Avaya is the leader in the global contact center market with the highest number agent seats. Avaya CMS is the data store that hosts all the historical agent and call activity. This document helps to understand the available information and detailed description of each parameter for your call center reporting. For more information and to learn about Comstice Quartz Reporting and Analytics platform, please click here.
Avaya CMS Agent Tables
In this section, you can find the tables which store agent statistics in Avaya CMS database. Each table column is listed with the name, description and the data type.
- Avaya CMS ag_actv Tables
- Intrahour Agent (hagent)
- Daily Agent (dagent)
- Weekly Agent (wagent)
- Monthly Agent (magent)

Avaya CMS ag_actv Tables
Name | Description | Type |
ACD (index) | The ACD number for which data was collected. This is a row identifier item. | smallint, 2 bytes |
AGT_RELEASED | The agent released or dropped the split/skill or direct agent ACD call, including transferred and conferenced calls. Valid values are n, which means that the call was not released or dropped, and y, which means that the call was released or dropped. | char(1) 1 byte ASCII text string |
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ASSIST_ACTV | The agent requested supervisor assistance (pressed the ASSIST button). | char(1) 1 byte ASCII text string |
ATTRIB_ID | An alphanumeric field which the call center customer enters as a character string. This string represents a combination of characteristics of an agent defined by the call center management for use in reporting.This database item accepts NULLs. | char(20) 20 byte alphanumeric string |

Name | Description | Type |
AUXREASON | The reason code that is associated with the agent's current state. AUXREASON is
blank if the agent is not in the AUX state. On communciation servers that do not
have EAS and reason codes active, AUXREASON is zero. This is a status item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
CALLER_HOLD | An indication that the agent put the current call on hold. | char(1) 1 byte ASCII text string |
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CALLING_II | The Information Indicator (II) digits that are associated with the call. These digits are a two-digit string that is provided by ISDN PRI to indicate the type of originating line of the caller. These digits supply information about the originator location, for example, pay phone, hospital, or prison. The column is blank if the call does not contain II digits. | char(2), 2 byte ASCII text string |
CALLING_PTY | The calling party identification. On communication servers without ISDN ANI delivery, the identification is the extension or trunk equipment location that identifies the originator of the call. On communication servers with ISDN ANI delivery, the identification is the ANI/SID. The CALLING_PTY item is blank if the trunk is not measured or, for internal calls, if the originating extension is not measured. This field can contain up to 24 digits. | char(24) 24 byte ASCII text string |

Name | Description | Type |
CONFERENCE | