue time that is less than or equal to 30 seconds. | What's Next? |
Total/Percentage Calls Handled With Queue Time—0–45 sec | Number of handled calls with a queue time that is less than or equal to 45 seconds. | What's Next? |
Total/Percentage Calls Handled With Queue Time—% 0–45 sec | Percentage of handled calls with a queue time that is less than or equal to 45 seconds. | What's Next? |
Total/Percentage Calls Handled With Queue Time—0–60 sec | Number of handled calls with a queue time that is less than or equal to 60 seconds. | What's Next? |
Total/Percentage Calls Handled With Queue Time—% 0–60 sec | Percentage of handled calls with a queue time that is less than or equal to 60 seconds. | What's Next? |
Calls Abandoned | Calls that are abandoned from the CSQ. A call is abandoned if it was routed to the CSQ, but was not answered by an agent because the caller hung up or was disconnected. Summary info—Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |
Total/Percentage Calls Abandoned With Queue Time—0–15 sec | Number of abandoned calls with a queue time that is less than or equal to 15 seconds. | What's Next? |
Total/Percentage Calls Abandoned With Queue Time—% 0–15 sec | Percentage of abandoned calls with a queue time that is less than or equal to 15 seconds. | What's Next? |
Total/Percentage Calls Abandoned With Queue Time—0–30 sec | Number of abandoned calls with a queue time that is less than or equal to 30 seconds. | What's Next? |
Total/Percentage Calls Abandoned With Queue Time—% 0–30 sec | Percentage of abandoned calls with a queue time that is less than or equal to 30 seconds. | What's Next? |
Total/Percentage Calls Abandoned With Queue Time—0–45 sec | Number of abandoned calls with a queue time that is less than or equal to 45 seconds. | What's Next? |
Total/Percentage Calls Abandoned With Queue Time—% 0–45 sec | Percentage of abandoned calls with a queue time that is less than or equal to 45 seconds. | What's Next? |
Total/Percentage Calls Abandoned With Queue Time—0–60 sec | Number of abandoned calls with a queue time that is less than or equal to 60 seconds. | What's Next? |
Total/Percentage Calls Abandoned With Queue Time—% 0–60 sec | Percentage of abandoned calls with a queue time that is less than or equal to 60 seconds. | What's Next? |
Cisco UCCX Inbound Reports: Contact Service Queue Priorioty Summary
The Contact Service Queue Priority Summary report presents the number of calls that are routed to each Contact Service Queue (CSQ). It also presents the number of calls and the average calls per day by priority that are routed to each CSQ.
Using this data, you can create

Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
CSQ Name | CSQ to which the call is queued. | What's Next? |
CSQ ID | Unique ID of the CSQ. | What's Next? |
Call Skills | Skills that are associated with the CSQ to which the call is routed. | What's Next? |
Total Calls Presented | Calls that are presented to the CSQ, whether or not an agent picked up the call. Summary info—Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |
Priority 1 (Low)—Total | Number of calls that are routed by this priority in a day to each CSQ. Summary info—Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |
Priority 1 (Low)—Avg | Average number of calls that are routed by this priority in a day to each CSQ. | What's Next? |
Priority 2—Total | Number of calls that are routed by this priority in a day to each CSQ. Summary info—Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |
Priority 2—Avg | Average number of calls that are routed by this priority in a day to each CSQ. | What's Next? |
Priority 3—Total | Number of calls that are routed by this priority in a day to each CSQ. Summary info—Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |
Priority 3—Avg | Average number of calls that are routed by this priority in a day to each CSQ. | What's Next? |
Priority 4—Total | Number of calls that are routed by this priority in a day to each CSQ. Summary info—Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |
Priority 4—Avg | Average number of calls that are routed by this priority in a day to each CSQ. | What's Next? |
Priority 5—Total | Number of calls that are routed by this priority in a day to each CSQ. Summary info—Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |
Priority 5—Avg | Average number of calls that are routed by this priority in a day to each CSQ. | What's Next? |
Priority 6—Total | Number of calls that are routed by this priority in a day to each CSQ. Summary info—Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |
Priority 6—Avg | Average number of calls that are routed by this priority in a day to each CSQ. | What's Next? |
Priority 7—Total | Number of calls that are routed by this priority in a day to each CSQ. Summary info—Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |
Priority 7—Avg | Average number of calls that are routed by this priority in a day to each CSQ. | What's Next? |
Priority 8—Total | Number of calls that are routed by this priority in a day to each CSQ. Summary info—Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |
Priority 8—Avg | Average number of calls that are routed by this priority in a day to each CSQ. | What's Next? |
Priority 9—Total | Number of calls that are routed by this priority in a day to each CSQ. Summary info—Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |
Priority 9—Avg | Average number of calls that are routed by this priority in a day to each CSQ. | What's Next? |
Priority 10 (High)—Total | Number of calls that are routed by this priority in a day to each CSQ. Summary info—Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |
Priority 10 (High)—Avg | Average number of calls that are routed by this priority in a day to each CSQ. | What's Next? |
Cisco UCCX Inbound Reports: Contact Service Queue Service Level Priority Summary Report
The Contact Service Queue Service Level Priority Summary Report presents information about the number and percentage of calls that are handled within the service level, and the number and percentage of calls that are handled within the service level for each call priority for a Contact Service Queue (CSQ).
Using this data, you can create

Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
CSQ Name | CSQ to which the call is queued. | What's Next? |
CSQ ID | Unique ID of the CSQ. | What's Next? |
Call Skills | Skills that are associated with the CSQ to which the call is routed. | What's Next? |
Service Level (sec) | Value that was entered in the Service Level field when the CSQ was set up in Unified CCX Administration. If the service level changes during the report period, the report shows the old and new service level values. | What's Next? |
Calls Presented | Calls that are routed to the CSQ, regardless of whether an agent picked up the call. | What's Next? |
Total Service Level Met | Calls that are answered within the time set in the Service Level field in Unified CCX Administration. | What's Next? |
% Service Level Met | (Calls handled within service level / Calls presented) x 100% | What's Next? |
Number and % Of Calls Met SL For Each Call Priority—Priority 1 (Low) | Number of calls with this call priority that are answered within the service level time. | What's Next? |
Number and % Of Calls Met SL For Each Call Priority—% Priority 1 | Percentage of calls with this call priority that are answered within the service level time. | What's Next? |
Number and % Of Calls Met SL For Each Call Priority—Priority 2 | Number of calls with this call priority that are answered within the service level time. | What's Next? |
Number and % Of Calls Met SL For Each Call Priority—% Priority 2 | Percentage of calls with this call priority that are answered within the service level time. | What's Next? |
Number and % Of Calls Met SL For Each Call Priority—Priority 3 | Number of calls with this call priority that are answered within the service level time. | What's Next? |
Number and % Of Calls Met SL For Each Call Priority—% Priority 3 | Percentage of calls with this call priority that are answered within the service level time. | What's Next? |
Number and % Of Calls Met SL For Each Call Priority—Priority 4 | Number of calls with this call priority that are answered within the service level time. | What's Next? |
Number and % Of Calls Met SL For Each Call Priority—% Priority 4 | Percentage of calls with this call priority that are answered within the service level time. | What's Next? |
Number and % Of Calls Met SL For Each Call Priority—Priority 5 | Number of calls with this call priority that are answered within the service level time. | What's Next? |
Number and % Of Calls Met SL For Each Call Priority—% Priority 5 | Percentage of calls with this call priority that are answered within the service level time. | What's Next? |
Number and % Of Calls Met SL For Each Call Priority—Priority 6 | Number of calls with this call priority that are answered within the service level time. | What's Next? |
Number and % Of Calls Met SL For Each Call Priority—% Priority 6 | Percentage of calls with this call priority that are answered within the service level time. | What's Next? |
Number and % Of Calls Met SL For Each Call Priority—Priority 7 | Number of calls with this call priority that are answered within the service level time. | What's Next? |
Number and % Of Calls Met SL For Each Call Priority—% Priority 7 | Percentage of calls with this call priority that are answered within the service level time. | What's Next? |
Number and % Of Calls Met SL For Each Call Priority—Priority 8 | Number of calls with this call priority that are answered within the service level time. | What's Next? |
Number and % Of Calls Met SL For Each Call Priority—% Priority 8 | Percentage of calls with this call priority that are answered within the service level time. | What's Next? |
Number and % Of Calls Met SL For Each Call Priority—Priority 9 | Number of calls with this call priority that are answered within the service level time. | What's Next? |
Number and % Of Calls Met SL For Each Call Priority—% Priority 9 | Percentage of calls with this call priority that are answered within the service level time. | What's Next? |
Number and % Of Calls Met SL For Each Call Priority—Priority 10 (High) | Number of calls with this call priority that are answered within the service level time. | What's Next? |
Number and % Of Calls Met SL For Each Call Priority—% Priority 10 | Percentage of calls with this call priority that are answered within the service level time. | What's Next? |
Cisco UCCX Inbound Reports: CSQ Agent Summary Report
The CSQ Agent Summary Report presents information about calls that are handled in each Contact Service Queue (CSQ) for each agent. An agent can handle calls for multiple CSQs. This report includes the average and total talk time for handled calls, average and total work time after calls, total ring time of calls routed, number of calls put on hold, average and total hold time for calls put on hold, and number of unanswered calls.
Using this data, you can create

Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
CSQ Name | CSQ to which the call is queued. | What's Next? |
CSQ ID | Unique ID of the CSQ. | What's Next? |
Agent Name | First and last name of the agent who handled calls for this CSQ. | What's Next? |
Extension | Unified CCX extension that Unified Communications Manager assigned to the agent. | What's Next? |
Calls Handled | Calls that are queued for this CSQ and answered by this agent during the report period. | What's Next? |
Talk Time—Avg | Average talk time for all calls that the agent handled for this CSQ. Talk time is the elapsed time between the time that an agent answers a call and the time the call is disconnected or transferred, not including hold time. Average talk time = Total talk time / Number of calls handled |
What's Next? |
Talk Time—Total | Total talk time for all calls that the agent handled for this CSQ. | What's Next? |
Work Time—Avg | Average time that an agent spent in Work state after calls. Average work time = Total work time / Number of handled calls |
What's Next? |
Work Time—Total | Total time that an agent spent in Work state after receiving calls. | What's Next? |
Total Ring Time | Elapsed time between the time that a call rang and the time the call was answered by an agent, routed to another agent, or disconnected. This field is blank if the call was not routed to an agent. | What's Next? |
Calls On Hold | Calls that the agent put on hold. | What's Next? |
Hold Time—Avg | Average hold time for calls that the agent put on hold. Not applicable to non-Unified CCX calls. Average hold time = Total hold time / Number of calls put on hold. |
What's Next? |
Hold Time—Total | Total time that the call is on hold. Not applicable to non-Unified CCX calls. | What's Next? |
Ring No Answer | Calls that were routed to the agent and the agent did not answer. | What's Next? |
Cisco UCCX Inbound Reports: CSQ All Fields Report
The CSQ All Fields Report presents the CSQ related data such as call statistics, Service Level and key fields like Average Queue Time, Average Speed of Answer, Calls Handled and Calls Abandoned under Service Level. This report combines the fields of all CSQ related reports.
Using this data, you can create

Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
CSQ Name | CSQ to which the call is queued. | What's Next? |
Service Level (sec) | Value that was entered in the Service Level field when the CSQ was set up in Unified CCX Administration. If the service level changes during the report period, the report shows the old and new service level values. | What's Next? |
Calls Presented | Calls routed to the CSQ regardless of whether an agent picked up the call. | What's Next? |
Calls Handled-Handled | Number of calls that are handled by the CSQ. | What's Next? |
Calls Handled-% | Percentage of calls that were handled by the CSQ. The percentage is calculated as follows: (Number of calls handled) / (Number of calls presented) x 100% |
What's Next? |
Calls Handled-Avg Handle Time | Average handle time for all calls that the CSQ handled. Handle time = Talk time + Hold time + Work time |
What's Next? |
Calls Handled-Max Handle Time | Longest handle time for any call that the CSQ handled. | What's Next? |
Calls Abandoned-Abandoned | Number of calls that were routed to the CSQ and were abandoned. | What's Next? |
Calls Abandoned-% | Percentage of calls that were routed to the CSQ and were abandoned. The percentage is calculated as follows: (Number of calls abandoned / Number of calls presented) x 100% |
What's Next? |
Calls Abandoned-Avg Abandoned Time | Average time that the calls spent in the queue before being abandoned. | What's Next? |
Calls Abandoned-Max Abandoned Time | Maximum time a call spent in the queue before being abandoned. | What's Next? |
Calls Dequeued-Dequeued | Number of calls that were dequeued. | What's Next? |
Calls Dequeued-% | Percentage of calls that were dequeued. The percentage is calculated as follows: (Number of calls dequeued / Number of calls presented) x 100% |
What's Next? |
Calls Dequeued-Avg Dequeued Time | Average time that the calls spent in the queue before being dequeued. | What's Next? |
Calls Dequeued-Max Dequeued Time | Maximum time a call spent in the queue before being dequeued. | What's Next? |
Avg Speed of Answer | Average answer speed = Total queue time / Calls handled | What's Next? |
Calls Handled < Service Level | Calls that are handled within the time shown in the Service Level field. A call is handled when an agent picks up the call. | What's Next? |
Calls Abandoned < Service Level | Calls that are abandoned within the time shown in the Service Level field. A call is abandoned if the call disconnects before connecting to an agent. | What's Next? |
Avg Abandon Per Day | Average abandoned calls in a day = Number of calls abandoned / Number of days. | What's Next? |
Max Abandon Per Day | Largest number of calls abandoned on a single day. | What's Next? |
Calls Handled by Other | Total of the following calls: - Calls that are queued for the CSQ, then dequeued by the Dequeue step in a workflow, then marked as handled by the Set Contact Info step in the workflow. - Calls that are queued for more than one CSQ and then handled by another CSQ. |
What's Next? |
Avg Queue Time | Average queue time for all calls routed to the CSQ. | What's Next? |
Max Queue Time | Longest queue time of any one call that was routed to the CSQ. | What's Next? |
Cisco UCCX Inbound Reports: Detailed Call by Call CCDR Report
The Detailed Call by Call CCDR Report presents most of the information that is contained in the Contact Call Detail Record (CCDR), which is stored in the Unified CCX database. This report also includes information from the contact routing and the agent connection detail records. The information in this report is for each leg of a call. (A call transfer or redirect initiates a new leg.)
Unified CCX does not support the translation or modification of the phone number that is used to dial out the outbound calls. This is due to the voice translation rules that are configured in the gateway. Inconsistent behavior is observed in the Answering Machine Treatment also when the translation rules are configured. You can use either of the below two supported methods to modify a dialed number in the gateway:
- To remove the initial digits of the phone number use forward-digits or digit-strip in the dial peer configuration.>
- To add a prefix to the phone number use prefix in the dial peer configuration.
Using this data, you can create

Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
Node ID - Session ID - Sequence No | Node ID is the unique numeric ID, which starts from 1, that the system assigns to each Unified CCX server in the cluster. Session ID is the unique session ID that the system assigns to a call. Session sequence number is the number that the system assigns to each call leg. The session sequence number increases by 1 for each leg of a call. Together, these three values uniquely identify an Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) call that is processed by the system. |
What's Next? |
Call Start Time | Date and time the call starts. | What's Next? |
Call End Time | Date and time the call disconnected, transferred, or redirected. | What's Next? |
Contact Type | Contact type of a call.
1 = Incoming. Outside call that is received by Unified CCX. 2 = Outgoing. Call that originated from the Unified CCX Computer Telephony Interface (CTI) port, other than the call that is made within the system. 3 = Internal. Call that is transferred or conferenced between agents, or a call that is made within the system. 4 = Redirect. A previous call leg that redirected the call to this leg. 5 = Transfer-in. A previous call leg that transferred the call to this leg. 6 = Preview Outbound. Call that originated from a Unified CCX agent phone to an outside destination, after an agent accepts a preview call. 7 = IVR Outbound. Call that originated from a Unified CCX outbound dialer to an outside destination for an IVR outbound campaign. 8 = Agent Outbound. Call that originated from a Unified CCX outbound dialer to an outside destination for an agent progressive or predictive outbound campaign. |
What's Next? |
Contact Disposition | Disposition of a call. 1—Abandoned 2—Handled 4—Aborted 5 to 98—Rejected 99—Cleaned |
What's Next? |
Originator Type | Originator of the call. 1= Agent. Call that originated from an agent. Displays the Unified CCX extension of the agent. 2 = Device. Call that originated from a device that is not associated to an agent or from a device that is associated to an agent, but the agent is not currently logged in. Displays the Computer Telephony Interface (CTI) port number that is associated with the route point that the caller dialed. 3 = Unknown. Call that originated from an outside caller through a gateway or from an unmonitored device. Displays the telephone number of the caller. |
What's Next? |
Originator ID | Login identification of the agent who originated the call, if Originator Type is 1. | What's Next? |
Originator DN | Originator telephone number. | What's Next? |
Destination Type | Destination of the call. 1 = Agent. Call that is presented to an agent. Displays the Unified CCX extension or the non-Unified CCX extension of the agent. 2 = Device. Call that is presented to a route point. Displays the CTI port number that is associated with the route point on which the call is answered. 3 = Unknown. Call that is presented either to an outside destination through a gateway or to an unmonitored device. Displays the telephone number that is dialed. |
What's Next? |
Destination ID | Login identification of the agent who received the call, if Destination Type is 1. | What's Next? |
Destination DN | Destination telephone number. | What's Next? |
Called Number | If the call was a transfer, this field shows the number that the call was transferred to. In other cases, this information is the same as the Original Called Number. | What's Next? |
Original Called No. | Number that is originally dialed by the caller—either a route point number or an agent extension. | What's Next? |
Application Name | Unified CCX or Unified IP IVR application that is associated with the route point. | What's Next? |
Queue Time | Elapsed time between the time a call entered the Contact Service Queue (CSQ) and the time that the call rang. This value is zero for other calls. Summary info—Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |
Talk Time | Elapsed time between the time that an agent answered the call and the time the call was disconnected or transferred, not including hold time. This value is 0 for other calls. Summary info—Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |
Hold Time | Elapsed time between the time that an agent first put the call on hold and the time the agent last took the call off hold, not including talk time. This field is blank for other calls. Summary info—Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |
Work Time | Time that an agent spent in Work state after the call. This field is blank for other calls. Summary info—Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |
Cisco UCCX Inbound Reports: Detailed Call CSQ Agent Report
The Detailed Call CSQ Agent Report presents call information about the Contact Service Queue (CSQ) that a call was routed to and the agent that handled the call.
Using this data, you can create

Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
Node ID - Session ID - Sequence No | Node ID is the unique numeric ID, which starts from 1, that the system assigns to each Unified CCX server in the cluster. Session ID is the unique session ID that the system assigns to a call. Session sequence number is the number that the system assigns to each call leg. The session sequence number increases by 1 for each leg of a call. Together, these three values uniquely identify an Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) call that is processed by the system. |
What's Next? |
Start Time | Date and time the call starts. | What's Next? |
End Time | Date and time the call disconnected, transferred, or redirected. | What's Next? |
Contact Disposition | Disposition of a call. 1—Abandoned 2—Handled 4—Aborted 5 to 98—Rejected 99—Cleaned |
What's Next? |
Originator DN (Calling Number) | The originator directory number. This number is the same as the calling number. Originator Type can be agent, device, or unknown. If Originator Type is agent, this field shows the Unified CCX extension of the agent. If the call is attended at the non-IPCC extension, then the non-IPCC extension is displayed. If the call is made from a non-IPCC extension, then the non-IPCC extension is displayed. - If Originator Type is device, this field shows the CTI port number. - If Originator Type is unknown (through a gateway or an unmonitored device), this field shows the telephone number of the caller. |
What's Next? |
Destination (DN) | The destination directory number. Destination Type can be agent, device, or unknown. - If Destination Type is agent, this field shows the Unified CCX extension of the agent. - If destination type is device, this field shows the CTI port number. - If destination type is unknown (through a gateway or an unmonitored device), this field shows the telephone number called. |
What's Next? |
Called Number | Number that is originally dialed by the caller. If the call is a transfer, then the number that the call is transferred to is displayed. | What's Next? |
Application Name | Unified CCX or Unified IP IVR application that is associated with the route point. | What's Next? |
Destination ID | Login identification of the agent who received the call, if Destination Type is 1. | What's Next? |
CSQ Names | Name or names of the CSQ or queues for which the call was queued. This field displays up to five CSQs separated by commas. The CSQ that handled the call is marked with an asterisk (*) and appears at the beginning of the list. This field is blank if the call is not queued for any CSQ. | What's Next? |
Queue Time | Elapsed time between the time a call entered the Contact Service Queue (CSQ) and the time that the call rang. Summary info—Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |
Agent Name | First name and last name of the agent. | What's Next? |
Ring Time | Elapsed time between the time that a call rang and the time that the call was answered by an agent, routed to another agent, or disconnected. This field is blank if the call was not routed to an agent. Summary info—Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |
Talk Time | Time that the agent spent in Talking state. Summary info—Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |
Work Time | Time that the agent spent in Work state. Summary info—Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |
Cisco UCCX Inbound Reports: Priority Summary Activity Report
The Priority Summary Activity Report presents call information for each call priority.
Using this data, you can create

Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
Call Priority | Final priority that the Unified CCX workflow assigns to the call when the call is received. 1—Lowest. 10—Highest. N/A—Call is abandoned before a priority is assigned. |
What's Next? |
Total Calls | Number of calls that are assigned a particular priority level as their final priority level. | What's Next? |
Avg Calls (per day) | Daily average number of calls that received a particular priority level as their final priority level. | What's Next? |
Total Multi Priority Calls | Calls that ended with a different priority level than the priority that was assigned when the call was received. | What's Next? |
Avg Priority Changes | Average number of calls per day that ended with a different priority level than the priority that was assigned when the call was received. | What's Next? |
Max Priority Changes | Maximum difference between a priority level assigned to a call when it was received and the priority level set when the call ended. | What's Next? |
Avg Multi Priority Calls | Average difference between a priority level assigned to a call when it was received and the priority level set when the call ended. | What's Next? |
Cisco UCCX Inbound Reports: Traffic Analysis Report
The Traffic Analysis Report presents information about incoming calls to the Unified CCX system. The information is provided for each day in the report range and includes information about the peak hour of the day.
Using this data, you can create

Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
Date | Date for which information is provided. | What's Next? |
Total Incoming Calls | Total number of calls that are received by the Cisco Unified CCX system for the day. Summary info—Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |
Avg Calls (per hour) | Average number of calls that are received during each hour for the day. Summary info—Maximum value in this column. |
What's Next? |
Peak Calls (by hour) | Number of calls that are received during the peak hour. Summary info—Maximum value in this column. |
What's Next? |
Peak Hour—Start | Start time of the hour in a day during which the largest number of calls were received. | What's Next? |
Peak Hour—End | End time of the hour in a day during which the largest number of calls were received. | What's Next? |
Call Duration—Avg | Average call length for the day. Summary info—Maximum value in this column. |
What's Next? |
Call Duration—Min | Length of the shortest call for the day. Summary info—Minimum value in this column. |
What's Next? |
Call Duration—Max | Length of the longest call for the day. Summary info—Maximum value in this column. |
What's Next? |

Cisco UCCX Inbound Reports: Traffic Analysis Report
The Traffic Analysis Report presents information about incoming calls to the Unified CCX system. The information is provided for each day in the report range and includes information about the peak hour of the day.
Using this data, you can create

Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
Date | Date for which information is provided. | What's Next? |
Total Incoming Calls | Total number of calls that are received by the Cisco Unified CCX system for the day. Summary info—Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |
Avg Calls (per hour) | Average number of calls that are received during each hour for the day. Summary info—Maximum value in this column. |
What's Next? |
Peak Calls (by hour) | Number of calls that are received during the peak hour. Summary info—Maximum value in this column. |
What's Next? |
Peak Hour—Start | Start time of the hour in a day during which the largest number of calls were received. | What's Next? |
Peak Hour—End | End time of the hour in a day during which the largest number of calls were received. | What's Next? |
Call Duration—Avg | Average call length for the day. Summary info—Maximum value in this column. |
What's Next? |
Call Duration—Min | Length of the shortest call for the day. Summary info—Minimum value in this column. |
What's Next? |
Call Duration—Max | Length of the longest call for the day. Summary info—Maximum value in this column. |
What's Next? |

Cisco UCCX Outbound Call Reports:
- - Agent Outbound Campaign Summary Report ,
- - Agent Outbound CCDR Report ,
- - Agent Outbound Half Hourly Report ,
- - IVR Outbound Campaign Summary Report ,
- - IVR Outbound CCDR Report ,
- - IVR Outbound Half Hourly Report ,
- - Outbound Agent Detail Performance Report ,
- - Preview Outbound Agent Detail Performance Report ,
- - Preview Outbound Campaign Summary Report
Cisco UCCX Outbound Reports: Agent Outbound Campaign Summary Report
The Agent Outbound Campaign Summary Report provides call statistics for agent-based progressive and predictive outbound campaigns.
The report displays data only for the campaigns for which at least one contact is dialed out in the selected time range.
Using this data, you can create

Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
Campaign | Name of the agent outbound campaign. | What's Next? |
Contacts—Total | Total number of contacts that are imported for the campaign. The number of contacts include all the contacts that were imported at the time the report is generated and is independent of the end date that you choose when you generated the report. Contacts—Total = Imported contacts in the campaign that are yet to be dialed out (including the contacts that are marked for retry or callback) + Contacts that are deleted from the start date + Contacts that are closed by the system from the day before the start date (either the contacts are dialed out successfully or the maximum number of attempts are made to dial the contact). Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. |
What's Next? |
Contacts—Attempted | Number of attempted outbound contacts.
Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. |
What's Next? |
Contacts—Remaining | Number of contacts that are yet to be dialed out including the contacts that are marked for retry, callback, and the contacts that will never be dialed out as they are deleted from the campaign after importing. The contacts include data till the time the report is generated and is independent of the end date that is chosen while generating the report If there are no contacts that are to be retried or called back, then Total contacts = Attempted contacts + Remaining contacts. Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. |
What's Next? |
Contacts—% Attempted | Percentage of attempted outbound calls. Attempted % = (Attempted / Total Contacts) * 100 Summary info—Overall attempted percentage. |
What's Next? |
Calls—Voice | Number of outbound calls that are detected as live voice and connected to the IVR trigger. Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. |
What's Next? |
Calls—Answering Machine | Number of outbound calls that reach an answering machine. Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. |
What's Next? |
Calls—Invalid | Number of outbound calls that reach an invalid number. Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. Summary info—Minimum value in this column. |
What's Next? |
Calls—Fax/Modem | Number of outbound calls that reach a fax or modem. Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. |
What's Next? |
Calls—No Answer | Number of outbound calls that are not answered. Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. |
What's Next? |
Calls—Busy | Number of outbound calls that receive a busy signal. Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. |
What's Next? |
Calls—Failed | Number of outbound calls that failed. Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. |
What's Next? |
Calls—Customer/Agent Abandoned | Number of outbound calls that are considered abandoned, since the call was disconnected either by the customer or agent within the Abandoned Call Wait Time that is configured in the Unified CCX Application Administration web interface. Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. |
What's Next? |
Calls—System Abandoned | Number of outbound calls that are abandoned by the system. Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. |
What's Next? |
Calls—Requested Callback | Number of calls that are marked for callback. Note: A call that is accepted by the agent, marked for callback, later routed to and accepted by another agent (at the callback time), and again marked for callback is counted twice toward the number of callback calls. Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. |
What's Next? |
Talk Time—Avg | Average time in HH:MM:SS that the agent spends talking on outbound calls. Duration of all calls that are Agent Accepted and classified as Voice. | What's Next? |
Talk Time—Max | Longest time in HH:MM:SS that the agent spends talking on an outbound call for the campaign. Duration of all calls that are Agent Accepted and classified as Voice. Summary info—Maximum value in this column. |
What's Next? |

Cisco UCCX Outbound Reports: Agent Outbound CCDR Report
The Agent Outbound CCDR Report provides progressive and predictive agent outbound call-related information, which is stored in the Unified CCX database. This report provides information for each leg of a call.
Unified CCX does not support the translation or modification of the phone number that is used to dial out the outbound calls. This is due to the voice translation rules that are configured in the gateway. Inconsistent behavior is observed in the Answering Machine Treatment also when the translation rules are configured. You can use either of the below two supported methods to modify a dialed number in the gateway:
- To remove the initial digits of the phone number use forward-digits or digit-strip in the dial peer configuration.
- To add a prefix to the phone number use prefix in the dial peer configuration.
Using this data, you can create

Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
Node ID-Session ID-Sequence Number | Node ID is the unique numeric ID, which starts from 1, that the system assigns to each Unified CCX server in the cluster. Session ID is the unique session ID that the system assigns to a call. Session sequence number is the number that the system assigns to each call leg. The session sequence number increases by 1 for each leg of a call. Together, these three values uniquely identify an Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) call that is processed by the system. |
What's Next? |
Start Time | Date and time the call starts. | What's Next? |
End Time | Date and time the call is disconnected or transferred. | What's Next? |
Contact Disposition | Disposition of a call. 1—Abandoned 2—Handled 4—Aborted 5 to 98—Rejected 99—Cleaned |
What's Next? |
Originator—Type | Originator of the call. 1= Agent. Call that originated from an agent. Displays the Unified CCX extension of the agent. 2 = Device. Call that originated from a device that is not associated to an agent or from a device that is associated to an agent, but the agent is not currently logged in. Displays the Computer Telephony Interface (CTI) port number that is associated with the route point that the caller dialed. 3 = Unknown. Call that originated from an outside caller through a gateway or from an unmonitored device. Displays the telephone number of the caller. |
What's Next? |
Originator—ID | Login ID of the agent. This field is populated only if Originator—Type is 1. This field is populated only if the call is transferred from the script to an agent. | What's Next? |
Originator—Directory Number | Originator's telephone number. | What's Next? |
Destination—Type | Destination of the call. 1 = Agent. Call that is presented to an agent. Displays the Unified CCX extension or the non-Unified CCX extension of the agent. 2 = Device. Call that is presented to a route point. Displays the CTI port number that is associated with the route point on which the call is answered. 3 = Unknown. Call that is presented either to an outside destination through a gateway or to an unmonitored device. Displays the telephone number that is dialed. |
What's Next? |
Destination—ID | Login ID of the agent. This field is populated only if Destination—Type is 1.This field is blank unless the call is made to a extension where the agent is logged in. | What's Next? |
Destination—Directory Number | Destination telephone number. | What's Next? |
Call Status | Number of outbound calls that receive a busy signal. Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. |
What's Next? |
Calls—Failed | Number of outbound calls that failed. Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. |
What's Next? |
Calls—Customer/Agent Abandoned | Status of the contact that was imported to dial out an outbound call. The call status value is updated with the most recent status of the contact. 1—Pending. Call is pending. 2—Active. Record is sent to the outbound subsystem for dialing. 3—Closed. Record is closed. 4—Callback. Record is marked for a callback. 5—Max Calls. Maximum attempts are made for the record, so it is closed. 6—Retry. Call is redialed immediately whenever there is any miss in the callbacks for Retries with Delay. 7—Unknown. If the outbound system is restarted with active records then the records are moved to Unknown state. 8—Retries with Delay. Call is redialed because the contact was either busy or did not answer, or the customer or the system abandoned the call. Retry time is set according to the corresponding configuration in the Unified CCX Application Administration web interface. |
What's Next? |
Call Result | Call result value for the outbound call. The call result value is updated for each call that was placed for an outbound contact. 1—Customer answers and is connected to an agent. 2— Fax machine or modem is detected. 3— Answering machine is detected. 4— Network reports an invalid number. 5—Customer does not want to be called again. 6—Call connected, but wrong number. 7—Call connected, but reached the wrong person. 8—Customer requests callback. This is not applicable for IVR-based outbound campaigns. 11—Busy tone is detected. 15—Customer phone timed out because either the customer did not answer or there is a gateway failure. 16—Call is abandoned because of the following reasons: The Interactive Voice Response (IVR) port is not available or Unified CCX fails to transfer the call to the IVR port. The agent is not available or Unified CCX fails to transfer the call to the agent. 17— Call failed due any one of the following reasons: Dialer asked the Gateway to cancel a call that has not yet been placed Gateway has declined the call Gateway is down or Gateway has timed out while placing the call Gateway failure or configuration issues at the Gateway. 18—Customer or agent abandons the call. The customer or the agent disconnects the call within the Abandoned Call Wait Time that is configured in the Unified CCX Application Administration web interface. |
What's Next? |
Campaign Name | Name of the agent outbound campaign. | What's Next? |

Cisco UCCX Outbound Reports: Agent Outbound Half Hourly Report
The Agent Outbound Half Hourly Report provides information about progressive and predictive agent outbound calls for every half hour in the time range when the campaign is active.
The campaign may stop few seconds after the specified End Time. Therefore, the report may provide information for an additional half hour interval. This half hour interval has information for the outbound calls that are dialed out before the campaign End Time, response for which is received after the campaign End Time.
Using this data, you can create

Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
Campaign Name | Name of the agent outbound campaign for which the data is recorded. | What's Next? |
Start Time | Date and time the call starts. | What's Next? |
End Time | Date and time the call is disconnected or transferred. | What's Next? |
Total Attempted Calls | Number of attempted calls. Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. |
What's Next? |
Total Live Voice Calls | Number of voice calls. Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. |
What's Next? |
Total Abandoned Calls | Number of system abandoned calls. Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. |
What's Next? |
Lines Per Agent | Displays the LPA (Lines Per Agent) value for a campaign at the end of the half hour interval. For Progressive campaigns, the LPA value is configured through the Unified CCX Application Administration web interface. For Predictive campaigns, the LPA value is calculated by the predictive algorithm. | What's Next? |
Abandoned Rate | Call abandon rate since the statistics were last reset. Abandon rate = (Abandoned / Voice + Abandoned) x 100 |
What's Next? |

Cisco UCCX Outbound Reports: IVR Outbound Campaign Summary Report
The IVR Outbound Campaign Summary Report presents call statistics for each outbound Interactive Voice Response (IVR) campaign. This report displays the call summary for progressive and predictive outbound campaigns.
The report displays data only for the campaigns for which at least one contact is dialed out in the selected time range.
Using this data, you can create

Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
Campaign Name | Name of the outbound IVR campaign. | What's Next? |
Contacts—Total | Total number of contacts that are imported for the campaign. The number of contacts include all the contacts that were imported at the time the report is generated and is independent of the end date that you choose when you generated the report. Contacts—Total = Imported contacts in the campaign that are yet to be dialed out (including the contacts that are marked for retry or callback) + Contacts that are deleted from the start date + Contacts that are closed by the system from the day before the start date (either the contacts are dialed out successfully or the maximum number of attempts are made to dial the contact). Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. |
What's Next? |
Contacts—Attempted | Number of attempted outbound IVR contacts. Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. |
What's Next? |
Contacts—Remaining | Number of contacts that are yet to be dialed out including the contacts that are marked for retry, callback, and the contacts that will never be dialed out as they are deleted from the campaign after importing. The contacts include data till the time the report is generated and is independent of the end date that is chosen while generating the report. If there are no contacts that are to be retried or called back, then Total contacts = Attempted contacts + Remaining contacts. Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. |
What's Next? |
Contacts—% Attempted | Percentage of attempted outbound IVR calls. Attempted % = (Attempted / Total Contacts) * 100 Summary info—Overall attempted percentage |
What's Next? |
Calls—Voice | Number of outbound calls that are detected as live voice and connected to the IVR trigger. Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. |
What's Next? |
Calls—Answering Machine | Number of outbound IVR calls that reach an answering machine. Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. |
What's Next? |
Calls—Invalid | Number of outbound IVR calls that reach an invalid number. Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. |
What's Next? |
Calls—Fax/Modem | Number of outbound IVR calls that reach a fax or modem. Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. |
What's Next? |
Calls—No Answer | Number of outbound IVR calls that are not answered. Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. |
What's Next? |
Calls—Busy | Number of outbound IVR calls that receive a busy signal. Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. |
What's Next? |
Calls—Failed | Number of outbound IVR calls that failed. Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. |
What's Next? |
Calls—Customer Abandoned | Number of outbound IVR calls that are abandoned by the customer. Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. |
What's Next? |
Calls—System Abandoned | Number of outbound IVR calls that are abandoned by the system. Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. |
What's Next? |

Cisco UCCX Outbound Reports: IVR Outbound CCDR Report
The IVR Outbound CCDR Report provides Interactive Voice Response (IVR) call-related information, which is stored in the Unified CCX database. This report provides information for each leg of a call.
- Transferring an Outbound IVR call to an agent using Select Resource step is not supported in Unified CCX.
- Use the Call Subflow step to invoke another script instead of using the Call Redirect step for an Outbound IVR call.
Unified CCX does not support the translation or modification of the phone number that is used to dial out the outbound calls. This is due to the voice translation rules that are configured in the gateway. Inconsistent behavior is observed in the Answering Machine Treatment also when the translation rules are configured. You can use either of the below two supported methods to modify a dialed number in the gateway:
- To remove the initial digits of the phone number use forward-digits or digit-strip in the dial peer configuration.
- To add a prefix to the phone number use prefix in the dial peer configuration.
Using this data, you can create

Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
Node ID-Session ID-Sequence Number | Node ID is the unique numeric ID, which starts from 1, that the system assigns to each Unified CCX server in the cluster. Session ID is the unique session ID that the system assigns to a call. Session sequence number is the number that the system assigns to each call leg. The session sequence number increases by 1 for each leg of a call. Together, these three values uniquely identify an Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) call that is processed by the system. |
What's Next? |
Start Time | Date and time the call starts. | What's Next? |
End Time | Date and time the call is disconnected or transferred. | What's Next? |
Contact Disposition | Disposition of a call. 1—Abandoned 2—Handled 4—Aborted 5 to 98—Rejected 99—Cleaned |
What's Next? |
Originator—Type | Originator of the call. 1= Agent. Call that originated from an agent. Displays the Unified CCX extension of the agent. 2 = Device. Call that originated from a device that is not associated to an agent or from a device that is associated to an agent, but the agent is not currently logged in. Displays the Computer Telephony Interface (CTI) port number that is associated with the route point that the caller dialed. 3 = Unknown. Call that originated from an outside caller through a gateway or from an unmonitored device. Displays the telephone number of the caller. |
What's Next? |
Originator—ID | Login ID of the agent. This field is populated only if Originator—Type is 1. This field is populated only if the call is transferred from the script to an agent. | What's Next? |
Originator Directory Number | Originator's telephone number. | What's Next? |
Destination—Type | Destination of the call. 1 = Agent. Call that is presented to an agent. Displays the Unified CCX extension or the non-Unified CCX extension of the agent. 2 = Device. Call that is presented to a route point. Displays the CTI port number that is associated with the route point on which the call is answered. 3 = Unknown. Call that is presented either to an outside destination through a gateway or to an unmonitored device. Displays the telephone number that is dialed. |
What's Next? |
Destination—ID | Login ID of the agent. This field is populated only if Destination—Type is 1. This field is blank unless the call is made to a extension where the agent is logged in. | What's Next? |
Destination—Directory Number | Destination telephone number. | What's Next? |
Trigger Directory Number | Number that is dialed by the outbound IVR dialer. It can be either a route point number or the dialed telephone number. | What's Next? |
Application Name | Unified CCX or Unified IP IVR application that is associated with the route point. | What's Next? |
Call Status | Status of the contact that was imported to dial out an outbound call. The call status value is updated with the most recent status of the contact. 1—Pending. Call is pending. 2—Active. Record is sent to the outbound subsystem for dialing. 3—Closed. Record is closed. 4—Callback. Record is marked for a callback. 5—Max Calls. Maximum attempts are made for the record, so it is closed. 6—Retry. Call is redialed immediately whenever there is any miss in the callbacks for Retries with Delay. 7—Unknown. If the outbound system is restarted with active records then the records are moved to Unknown state. 8—Retries with Delay. Call is redialed because the contact was either busy or did not answer, or the customer or the system abandoned the call Retry time is set according to the corresponding configuration in the Unified CCX Application Administration web interface. |
What's Next? |
Call Result | Call result value for the outbound call. The call result value is updated for each call that was placed for an outbound contact. 1—Customer answers and is connected to an agent. 2— Fax machine or modem is detected. 3— Answering machine is detected. 4— Network reports an invalid number. 5—Customer does not want to be called again. 6—Call connected, but wrong number. 7—Call connected, but reached the wrong person. 8—Customer requests callback. This is not applicable for IVR-based outbound campaigns. 11—Busy tone is detected. 15—Customer phone timed out because either the customer did not answer or there is a gateway failure. 16—Call is abandoned because of the following reasons: The Interactive Voice Response (IVR) port is not available or Unified CCX fails to transfer the call to the IVR port. The agent is not available or Unified CCX fails to transfer the call to the agent. 17— Call failed due any one of the following reasons: Dialer asked the Gateway to cancel a call that has not yet been placed Gateway has declined the call Gateway is down or Gateway has timed out while placing the call Gateway failure or configuration issues at the Gateway. 18—Customer or agent abandons the call. The customer or the agent disconnects the call within the Abandoned Call Wait Time that is configured in the Unified CCX Application Administration web interface. |
What's Next? |
Campaign Name | Name of the IVR outbound campaign. | What's Next? |

Cisco UCCX Outbound Reports: IVR Outbound Half Hourly Report
The IVR Outbound Half Hourly Report provides information about the progressive and predictive outbound Interactive Voice Response (IVR) calls for every half hour in the time range when the campaign is active.
- The campaign may stop few seconds after the specified End Time. Therefore, the report may provide information for an additional half hour interval. This half hour interval has information for the outbound calls that are dialed out before the campaign End Time, response for which is received after the campaign End Time.
Using this data, you can create

Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
Campaign Name | Name of the IVR outbound campaign for which the data is recorded. | What's Next? |
Start Time | Start date and time of the interval. | What's Next? |
End Time | End date and time of the interval. | What's Next? |
Total Attempted Calls | Number of attempted calls. Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. |
What's Next? |
Total Live Voice Calls | Number of voice calls. Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. |
What's Next? |
Total Abandoned Calls | Number of abandoned calls. Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. |
What's Next? |
Lines Per Port | Displays the LPP (Lines Per Port) value for a campaign at the end of the half hour interval. For Progressive campaigns, the LPP value is configured through the Unified CCX Application Administration web interface. For Predictive campaigns, the LPP value is calculated by the predictive algorithm. | What's Next? |
Abandoned Rate | Call abandon rate since the statistics were last reset. Abandon rate = (Abandoned / Voice + Abandoned) x 100 |
What's Next? |

Cisco UCCX Outbound Reports: Outbound Agent Detail Performance Report
The Outbound Agent Detail Performance Report provides detailed statistics for each agent by campaign (progressive and predictive). The report also provides the total call details, campaign call details for each agent, and a summary row of the call details for each agent for all agent-based progressive and predictive campaigns. This report is available with the Outbound feature.
Using this data, you can create

Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
Agent Name | First name and last name of the agent. | What's Next? |
Campaign | Name of the campaign. | What's Next? |
RNA | Number of outbound calls that the agent did not answer. Ring-no-answer (RNA). Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. |
What's Next? |
Transfer | Number of outbound calls that are transferred from another agent. The other agent dials the outbound call and transfers it to the agent. Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. |
What's Next? |
Talk Time—Avg | Average time in HH:MM:SS that the agent spends talking on outbound calls. Duration of all calls that are Agent Accepted and classified as Voice. | What's Next? |
Talk Time—Max | Longest time in HH:MM:SS that the agent spends talking on an outbound call for the campaign. Calls that are Agent Accepted and classified as Voice are considered. | What's Next? |

Cisco UCCX Outbound Reports: Preview Outbound Agent Detail Performance Report
The Preview Outbound Agent Detail Performance Report presents detailed statistics for each agent by campaign. The report also presents the total call details, campaign call details for each agent, and a summary row of the call details for each agent for all preview outbound campaigns. This report is available with the Outbound feature.
Using this data, you can create

Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
Agent Name | First name and last name of the agent. | What's Next? |
Campaign | Name of the campaign. | What's Next? |
Offered | Number of outbound calls that are offered to the agent. Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. |
What's Next? |
Accepted | Total number of outbound calls that are accepted by the agent. Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. |
What's Next? |
Rejected | Number of outbound calls that are rejected by the agent. Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. |
What's Next? |
Closed | Number of outbound contacts that are closed by the agent. Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. |
What's Next? |
RNA | Number of outbound calls the agent did not answer. Ring-no-answer (RNA). Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. |
What's Next? |
Transfer | Number of outbound calls that are transferred from another agent. The agent did not dial an outbound call; the other agent dials the outbound call and transfers it to the agent. Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. |
What's Next? |
Talk Time—Avg | Average time in HH:MM:SS the agent spends talking on outbound calls. Duration of all calls that are Agent Accepted and classified as Voice. | What's Next? |
Talk Time—Max | Longest time in HH:MM:SS the agent spends talking on an outbound call for the campaign. Calls that are Agent Accepted and classified as Voice are considered. | What's Next? |

Cisco UCCX Outbound Reports: Preview Outbound Campaign Summary Report
The Preview Outbound Campaign Summary Report presents call summary statistics for each campaign. This report is available with the Unified Outbound Preview Dialer (Outbound) feature.
Using this data, you can create

Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
Campaign | Name of the campaign. | What's Next? |
Total | Total number of contacts that are imported for the campaign. The number of contacts include all the contacts that were imported at the time the report is generated and is independent of the end date that you choose when you generated the report. Contacts—Total = Imported contacts in the campaign that are yet to be dialed out (including the contacts that are marked for retry or callback) + Contacts that are deleted from the start date + Contacts that are closed by the system from the day before the start date (either the contacts are dialed out successfully or the maximum number of attempts are made to dial the contact). Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. |
What's Next? |
Available | Number of contacts that are yet to be dialed out including the contacts that are marked for retry, callback, and the contacts that will never be dialed out as they are deleted from the campaign after importing. The contacts include data till the time the report is generated and is independent of the end date that is chosen while generating the report. If there are no contacts that are to be retried or called back, then Total contacts = Attempted contacts + Available contacts. Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. |
What's Next? |
Attempt | Number of outbound contact records that were tried atleast once . Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. |
What's Next? |
% Attempt | The percentage of attempted outbound calls. % Attempt = (Attempted / Total Contacts) x 100 Summary info—Overall percentage |
What's Next? |
Accepted | Number of outbound calls that are accepted by agents. Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. |
What's Next? |
Rejected | Number of outbound calls that are skipped or rejected by agents. Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. |
What's Next? |
Closed | Number of outbound contacts that are closed by agents. Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. |
What's Next? |
Voice | Number of successful outbound calls. Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. |
What's Next? |
Answering Machine | Number of daily outbound calls with a classification of Answering Machine. The agent clicks Accept and selects a classification of Answering Machine for this contact. Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. |
What's Next? |
Fax/Modem | Number of outbound calls with a classification of Fax/Modem. The agent clicks Accept and selects a classification of Fax/Modem for this contact. Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. |
What's Next? |
Invalid | Number of outbound calls for the day with a classification of Invalid. The agent clicks Accept and selects a classification of Invalid for this contact. Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. |
What's Next? |
Requested Callback | Number of calls that are marked for callback. Note: A call that is accepted by the agent, marked for callback, later routed to and accepted by another agent (at the callback time), and again marked for callback is counted twice toward the number of callback calls. Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. |
What's Next? |
Not Home | Number of outbound contacts where the person who answers the phone is not the customer. Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. |
What's Next? |
Wrong Number | Number of outbound contacts where the person who answers the phone indicates that the customer does not live there. Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. |
What's Next? |
Busy | Number of outbound calls where the response is a busy signal. Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. |
What's Next? |
Talk Time—Avg | Average time in HH:MM:SS the agent spends talking on outbound calls. Duration of all calls that are Agent Accepted and classified as Voice. | What's Next? |
Talk Time—Max | Longest time in HH:MM:SS the agent spends talking on an outbound call for the campaign. Duration of all calls that are Agent Accepted and classified as Voice. Summary info—Maximum value in this column. |
What's Next? |

Cisco UCCX Agent Contact Reports:
Cisco UCCX Agent Contact Reports: Agent All Fields Report
The Agent All Fields Report presents a historical view of the activity of selected agents, showing each agent's call summary details and agent state times. This report combines the fields that are displayed in other agent related reports.
Using this data, you can create
Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
Agent Name | First name and last name of the agent. | What's Next? |
Agent_ID | Login ID of the agent. | What's Next? |
Agent Extension | Last active Unified CCX extension that Unified Communications Manager assigned to the agent. | What's Next? |
Calls Presented | Calls that are sent to the agent, regardless of whether the agent picks up the call. If a call is connected to an agent, transferred to another agent, and then transferred back to the original agent, the value for the original agent increases by two (once for each time the call was presented). |
What's Next? |
Calls Handled | Calls that are connected to the agent. - If the agent establishes a conference with another agent, this value increases by one for the conferenced agent. - If the agent transfers a call and the call is transferred back to the agent, this value increases by two. |
What's Next? |
Calls Abandoned | Calls that are abandoned at the agent level. | What's Next? |
Total Logged-in Time | Total time that the agent is logged in to Unified CCX. | What's Next? |
Average Logged in Time | Average logged-in time = Logged-in time of the agent / Number of logged-in sessions of the agent | What's Next? |
Not Ready Time-Not Ready | Average logged-in time = Logged-in time of the agent / Number of logged-in sessions of the agent | What's Next? |
Time that the agent spent in Not Ready state. | Percentage of time that the agent spent in Not Ready state. | What's Next? |
Ready Time-Ready | Time that the agent spent in Ready state. | What's Next? |
Ready Time-% Ready | Percentage of time that the agent spent in Ready state. | What's Next? |
Reserved Time-Reserved | Time that the agent spent in Reserved state. | What's Next? |
Reserved Time-% Reserved | Percentage of time that the agent spent in Reserved state. | What's Next? |
Talk Time-Talking | Time that the agent spent in Talking state. | What's Next? |
Talk Time-% Talking | Percentage of time that the agent spent in Talking state. | What's Next? |
Work Time-Work | Time that the agent spent in Work state. | What's Next? |
Work Time-% Work | Percentage of time that the agent spent in Work state. | What's Next? |
Handle Time-Avg | Average handle time for all calls that the agent handled. Handle time = Talk time + Hold time + Work time |
What's Next? |
Handle Time-Max | Longest handle time of any call that the agent handled. | What's Next? |
Talk Time-Avg | Average talk time for calls that the agent handled. Elapsed time between the time an agent connects to a call and time when the call is disconnected or transferred, not including hold time. |
What's Next? |
Talk Time-Max | Longest talk time of any call that the agent handled. | What's Next? |
Hold Time-Avg | Average hold time for calls that the agent handled. | What's Next? |
Hold Time-Max | Longest hold time of any call that the agent handled. | What's Next? |
Work Time-Avg | Average time that an agent spent in Work state after calls. | What's Next? |
Work Time-Max | Longest time that an agent spent in Work state after a call. | What's Next? |
Idle Time-Avg | Average time that an agent spent in Not Ready state. | What's Next? |
Idle Time-Max | Longest time that an agent spent in Not Ready state. | What's Next? |
Handle Ratio | Handle ratio = Calls that the agent handled / Calls that are routed to the agent | What's Next? |
Total Inbound | Total calls that the agent receives. Total Inbound = Inbound Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) calls + Inbound non-ACD calls. |
What's Next? |
Inbound ACD-Total | Unified CCX calls that the agent receives. | What's Next? |
Inbound ACD-Avg Talk Time | Average time that the agent spent in Talking state for received Unified CCX calls. | What's Next? |
Inbound ACD-Avg Hold Time | Average time that the agent put the received Unified CCX calls on hold. | What's Next? |
Inbound ACD-Avg Work Time | Average time that the agent spent in Work state for received Unified CCX calls. | What's Next? |
Inbound Non-ACD On IPCC-Total | Non-Unified CCX calls that are received by the agent on a Unified CCX extension, including calls made by other agents and by outside parties. | What's Next? |
Inbound Non-ACD On IPCC-Avg Talk Time | Average time that the agent spent in Talking state for non-Unified CCX calls received on a Unified CCX extension. | What's Next? |
Inbound Non-ACD On IPCC-Max Talk Time | Maximum time that the agent spent in Talking state on a non-Unified CCX call received on a Unified CCX extension. | What's Next? |
Inbound Non-ACD On Non-IPCC-Total | Non-Unified CCX calls received by the agent on a non-Unified CCX extension including calls made by other agents and by outside parties. | What's Next? |
Inbound Non-ACD On Non-IPCC- Avg Talk Time | Average time that the agent spent in Talking state for non-Unified CCX calls received on a non-Unified CCX extension. | What's Next? |
Inbound Non-ACD On Non-IPCC- Max Talk Time | Maximum time that the agent spent in Talking state on a received non-Unified CCX call received on a non-Unified CCX extension. | What's Next? |
Outbound On IPCC-Total | Calls that the agent dials on a Unified CCX extension including both connected and attempted calls. | What's Next? |
Outbound On IPCC-Avg Call Time | Average call time of the outbound calls on a Unified CCX extension. | What's Next? |
Outbound On IPCC-Max Call Time | Maximum time that the agent spent in Talking state on an outbound call on a Unified CCX extension. | What's Next? |
Outbound On Non-IPCC-Total | Calls that the agent dials on a non-Unified CCX extension including both connected and attempted calls. | What's Next? |
Outbound On Non-IPCC-Avg Call Time | The average call time and the longest call time spent for the outbound calls on a non-Unified CCX extension. | What's Next? |
Outbound On Non-IPCC-Max Call Time | Maximum time that the agent spent in Talking state on an outbound call on a non-Unified CCX extension. | What's Next? |
ACD-Transfer In | Unified CCX calls that are transferred to the agent. | What's Next? |
Non-ACD-Transfer In | Non-Unified CCX calls that are transferred to the agent. | What's Next? |
ACD-Transfer Out | Unified CCX calls that the agent transfers out. | What's Next? |
Non-ACD-Transfer Out | Non-Unified CCX calls that the agent transfers out. | What's Next? |
ACD-Conference | Inbound Unified CCX conference calls in which the agent participates. | What's Next? |
Non-ACD-Conference | Non-Unified CCX conference calls in which the agent participates. | What's Next? |

Cisco UCCX Agent Contact Reports: Agent Call Summary Report
The Agent Call Summary Report presents the summary of each call that is dialed and received by the agent.
For inbound Unified CCX calls—Presents the average time that the agent spent in Talking and Work states, and the time that the agent put the calls on hold.
For non-Unified CCX calls—Presents the average and maximum talk time for the agent.
For outbound calls—Presents the average and maximum call time for the agent.
This report also presents the number of calls that are transferred in to and transferred out by the agent, and the number of conference calls in which the agent participated.
Using this data, you can create

Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
Agent Name | The IP address of the client computer where the licenses are issued. VARCHAR(30) | What's Next? |
Agent_ID | The Contact Center Manager feature issued to the client. VARCHAR(70) | What's Next? |
Extension IPCC | The maximum number of licenses held by the client computer in that interval. For example, the maximum number of licenses held each day. INT | What's Next? |
Extension Non IPCC | The date and time when the system pegs the data. DATETIME | What's Next? |
Total Inbound | The date and time when the system pegs the data. DATETIME | What's Next? |
Inbound ACD—Total | The date and time when the system pegs the data. DATETIME | What's Next? |
Inbound ACD—Avg Talk Time | The date and time when the system pegs the data. DATETIME | What's Next? |
Inbound ACD—Avg Hold Time | The date and time when the system pegs the data. DATETIME | What's Next? |
Inbound ACD—Avg Work Time | The date and time when the system pegs the data. DATETIME | What's Next? |
Inbound Non-ACD On IPCC—Total | The date and time when the system pegs the data. DATETIME | What's Next? |
Inbound Non-ACD On IPCC—Avg Talk Time | The date and time when the system pegs the data. DATETIME | What's Next? |
Inbound Non-ACD On IPCC—Max Talk Time | The date and time when the system pegs the data. DATETIME | What's Next? |
Inbound Non-ACD On Non-IPCC—Total | The date and time when the system pegs the data. DATETIME | What's Next? |
Inbound Non-ACD On Non-IPCC— Avg Talk Time | The date and time when the system pegs the data. DATETIME | What's Next? |
Inbound Non-ACD On Non-IPCC— Max Talk Time | The date and time when the system pegs the data. DATETIME | What's Next? |
Outbound On IPCC—Total | The date and time when the system pegs the data. DATETIME | What's Next? |
Outbound On IPCC—Avg Call Time | The date and time when the system pegs the data. DATETIME | What's Next? |
Outbound On IPCC—Max Call Time | Maximum time that the agent spent in Talking state on an outbound call on a Unified CCX extension. | What's Next? |
Outbound On Non-IPCC—Total | Calls that the agent dials on a non-Unified CCX extension including both connected and attempted calls. | What's Next? |
Outbound On Non-IPCC—Avg Call Time | The average call time and the longest call time spent for the outbound calls on a non-Unified CCX extension. | What's Next? |
Outbound On Non-IPCC—Max Call Time | Maximum time that the agent spent in Talking state on an outbound call on a non-Unified CCX extension. | What's Next? |
ACD—Transfer In | Unified CCX calls that are transferred to the agent. | What's Next? |
ACD—Transfer Out | Unified CCX calls that the agent transfers out. | What's Next? |
ACD—Conference | Inbound Unified CCX conference calls in which the agent participates. | What's Next? |

Cisco UCCX Agent Contact Reports: Agent Detail Report
The Agent Detail Report presents information about Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) and non-ACD calls that the agents handle, and ACD and non-ACD calls that the agents dial.
Using this data, you can create

Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
Agent Name | First name and last name of the agent. | What's Next? |
Agent ID | Login ID of the agent. | What's Next? |
Extension | Unified CCX extension that Unified Communications Manager assigned to the agent. | What's Next? |
Call Start Time | Date and time the call leg rings at the agent extension. | What's Next? |
Call End Time | Date and time the call leg is disconnected or transferred. | What's Next? |
Duration | Elapsed time between the call start time and the call end time. Summary info—Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |
Called Number | Telephone number that the caller dials. | What's Next? |
Call ANI | Originator's telephone number. (ANI = Automatic Number Identification) | What's Next? |
Call Routed CSQ | Contact Service Queue (CSQ) that handled the call. A call is considered handled if the caller is connected to an agent while queued for this CSQ. | What's Next? |
Other CSQs | If the call is queued to multiple CSQs, name of one of the CSQs to which the call was queued is displayed.
Displays "…" to indicate there are more CSQs to which the call was queued. |
What's Next? |
Call Skills | Skills that are associated with the CSQ that handled the call. | What's Next? |
Talk Time | Unified CCX calls—Elapsed time between the time an agent connects to the call and the time the call is disconnected or transferred, not including the hold time.
Non-Unified CCX calls—Elapsed time between the time an agent connects to the call and the time the call is disconnected or transferred. Summary info—Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |
Hold Time | Total time the agent put the calls on hold. Not applicable for non-Unified CCX calls.
Summary info—Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |
Work Time | Time that the agent spent in Work state after the call. Not applicable for non-Unified CCX calls.
Summary info—Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |
Call Type | Type of call. 1 = Conference.—Conference call. 2 = Inbound ACD.—Unified CCX call that is handled by an agent. 3 = Inbound non-ACD on IPCC.—Non-Unified CCX call that is received by the agent on a Unified CCX extension. 4 = Inbound non-ACD on non-IPCC.—Non-Unified CCX call that is received by the agent on a non-Unified CCX extension. 5 = Outbound on IPCC.—Call that an agent dials on a Unified CCX extension. 6 = Outbound on non-IPCC.—Call that an agent dials on a non-Unified CCX extension. 7 = Transfer-In.—Call that is transferred to an agent. 8 = Transfer-Out.—Call that the agent transfers out. |
What's Next? |

Cisco UCCX Agent State Reports:
- - Agent Login Logout Activity Report,
- - Agent Not Ready Reason Code Summary Report ,
- - Agent State Detail Report,
- - Agent State Summary by Agent Report,
- - Agent State Summary by Interval Report,
- - Agent Summary Report
- - Agent Wrap-up Data Summary Report
- - Agent Wrap-up Data Detail Report
- - Reason Code Report by Agent Grouping
- - Reason Code Report - Reason Grouping
Cisco UCCX Agent State Reports: Agent Login Logout Activity Report
The Agent Login Logout Activity Report presents each agent's login and logout date and time for each login session during the report period, and the reason code that an agent entered when logging out.
Using this data, you can create

Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
Agent Name | First name and last name of the agent. | What's Next? |
Agent ID | Login ID of the agent. | What's Next? |
Extension | Last active Unified CCX extension that Unified Communications Manager assigned to the agent. | What's Next? |
Agent Login Details—LBLT | Less-than sign (<) indicates that the agent logged in before the report period. (LBLT = Logged In Before Login Time) | What's Next? |
Agent Login Details—Login Time | Date and time that the agent logged in. | What's Next? |
Agent Logout Details—LOALT | Greater-than sign (>) indicates that the agent is still logged in when the report is generated. (LOALT = Logged Out After Logout Time) | What's Next? |
Agent Logout Details—Logout Time | Date and time that the agent logged out. | What's Next? |
Logout Reason Code | Numeric reason code that the agent enters when the agent logs out from the desktop. Zero indicates that no logout reason code is configured or that the agent was unable to enter a reason code.
To view the list of reason codes and their descriptions, see the "Predefined reason codes" section below. |
What's Next? |
Logged-In Duration | Elapsed time between the login time and the logout time.
Summary info—Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |

Cisco UCCX Agent State Reports: Agent Not Ready Reason Code Summary Report
The Agent Not Ready Reason Code Summary Report presents the time that each agent spent logged in. It shows the time that the agents spent in Not Ready state by Reason Code (RC). By default, up to eight predefined reason codes are displayed and additional information is categorized as Other Reason Codes. Click here to learn more about Cisco UCCX Not Ready Reason Codes
This report can show information for each 30 or 60 minute interval within the report period.
The report does not display column headers for user-defined reason codes when filtering by those user-defined reason codes. The statistics for the reason codes that are selected in the filter are accurately calculated and displayed in the report, but these statistics appear under the column headers for the system-defined reason codes. This behavior is different than that of Historical Reporting Client, in which report headers are dynamically modified based on the report filter parameters.
To resolve this issue, create a custom grid view on the Agent Not Ready Reason Code Summary Report, renaming the default column headers to be descriptive of the user-defined reason codes. Then, select the matching reason codes from the Reason Code Value List that is populated in the filter. User-defined reason codes must be in the AgentStateDetail table to appear in the Reason Code Value List.
Note that there is no mapping between the header and the reason code that is selected in the filter. As a result, reason codes must be selected in the filter in the same order as the headers are defined in the view. Also, all reason codes must be selected in the filter if they have headers in the report, or the time in the selected reason codes will appear in the incorrect column as they are filled left to right in the grid.
Using this data, you can create

Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
Agent Name | First name and last name of the agent. | What's Next? |
Agent ID | Login ID of the agent. | What's Next? |
Extension | Last active Unified CCX extension that Unified Communications Manager assigned to the agent. | What's Next? |
Interval Start Time | Start date and time of each 30 or 60 minute interval or the start date and time for the report range. | What's Next? |
Interval End Time | End date and time of each 30 or 60 minute interval or the end date and time for the report range. | What's Next? |
Total Logged-in | Total time that the agent is logged in to Unified CCX.
Summary info—Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |
Total Not Ready | Total time that an agent spent in Not Ready state.
Summary info—Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |
Time in RC n1 | Time that an agent spent in Not Ready state for the system-defined RC n1.
Summary info—Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |
Time in RC n2 | Time that an agent spent in Not Ready state for the system-defined RC n2.
Summary info—Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |
Time in RC n3 | Time that an agent spent in Not Ready state for the system-defined RC n3.
Summary info—Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |
Time in RC n4 | Time that an agent spent in Not Ready state for the system-defined RC n4.
Summary info—Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |
Time in RC n5 | Time that an agent spent in Not Ready state for the system-defined RC n5.
Summary info—Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |
Time in RC n6 | Time that an agent spent in Not Ready state for the system-defined RC n6.
Summary info—Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |
Time in RC n7 | Time that an agent spent in Not Ready state for the system-defined RC n7.
Summary info—Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |
Time in RC n8 | Time that an agent spent in Not Ready state for the system-defined RC n8.
Summary info—Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |
Time in Other RCs | Time that an agent spent in Not Ready state for reasons that are not shown in the previous eight columns.
Summary info—Sum of values in this column. To view the list of reason codes and their descriptions, visit Cisco UCCX Not Ready Reason Codes. |
What's Next? |

Cisco UCCX Agent State Reports: Agent State Detail Report
The Agent State Detail Report presents information that is related to agent state changes. This report is also known as Cisco UCCX Agent State Trace Report. Click here to learn more about Cisco UCCX Not Ready Reason Codes
Using this data, you can create

Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
Agent Name | First name and last name of the agent. | What's Next? |
Agent ID | Login ID of the agent. | What's Next? |
Extension | Last active Unified CCX extension that Unified Communications Manager assigned to the agent. | What's Next? |
State Transition Time | Date and time that the agent moved to a state. | What's Next? |
Agent State | State of the agent—Logged-In, Logout, Not Ready, Ready, Reserved, Talk, or Work. | What's Next? |
Reason Code | Reason code for the agent moving to Logout state or Not Ready state. Zero indicates that no logout reason code is configured or that the agent was unable to enter a reason code. It is also zero for other states.
Click here to learn more about Cisco UCCX Not Ready Reason Codes. |
What's Next? |
Duration | Time that the agent spent in a state. | What's Next? |

Cisco UCCX Agent State Reports: Agent State Summary by Agent Report
The Agent State Summary by Agent Report presents the length and percentage of time that the agent spent in all the states.
Using this data, you can create
- - contact center agent efficiency and occupancy reports,
- - team and agent scorecards ,
- - repetitive contacts analysis.,
- - customer patience analysis, and
- - daily actionable insights by email

Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
Agent Name | First name and last name of the agent. | What's Next? |
Agent ID | Login ID of the agent. | What's Next? |
Extension | Last active Unified CCX extension that Unified Communications Manager assigned to the agent. | What's Next? |
Interval Start Time | Start date and time of each 30 or 60 minute interval or the start date and time for the report range. | What's Next? |
Interval End Time | End date and time of each 30 or 60 minute interval or the end date and time for the report range. | What's Next? |
Total Logged-in Time | Total time that the agent is logged in to Unified CCX.
Summary info—Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |
Not Ready Time—Not Ready | Time that the agent spent in Not Ready state.
Summary info—Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |
Not Ready Time—% Not Ready | Percentage of time that the agent spent in Not Ready state.
Summary info—Overall percentage. |
What's Next? |
Ready Time—Ready | Time that the agent spent in Ready state.
Summary info—Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |
Ready Time—% Ready | Percentage of time that the agent spent in Ready state.
Summary info—Overall percentage. |
What's Next? |
Reserved Time—Reserved | Time that the agent spent in Reserved state.
Summary info—Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |
Reserved Time—% Reserved | Percentage of time that the agent spent in Reserved state.
Summary info—Overall percentage. |
What's Next? |
Talk Time—Talking | Time that the agent spent in Talking state.
Summary info—Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |
Talk Time—% Talking | Percentage of time that the agent spent in Talking state.
Summary info—Overall percentage. |
What's Next? |
Work Time—Work | Time that the agent spent in Work state.
Summary info—Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |
Work Time—% Work | Percentage of time that the agent spent in Work state.
Summary info—Overall percentage. |
What's Next? |

Cisco UCCX Agent State Reports: Agent State Summary by Interval Report
The Agent State Summary by Interval Report presents the duration and percentage of time that the agent spent in the agent states.
Using this data, you can create
- - contact center agent efficiency and occupancy reports,
- - team and agent scorecards ,
- - repetitive contacts analysis.,
- - customer patience analysis, and
- - daily actionable insights by email

Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
CallsAbandoned | The number of Contact Center Manager calls abandoned while waiting on this trunk.INT | What's Next? |
CallsAbandonedDelay | The total wait time experienced by Contact Center Manager calls that are abandoned. INT | What's Next? |
CallsAnswered | he number of Contact Center Manager calls answered. INT | What's Next? |
CallsAnsweredDelay | The total wait time experienced by all Contact Center Manager calls that came in through a trunk. INT | What's Next? |
CallsOffered | The number of Contact Center Manager calls offered to this trunk. INT | What's Next? |
OccupancyTime | The total time the trunk is occupied with Contact Center Manager calls. INT | What's Next? |
Route | The name of the route. VARCHAR(30). | What's Next? |
RouteID | A unique number assigned by the server to identify the route to which the trunk belongs when the route is defined. INT | What's Next? |
Site | The configured name of this Contact Center Manager site. VARCHAR(30) | What's Next? |
SiteID | A unique number assigned by the system to identify this Contact Center Manager site. The assigned SiteID remains unique over time even if a configured site is deleted and another one is added with the same name. You can use the SiteID in custom reports to identify statistics applicable to this site. This field contains the actual local SiteID value. SIP uses the configuration default SiteID. INT | What's Next? |
Time | The time (in 24-hour HH:MM format) when system pegs the data. INT | What's Next? |
Timestamp | The date and time when the system pegs the data. DATETIME | What's Next? |
TrunkID | A unique number assigned by the server to identify the trunk within the route. INT | What's Next? |

Cisco UCCX Agent State Reports: Agent Summary Report
The Agent Summary Report contains a summary of agent activities, including call and agent state activities.
The average talk time, maximum talk time, hold time, and others are only for inbound Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) calls that are received by the agent. These values are incremented for every inbound call, but for outbound calls the field values are not incremented. The values are zero.
Using this data, you can create
- - contact center agent efficiency and occupancy reports,
- - team and agent scorecards ,
- - repetitive contacts analysis.,
- - customer patience analysis, and
- - daily actionable insights by email

Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
CallsAbandoned | The number of Contact Center Manager calls abandoned while waiting on this trunk.INT | What's Next? |
CallsAbandonedDelay | The total wait time experienced by Contact Center Manager calls that are abandoned. INT | What's Next? |
CallsAnswered | he number of Contact Center Manager calls answered. INT | What's Next? |
CallsAnsweredDelay | The total wait time experienced by all Contact Center Manager calls that came in through a trunk. INT | What's Next? |
CallsOffered | The number of Contact Center Manager calls offered to this trunk. INT | What's Next? |
OccupancyTime | The total time the trunk is occupied with Contact Center Manager calls. INT | What's Next? |
Route | The name of the route. VARCHAR(30). | What's Next? |
RouteID | A unique number assigned by the server to identify the route to which the trunk belongs when the route is defined. INT | What's Next? |
Site | The configured name of this Contact Center Manager site. VARCHAR(30) | What's Next? |
SiteID | A unique number assigned by the system to identify this Contact Center Manager site. The assigned SiteID remains unique over time even if a configured site is deleted and another one is added with the same name. You can use the SiteID in custom reports to identify statistics applicable to this site. This field contains the actual local SiteID value. SIP uses the configuration default SiteID. INT | What's Next? |
Time | The time (in 24-hour HH:MM format) when system pegs the data. INT | What's Next? |
Timestamp | The date and time when the system pegs the data. DATETIME | What's Next? |
TrunkID | A unique number assigned by the server to identify the trunk within the route. INT | What's Next? |

Cisco UCCX Agent State Reports: Agent Wrap-up Data Summary Report
The Agent Wrap-up Data Summary Report presents information about wrap-up data.
Using this data, you can create
- - contact center agent efficiency and occupancy reports,
- - team and agent scorecards ,
- - repetitive contacts analysis.,
- - customer patience analysis, and
- - daily actionable insights by email

Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
CallsAbandoned | The number of Contact Center Manager calls abandoned while waiting on this trunk.INT | What's Next? |
CallsAbandonedDelay | The total wait time experienced by Contact Center Manager calls that are abandoned. INT | What's Next? |
CallsAnswered | he number of Contact Center Manager calls answered. INT | What's Next? |
CallsAnsweredDelay | The total wait time experienced by all Contact Center Manager calls that came in through a trunk. INT | What's Next? |
CallsOffered | The number of Contact Center Manager calls offered to this trunk. INT | What's Next? |
OccupancyTime | The total time the trunk is occupied with Contact Center Manager calls. INT | What's Next? |
Route | The name of the route. VARCHAR(30). | What's Next? |
RouteID | A unique number assigned by the server to identify the route to which the trunk belongs when the route is defined. INT | What's Next? |
Site | The configured name of this Contact Center Manager site. VARCHAR(30) | What's Next? |
SiteID | A unique number assigned by the system to identify this Contact Center Manager site. The assigned SiteID remains unique over time even if a configured site is deleted and another one is added with the same name. You can use the SiteID in custom reports to identify statistics applicable to this site. This field contains the actual local SiteID value. SIP uses the configuration default SiteID. INT | What's Next? |
Time | The time (in 24-hour HH:MM format) when system pegs the data. INT | What's Next? |
Timestamp | The date and time when the system pegs the data. DATETIME | What's Next? |
TrunkID | A unique number assigned by the server to identify the trunk within the route. INT | What's Next? |

Cisco UCCX Agent State Reports: Agent Wrap-up Data Detail Report
The Agent Wrap-up Data Detail Report displays the details entered by an agent when the agent enters Work state after attending an Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) call. With the wrap-up data feature, the agent can enter the Work state to update data that is associated with the call. This report provides information about incoming ACD calls and preview outbound calls.
Using this data, you can create
- - contact center agent efficiency and occupancy reports,
- - team and agent scorecards ,
- - repetitive contacts analysis.,
- - customer patience analysis, and
- - daily actionable insights by email

Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
CallsAbandoned | The number of Contact Center Manager calls abandoned while waiting on this trunk.INT | What's Next? |
CallsAbandonedDelay | The total wait time experienced by Contact Center Manager calls that are abandoned. INT | What's Next? |
CallsAnswered | he number of Contact Center Manager calls answered. INT | What's Next? |
CallsAnsweredDelay | The total wait time experienced by all Contact Center Manager calls that came in through a trunk. INT | What's Next? |
CallsOffered | The number of Contact Center Manager calls offered to this trunk. INT | What's Next? |
OccupancyTime | The total time the trunk is occupied with Contact Center Manager calls. INT | What's Next? |
Route | The name of the route. VARCHAR(30). | What's Next? |
RouteID | A unique number assigned by the server to identify the route to which the trunk belongs when the route is defined. INT | What's Next? |
Site | The configured name of this Contact Center Manager site. VARCHAR(30) | What's Next? |
SiteID | A unique number assigned by the system to identify this Contact Center Manager site. The assigned SiteID remains unique over time even if a configured site is deleted and another one is added with the same name. You can use the SiteID in custom reports to identify statistics applicable to this site. This field contains the actual local SiteID value. SIP uses the configuration default SiteID. INT | What's Next? |
Time | The time (in 24-hour HH:MM format) when system pegs the data. INT | What's Next? |
Timestamp | The date and time when the system pegs the data. DATETIME | What's Next? |
TrunkID | A unique number assigned by the server to identify the trunk within the route. INT | What's Next? |

Cisco UCCX Agent State Reports: Reason Code Report by Agent Grouping
The Reason Code Report by Agent Grouping presents the time that each agent spent logged in. It shows the time that the agents spent in Not Ready state by Reason Code (RC). Please note that the logged in time will be same if the agent spent time in more than one reason code for the same interval.
This report can show information for each 30 or 60 minute interval within the report period.
Using this data, you can create
- - contact center agent efficiency and occupancy reports,
- - team and agent scorecards ,
- - repetitive contacts analysis.,
- - customer patience analysis, and
- - daily actionable insights by email

Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
CallsAbandoned | The number of Contact Center Manager calls abandoned while waiting on this trunk.INT | What's Next? |
CallsAbandonedDelay | The total wait time experienced by Contact Center Manager calls that are abandoned. INT | What's Next? |
CallsAnswered | he number of Contact Center Manager calls answered. INT | What's Next? |
CallsAnsweredDelay | The total wait time experienced by all Contact Center Manager calls that came in through a trunk. INT | What's Next? |
CallsOffered | The number of Contact Center Manager calls offered to this trunk. INT | What's Next? |
OccupancyTime | The total time the trunk is occupied with Contact Center Manager calls. INT | What's Next? |
Route | The name of the route. VARCHAR(30). | What's Next? |
RouteID | A unique number assigned by the server to identify the route to which the trunk belongs when the route is defined. INT | What's Next? |
Site | The configured name of this Contact Center Manager site. VARCHAR(30) | What's Next? |
SiteID | A unique number assigned by the system to identify this Contact Center Manager site. The assigned SiteID remains unique over time even if a configured site is deleted and another one is added with the same name. You can use the SiteID in custom reports to identify statistics applicable to this site. This field contains the actual local SiteID value. SIP uses the configuration default SiteID. INT | What's Next? |
Time | The time (in 24-hour HH:MM format) when system pegs the data. INT | What's Next? |
Timestamp | The date and time when the system pegs the data. DATETIME | What's Next? |
TrunkID | A unique number assigned by the server to identify the trunk within the route. INT | What's Next? |

Cisco UCCX Agent State Reports: Reason Code Report - Reason Grouping
The Reason Code Report - Reason Grouping presents the total time that each agent spent in Not Ready State across each of the selected reason codes. This reports also shows the total logged in time of the agents. Please note that if the agents doesn't spent any time on the selected reason code, those agents will be excluded in the report.
This report can show information for each 30 or 60 minute interval within the report period.
Using this data, you can create
- - contact center agent efficiency and occupancy reports,
- - team and agent scorecards ,
- - repetitive contacts analysis.,
- - customer patience analysis, and
- - daily actionable insights by email

Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
CallsAbandoned | The number of Contact Center Manager calls abandoned while waiting on this trunk.INT | What's Next? |
CallsAbandonedDelay | The total wait time experienced by Contact Center Manager calls that are abandoned. INT | What's Next? |
CallsAnswered | he number of Contact Center Manager calls answered. INT | What's Next? |
CallsAnsweredDelay | The total wait time experienced by all Contact Center Manager calls that came in through a trunk. INT | What's Next? |
CallsOffered | The number of Contact Center Manager calls offered to this trunk. INT | What's Next? |
OccupancyTime | The total time the trunk is occupied with Contact Center Manager calls. INT | What's Next? |
Route | The name of the route. VARCHAR(30). | What's Next? |
RouteID | A unique number assigned by the server to identify the route to which the trunk belongs when the route is defined. INT | What's Next? |
Site | The configured name of this Contact Center Manager site. VARCHAR(30) | What's Next? |
SiteID | A unique number assigned by the system to identify this Contact Center Manager site. The assigned SiteID remains unique over time even if a configured site is deleted and another one is added with the same name. You can use the SiteID in custom reports to identify statistics applicable to this site. This field contains the actual local SiteID value. SIP uses the configuration default SiteID. INT | What's Next? |
Time | The time (in 24-hour HH:MM format) when system pegs the data. INT | What's Next? |
Timestamp | The date and time when the system pegs the data. DATETIME | What's Next? |
TrunkID | A unique number assigned by the server to identify the trunk within the route. INT | What's Next? |

Cisco UCCX Real-Time Supervisor Reports:
Cisco UCCX Real-Time Supervisor Reports: Agent Outbound Team Summary Report
The Agent Outbound Team Summary Report provides performance statistics of the agents in the team for direct preview, progressive, and predictive outbound campaigns. The following two views are available for this report:
- Short and Long Term Average—Provides the performance statistics of the agents who handle outbound calls for the current day based on short term and long term values.
- Since Midnight—Provides the performance statistics of the agents in the team who handle outbound calls for the current day, beginning at midnight.
Using this data, you can create
- - contact center agent efficiency and occupancy reports,
- - team and agent scorecards ,
- - repetitive contacts analysis.,
- - customer patience analysis, and
- - daily actionable insights by email

Short and Long-Term Average
Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
Agent Name | First name and last name of the agent. | What's Next? |
Agent ID | Login ID of the agent. | What's Next? |
Average Talk Time—Short Term | Average time the agent spent in Talking state for outbound calls in the last 5, 10, or 15 minutes. | What's Next? |
Average Talk Time—Long Term | Average time the agent spent in Talking state for outbound calls in the last 30 minutes. | What's Next? |
Average Hold Time—Short Term | Average time the agent put the outbound calls on hold in the last 5, 10, or 15 minutes. | What's Next? |
Average Hold Time—Long Term | Average time the agent put the outbound calls on hold in the last 30 minutes. | What's Next? |

Since Midnight
Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
Agent Name | First name and last name of the agent. | What's Next? |
Agent ID | Login ID of the agent. | What's Next? |
Talk Time—Avg | Average time the agent spent in Talking state for outbound calls. Average talk time = Total time in Talking state / calls handled | What's Next? |
Talk Time—Max | Longest time the agent spent in Talking state for outbound calls. | What's Next? |
Talk Time—Total | Total time the agent spent in Talking state for outbound calls. | What's Next? |
Hold Time—Avg | Average time the agent put the outbound calls on hold. Average hold time = Total time calls were put on hold / calls handled | What's Next? |
Hold Time—Max | Longest time the agent put an outbound call on hold. | What's Next? |
Hold Time—Total | Total time the agent put the outbound calls on hold. | What's Next? |
After Call Work Time—Avg | Average time the agent spent in Work state for outbound calls. Average work time = Total time in Work state / calls completed | What's Next? |
After Call Work Time—Max | Longest time the agent spent in Work state for outbound calls. | What's Next? |
After Call Work Time—Total | Total time the agent spent in Work state for outbound calls. | What's Next? |
Cisco UCCX Real-Time Supervisor Reports: Chat Agent Statistics Report
The Chat Agent Statistics Report provides agent statistics.
Using this data, you can create
- - contact center agent efficiency and occupancy reports,
- - team and agent scorecards ,
- - repetitive contacts analysis.,
- - customer patience analysis, and
- - daily actionable insights by email

Visible Fields in Chat Agent Statistics Report
Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
Agent Name | First name and last name of the agent. | What's Next? |
Agent ID | Login ID of the agent. | What's Next? |
Current State | State of the agent—Logged-In, Logout, Not Ready, Ready, Partial Busy, Busy, Reserved. | What's Next? |
Duration | Time that the agent spent in the current state. | What's Next? |
Current Active Contacts | Number of contacts that the agent is handling. | What's Next? |
Contacts Presented | Number of contacts that are offered to the agent since midnight. | What's Next? |
Contacts Handled | Number of contacts that are handled by the agent since midnight. A contact is marked handled if a contact is connected to an agent. | What's Next? |
Contacts Abandoned | Number of contacts that are routed to the CSQ since midnight but are not answered by an agent, because the customer ends the chat or the customer is disconnected. | What's Next? |
Contacts RNA | Number of contacts that the agent did not answer since midnight. Ring-no-answer (RNA). | What's Next? |
Hidden Fields in Chat Agent Statistics Report
Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
Login Duration | Elapsed time between the login time and the logout time since midnight. | What's Next? |
CSQs Serving | List of CSQs that the agent is serving. | What's Next? |
Agent Utilization—Not Ready | Percentage of time that the agent spent in Not Ready state since midnight. It is calculated every minute and is one of the components that add up to the agent's total login duration. | What's Next? |
Agent Utilization—Ready | Percentage of time that the agent spent in Ready state since midnight. It is calculated every minute and is one of the components that add up to the agent's total login duration. | What's Next? |
Agent Utilization—Partial Busy | Percentage of time that the agent spent in Partial Busy state since midnight. It is calculated every minute and is one of the components that add up to the agent's total login duration. | What's Next? |
Agent Utilization—Busy | Percentage of time that the agent spent in Busy state since midnight. It is calculated every minute and is one of the components that add up to the agent's total login duration. | What's Next? |

Cisco UCCX Real-Time Supervisor Reports: Chat CSQ Summary Report
The Chat CSQ Summary Report provides real-time agent statistics and contact statistics for a Contact Service Queue (CSQ).
Using this data, you can create
- - contact center agent efficiency and occupancy reports,
- - team and agent scorecards ,
- - repetitive contacts analysis.,
- - customer patience analysis, and
- - daily actionable insights by email

Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
Agent Name | First name and last name of the agent. | What's Next? |
Agent ID | Login ID of the agent. | What's Next? |
Current State | State of the agent—Logged-In, Logout, Not Ready, Ready, Partial Busy, Busy, Reserved. | What's Next? |
Duration | Time that the agent spent in the current state. | What's Next? |
Current Active Contacts | Number of contacts that the agent is handling. | What's Next? |
Contacts Presented | Number of contacts that are offered to the agent since midnight. | What's Next? |
Contacts Handled | Number of contacts that are handled by the agent since midnight. A contact is marked handled if a contact is connected to an agent. | What's Next? |
Contacts Abandoned | Number of contacts that are routed to the CSQ since midnight but are not answered by an agent, because the customer ends the chat or the customer is disconnected. | What's Next? |
Contacts RNA | Number of contacts that the agent did not answer since midnight. Ring-no-answer (RNA). | What's Next? |

Cisco UCCX Real-Time Supervisor Reports: Email Agent Statistics Report
The Email Agent Statistics Report provides the email statistics of the agents.
Using this data, you can create
- - contact center agent efficiency and occupancy reports,
- - team and agent scorecards ,
- - repetitive contacts analysis.,
- - customer patience analysis, and
- - daily actionable insights by email

Visible Fields
Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
Agent Name | First name and last name of the agent. | What's Next? |
Agent ID | Login ID of the agent. | What's Next? |
Current State | State of the agent—Not Ready, Ready, Partial Busy, Busy, Reserved. | What's Next? |
Duration | Time that the agent spent in the current state. | What's Next? |
Active Emails | Number of email messages that the agent is handling. | What's Next? |
Emails Presented | Number of email messages that are presented to the agent since midnight. | What's Next? |
Emails Handled | Number of email messages that are handled by the agent since midnight. | What's Next? |
Emails Discarded | Number of email messages that the agent discarded since midnight. | What's Next? |
Visible Fields
Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
Agent Name | First name and last name of the agent. | What's Next? |
Agent ID | Login ID of the agent. | What's Next? |
Current State | State of the agent—Not Ready, Ready, Partial Busy, Busy, Reserved. | What's Next? |
Duration | Time that the agent spent in the current state. | What's Next? |
Active Emails | Number of email messages that the agent is handling. | What's Next? |
Emails Presented | Number of email messages that are presented to the agent since midnight. | What's Next? |
Emails Handled | Number of email messages that are handled by the agent since midnight. | What's Next? |
Emails Discarded | Number of email messages that the agent discarded since midnight. | What's Next? |
Hidden Fields in Email Agent Statistics Report
Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
Login Duration | Elapsed time between the login time and the logout time since midnight. | What's Next? |
CSQs Serving | List of CSQs that the agent is serving. | What's Next? |
Agent Utilization—Not Ready | Percentage of time that the agent spent in Not Ready state since midnight. It is calculated every minute and is one of the components that add up to the agent's total login duration. | What's Next? |
Agent Utilization—Ready | Percentage of time that the agent spent in Ready state since midnight. It is calculated every minute and is one of the components that add up to the agent's total login duration. | What's Next? |
Agent Utilization—Partial Busy | Percentage of time that the agent spent in Partial Busy state since midnight. It is calculated every minute and is one of the components that add up to the agent's total login duration. | What's Next? |
Agent Utilization—Busy | Percentage of time that the agent spent in Busy state since midnight. It is calculated every minute and is one of the components that add up to the agent's total login duration. | What's Next? |
Agent Utilization—Reserved | Percentage of time that the agent spent in Reserved state since midnight. It is calculated every minute and is one of the components that add up to the agent's total login duration. | What's Next? |

Cisco UCCX Real-Time Supervisor Reports: Email CSQ Summary Report
The Email Agent Statistics Report provides the email statistics of the agents.
Using this data, you can create
- - contact center agent efficiency and occupancy reports,
- - team and agent scorecards ,
- - repetitive contacts analysis.,
- - customer patience analysis, and
- - daily actionable insights by email

Visible Fields in Email CSQ Summary Report
Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
Agent Name | First name and last name of the agent. | What's Next? |
Agent ID | Login ID of the agent. | What's Next? |
Current State | State of the agent—Not Ready, Ready, Partial Busy, Busy, Reserved. | What's Next? |
Duration | Time that the agent spent in the current state. | What's Next? |
Active Emails | Number of email messages that the agent is handling. | What's Next? |
Emails Presented | Number of email messages that are presented to the agent since midnight. | What's Next? |
Emails Handled | Number of email messages that are handled by the agent since midnight. | What's Next? |
Emails Discarded | Number of email messages that the agent discarded since midnight. | What's Next? |
Hidden Fields in Email CSQ Summary Report
Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
Login Duration | Elapsed time between the login time and the logout time since midnight. | What's Next? |
CSQs Serving | List of CSQs that the agent is serving. | What's Next? |
Agent Utilization—Not Ready | Percentage of time that the agent spent in Not Ready state since midnight. It is calculated every minute and is one of the components that add up to the agent's total login duration. | What's Next? |
Agent Utilization—Ready | Percentage of time that the agent spent in Ready state since midnight. It is calculated every minute and is one of the components that add up to the agent's total login duration. | What's Next? |
Agent Utilization—Partial Busy | Percentage of time that the agent spent in Partial Busy state since midnight. It is calculated every minute and is one of the components that add up to the agent's total login duration. | What's Next? |
Agent Utilization—Busy | Percentage of time that the agent spent in Busy state since midnight. It is calculated every minute and is one of the components that add up to the agent's total login duration. | What's Next? |
Agent Utilization—Reserved | Percentage of time that the agent spent in Reserved state since midnight. It is calculated every minute and is one of the components that add up to the agent's total login duration. | What's Next? |

Cisco UCCX Real-Time Supervisor Reports: Team State Report
The Team State Report presents each agent state and the time spent in a state. The supervisor can see agents of all the assigned teams.
Using this data, you can create
- - contact center agent efficiency and occupancy reports,
- - team and agent scorecards ,
- - repetitive contacts analysis.,
- - customer patience analysis, and
- - daily actionable insights by email

Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
Agent Name | First name and last name of the agent. | What's Next? |
Agent ID | Login ID of the agent. | What's Next? |
Login Duration (since midnight) | Time the agent logged in since midnight.. | What's Next? |
Current State | State of the agent—Logged-In, Logout, Not Ready, Ready, Reserved, Talking, or Work. | What's Next? |
Duration | Time that the agent spent in the current state. | What's Next? |

Cisco UCCX Real-Time Supervisor Reports: Team Summary Report
The Team Summary Report presents performance statistics of all the agents in the team. The following two views are available for this report:
- Short and Long Term Average—Presents the performance statistics of the team members for the current day based on short term and long term values.
Since Midnight—Presents the performance statistics for the current day, since midnight.
Using this data, you can create
- - contact center agent efficiency and occupancy reports,
- - team and agent scorecards ,
- - repetitive contacts analysis.,
- - customer patience analysis, and
- - daily actionable insights by email

Short and Long Term Average
Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
Agent Name | First name and last name of the agent. | What's Next? |
Agent ID | Login ID of the agent. | What's Next? |
Login Duration (since midnight) | Time the agent logged in since midnight. | What's Next? |
Average Talk Time—Short Term | Average time the agent spent in Talking state in the last 5, 10 or 15 minutes. | What's Next? |
Average Talk Time—Long Term | Average time the agent spent in Talking state in the last 30 minutes. | What's Next? |
Average Hold Time—Short Termm | Average time the agent put the calls on hold in the last 5, 10 or 15 minutes. | What's Next? |
Average Hold Time—Long Term | Average time the agent put the calls on hold in the last 30 minutes. | What's Next? |
Since Midnight
Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
Agent Name | First name and last name of the agent. | What's Next? |
Agent ID | Login ID of the agent. | What's Next? |
Login Duration | Time the agent logged in since midnight. | What's Next? |
Calls Offered | Number of calls that are sent to the agent, regardless of whether the agent answered the call. | What's Next? |
Calls Handled | Number of calls that are answered by the agent. | What's Next? |
Average Ring Time | Average ring time of calls before the calls were answered. Average ring time = Total ring time / Calls handled | What's Next? |
Talk Time—Avg | Average time the agent spent in Talking state. Average talk time = Total time in Talking state / Calls handled | What's Next? |
Talk Time—Max | Longest time the agent spent in Talking state. | What's Next? |
Talk Time—Total | Total time the agent spent in Talking state. | What's Next? |
Hold Time—Avg | Average time the agent put the calls on hold. Average hold time = Total time calls were put on hold / Calls handled | What's Next? |
Hold Time—Max | Longest time the agent put a call on hold. | What's Next? |
Hold Time—Total | Total time the agent put the calls on hold. | What's Next? |
Ready Time—Avg | Average time the agent spent in Ready state. Average ready time = Total time the agent spent in Ready state / Number of times the agent moved to Ready state | What's Next? |
Ready Time—Max | Longest time the agent spent in Ready state. | What's Next? |
Ready Time—Total | Total time the agent spent in Ready state. | What's Next? |
Not Ready Time—Avg | Average time the agent spent in Not Ready state. Average not ready time = Total time the agent spent in Not Ready state / Number of times the agent moved to Not Ready state | What's Next? |
Not Ready Time—Max | Longest time the agent spent in Not Ready state. | What's Next? |
Not Ready Time—Total | Total time the agent spent in Not Ready state. | What's Next? |
After Call Work Time—Avg | Average time the agent spent in Work state. Average work time = Total time in Work state / Calls completed | What's Next? |
After Call Work Time—Max | Longest time the agent spent in Work state. | What's Next? |
After Call Work Time—Total | Total time the agent spent in Work state. | What's Next? |

Cisco UCCX Real-Time Supervisor Reports: Voice CSQ Agent Detail Report
The Voice CSQ Agent Detail Report presents the agent current state, duration in the state and the reason code where applicable.
If an agent is configured in two or more CSQs, the Supervisor is able to view on which CSQ the agent is in Talking state.
Using this data, you can create
- - contact center agent efficiency and occupancy reports,
- - team and agent scorecards ,
- - repetitive contacts analysis.,
- - customer patience analysis, and
- - daily actionable insights by email

Short and Long Term Average
Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
CSQ | Name of the Contact Service Queue (CSQ). | What's Next? |
Agent Name | First name and last name of the agent. | What's Next? |
Agent ID | Login ID of the agent. | What's Next? |
Current State | State of the agent—Logged-In, Logout, Not Ready, Ready, Reserved, Talking, or Work. | What's Next? |
Duration | Time that the agent spent in the current state. | What's Next? |
Reason Code | Reason code for the agent moving to Logout state or Not Ready state. Zero indicates that no logout reason code is configured or that the agent was unable to enter a reason code. It is also zero for other states. Click here to see the list of system reason codes with descriptions. |
What's Next? |

Cisco UCCX Real-Time Supervisor Reports: Voice CSQ Summary Report
The Voice CSQ Summary Report presents agent statistics and call statistics for a Contact Service Queue (CSQ). The following three views are available for this report:
- Snapshot—Presents the performance statistics of the agents that are associated with the specified CSQs.
- Short and Long Term Average—Presents the call statistics of the CSQ for the current day based on short term and long term values.
- Since Midnight—Presents the call statistics of the CSQ, since midnight.
Using this data, you can create
- - contact center agent efficiency and occupancy reports,
- - team and agent scorecards ,
- - repetitive contacts analysis.,
- - customer patience analysis, and
- - daily actionable insights by email

Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
CSQ Name | Name of the CSQ. | What's Next? |
Waiting Calls | Number of calls in queue for a CSQ. | What's Next? |
Longest Call in Queue | Elapsed wait time of the oldest call in the queue. | What's Next? |
Agents Logged In | Number of agents in Logged-In state. | What's Next? |
Agents Talking | Number of agents in Talking state. | What's Next? |
Agents Ready | Number of agents in Ready state. | |
Agents Not Ready | Number of agents in Not Ready state. | |
Agents in After Call Work | Number of agents in Work state. | |
Agents Reserved | Number of agents in Reserved state. |
Short and Long Term Average
Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
CSQ Name | Name of the CSQ. | What's Next? |
Calls Abandoned—Short Term | Number of abandoned calls in the last 5, 10 or 15 minutes. | What's Next? |
Calls Abandoned—Long Term | Number of abandoned calls in the last 30 minutes. | What's Next? |
Calls Dequeued—Short Term | Number of dequeued calls in the last 5, 10 or 15 minutes. | What's Next? |
Calls Dequeued—Long Term | Number of dequeued calls in the last 30 minutes. | What's Next? |
Average Contact Handling Time—Short Term | Average handle time of the calls that are routed to the CSQ in the last 5, 10 or 15 minutes. | |
Average Contact Handling Time—Long Term | Average handle time of the calls that are routed to the CSQ in the last 30 minutes. | |
Average Waiting Duration—Short Term | Average wait time of the calls that are routed to the CSQ in the last 5, 10 or 15 minutes. | |
Average Waiting Duration—Long Term | Average wait time of the calls that are routed to the CSQ in the last 30 minutes. | |
Service Level—Short Term | Service level is measured in the last 5, 10 or 15 minutes. The most recent service level is displayed in case there are no calls in the measurement window. | |
Service Level—Long Term | Service level in the last 30 minutes. |
Since Midnight
Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
CSQ Name | Name of the CSQ. | What's Next? |
Waiting Calls | Number of calls in queue for a CSQ. | What's Next? |
Longest Call in Queue | Elapsed wait time of the oldest call in the queue. | What's Next? |
Agents Logged In | Number of agents in Logged-In state. | What's Next? |
Agents Talking | Number of agents in Talking state. | What's Next? |
Agents Ready | Number of agents in Ready state. | |
Agents Not Ready | Number of agents in Not Ready state. | |
Agents in After Call Work | Number of agents in Work state. | |
Agents Reserved | Number of agents in Reserved state. |
Cisco UCCX Real-Time Agent Reports:
Cisco UCCX Real-Time Agent Reports: Agent CSQ Statistics Report
The Agent CSQ Statistics Report presents the current day's call queue statistics, since midnight, of the Contact Service Queues (CSQ) to which the agent is associated. This reports resets at midnight of the system timezone and updates real-time.
Using this data, you can create
- - contact center agent efficiency and occupancy reports,
- - team and agent scorecards ,
- - repetitive contacts analysis.,
- - customer patience analysis, and
- - daily actionable insights by email

Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
Agent ID | Login ID of the agent. | What's Next? |
CSQ Name | Name of the CSQ. | What's Next? |
Calls Waiting | Number of calls in queue for a CSQ. | What's Next? |
Longest Call in Queue | Elapsed wait time of the oldest call in the queue. | What's Next? |

Cisco UCCX Real-Time Agent Reports: Agent State Log Report
The Agent State Log Report presents the agent state and duration in that state, wrap-up data, and the reason code (where applicable) for the current day, since midnight.
Using this data, you can create
- - contact center agent efficiency and occupancy reports,
- - team and agent scorecards ,
- - repetitive contacts analysis.,
- - customer patience analysis, and
- - daily actionable insights by email

Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
Agent ID | Login ID of the agent. | What's Next? |
Start Time | Time the agent state is initiated. | What's Next? |
Agent State | State of the agent—Login, Logout, Not Ready, Ready, Reserved, Talking, or Work. | What's Next? |
Wrap-up Data | Wrap-up data entered by the agent in Work state. | What's Next? |
Reason Code | Reason code for the agent moving to Logout state or Not Ready state. Zero indicates that no logout reason code is configured or that the agent was unable to enter a reason code. It is also zero for other states. To view a list of reason codes and their descriptions, click here. |
What's Next? |
Duration | Time that the agent spent in a state. | What's Next? |

Cisco UCCX Real-Time Agent Reports: Agent Statistics Report
The Agent Statistics Report presents performance statistics of the agents for the current day, since midnight.
Using this data, you can create
- - contact center agent efficiency and occupancy reports,
- - team and agent scorecards ,
- - repetitive contacts analysis.,
- - customer patience analysis, and
- - daily actionable insights by email

Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
Agent ID | Login ID of the agent. | What's Next? |
Calls Offered | Calls sent to the agent, regardless of whether the agent picks up the call. | What's Next? |
Calls Handled | Calls connected to the agent. | What's Next? |
Talk Time—Avg | Average time the agent spent in Talking state. Average talk time = Total time in Talking state / Calls handled |
What's Next? |
Talk Time—Max | Longest time the agent spent in Talking state. | What's Next? |
Talk Time—Total | Total time the agent spent in Talking state. | What's Next? |
Hold Time—Avg | Average time the agent put the calls on hold. Average hold time = Total time the calls were on hold / Calls handled |
What's Next? |
Hold Time—Max | Longest time the agent put a call on hold. | What's Next? |
Hold Time—Total | Total time the agent put the calls on hold. | What's Next? |
Ready—Avg | Average time the agent spent in Ready state. Average ready time = Total time the agent spent in Ready state / Number of times the agent moved to Ready state |
What's Next? |
Ready—Max | Longest time the agent spent in Ready state. | What's Next? |
Ready—Total | Total time the agent spent in Ready state. | What's Next? |
Not Ready—Avg | Average time the agent spent in Not Ready state. Average not ready time = Total time the agent spent in Not Ready state / Number of times the agent moved to Not Ready state |
What's Next? |
Not Ready—Max | Longest time the agent spent in Not Ready state. | What's Next? |
Not Ready—Total | Total time the agent spent in Not Ready state. | What's Next? |
After Call Work—Avg | Average time the agent spent in Work state. Average work time = Total time in Work state / Calls completed |
What's Next? |
After Call Work—Max | Longest time the agent spent in Work state. | What's Next? |
After Call Work—Total | Total time the agent spent in Work state. | What's Next? |

Cisco UCCX Real-Time Agent Reports: Agent Team Summary Report
The Agent Team Summary Report presents the agent state and the reason code (where applicable). An agent can view details of all the agents in the team.
Using this data, you can create
- - contact center agent efficiency and occupancy reports,
- - team and agent scorecards ,
- - repetitive contacts analysis.,
- - customer patience analysis, and
- - daily actionable insights by email

Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
Agent Name | First name and last name of the agent. | What's Next? |
State | State of the agent—Logged-In, Logout, Not Ready, Ready, Reserved, Talking, or Work. | What's Next? |
Reason Code | Reason code for the agent moving to Logout state or Not Ready state. It is zero for other states. Zero indicates that no logout reason code is configured or that the agent was unable to enter a reason code. It is also zero for other states. | What's Next? |

Cisco UCCX System Reports:
Cisco UCCX System Reports: Application Performance Analysis Report
The Application Performance Analysis Report presents call statistics for each Unified CCX or Unified IP IVR application.
Using this data, you can create;
- - contact center agent efficiency and occupancy reports,
- - team and agent scorecards ,
- - repetitive contacts analysis.,
- - customer patience analysis, and
- - daily actionable insights by email

Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
Application ID | Identification number that is assigned to the application by Unified CCX. | What's Next? |
Application Name | Name of the Unified CCX or Unified IP IVR application. | What's Next? |
Calls Presented | Number of calls that are received by the application including internal calls. It includes calls that are handled by the application and the calls that are abandoned while in the application. A call can invoke more than one application and is counted for each of them. Summary info—Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |
Calls Handled | Number of calls that are handled by the application including internal calls. Summary info—Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |
Calls Abandoned | Number of calls that are abandoned, aborted, or rejected while in the application. Summary info—Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |
Abandon Rate (per hour) | Average number of calls that are abandoned each hour while in the application. Summary info—Maximum value in this column. |
What's Next? |
Avg Call Duration | Average time that elapsed from the time the call enters this workflow until the call exits this workflow when the caller hangs up or when the call enters another workflow. Summary info—Maximum value in this column. |
What's Next? |

Cisco UCCX System Reports: Application Summary Report
The Application Summary Report presents call statistics for each Unified CCX or Unified IP IVR application. It includes information for presented, handled, abandoned, flow-in, and flow-out calls. It also includes information about call talk time, work time, and abandon time.
Using this data, you can create
- - contact center agent efficiency and occupancy reports,
- - team and agent scorecards ,
- - repetitive contacts analysis.,
- - customer patience analysis, and
- - daily actionable insights by email

Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
Application Name | Name of the Unified CCX or Unified IP IVR application. | What's Next? |
Called Number | For outbound calls that are transferred to a Unified CCX route point and handled by an application, the telephone number that is dialed by the caller who initiated the original outbound call. For incoming calls that are handled by an application: - If the call is placed from a Unified Communications Manager phone, the telephone number that is dialed by the caller. - If the call is placed from outside of VoIP network (for example, from the PSTN of a TDM PBX), the Unified Communications Manager directory number to which the VoIP gateway routes the call. |
What's Next? |
Calls Presented | Number of calls that are received by the application including internal call. This number is equal to the number of calls that are handled by the application plus the number of calls that are abandoned while in the application. Summary info—Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |
Flow-In | Number of calls that are redirected to this application from another application by a workflow. It does not include calls that come from another agent or an external system such as a voice messaging system. Summary info—Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |
Flow-Out | Number of calls that this application sends to another application or external destination without being handled by an agent. Summary info—Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |
Calls Handled | Number of calls that are handled by the application including internal calls. Summary info—Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |
Avg Speed Of Answer | Average queue time to answer calls by agents. Calls that did not connect to an agent are not included in this calculation. Average queue time = Queue time / Number of calls |
What's Next? |
Avg Talk Time | Average talk time of all the calls that are handled by an agent. Talk time is the elapsed time between the time that an agent connects to a call and the time the call is disconnected or transferred, not including hold time. Average talk time = Total talk time / Number of calls handled by the agents |
What's Next? |
Avg Work Time | Average time an agent spends in Work state after disconnecting/transferring calls. Average work time = Total work time / Number of calls handled by the agents |
What's Next? |
Calls Abandoned | Number of calls that are abandoned by the application. Summary info—Sum of values in this column. |
What's Next? |
Avg Abandon Time | Average duration of calls before they are abandoned. | What's Next? |

Cisco UCCX System Reports: License Utilization Hourly Report
The License Utilization Hourly Report presents aggregated historical license utilization information for every hour. For every hour in the query interval, the report presents the maximum values for the following parameters:
- - Number of inbound ports in the system
- - Number of outbound ports in the system
- - Number of agent seats used in the system
- - contact center agent efficiency and occupancy reports,
- - team and agent scorecards ,
- - repetitive contacts analysis.,
- - customer patience analysis, and
- - daily actionable insights by email
Using this data, you can create

Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
Date | Date for which the aggregated license information is displayed. | What's Next? |
Hour | Hour for which the aggregated license information is displayed. | What's Next? |
Maximum Inbound Ports | Maximum number of inbound ports that are used in the given date and hour. A blank field indicates that no data is available. Summary info—Maximum value in this column. |
What's Next? |
Maximum Inbound Seats | Maximum number of inbound seats that are used for login of agents and supervisors in the given date and hour. A blank field indicates that no data is available. Summary info—Maximum value in this column. |
What's Next? |
Maximum Outbound Ports | Maximum number of outbound ports that are used in the given date and hour. A blank field indicates that no data is available. Summary info—Maximum value in this column. |
What's Next? |

Cisco UCCX Database Historical Data Tables
Cisco UCCX Chat Reports:
Cisco UCCX Chat Reports: Chat Agent Detail Report
The Chat Agent Detail Report presents information about each chat contact that is handled by the chat agent.
Using this data, you can create
Parameter | Description | What's Next? |
Agent Name | First name and last name of the agent. | What's Next? |
Agent ID | Login ID of the agent. | What's Next? |
Chat Start Time | Time at which the agent accepts the chat. | What's Next? |
Chat End Time | Time at which the agent ends the chat. | What's Next? |
Duration | Elapsed time between the chat start time and the chat end time. | What's Next? |
Contact ID | Unique contact ID that identifies the chat contact. | What's Next? |
Chat Routed CSQ | Contact Service Queue (CSQ) that routed the chat contact to the agent. | What's Next? |
Chat Skills | Skills that are associated with the agent for handling a chat contact. | What's Next? |
Active Time | Time the agent spends chatting with the chat contact. Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. |
What's Next? |
Accept Time | Time taken by the agent to accept the chat contact after it is allocated to the desktop. Summary info—Sum of the records in this column. |
What's Next? |
Chat Type | Type of chat contact. There are two types-Incoming and Group Chat. | What's Next? |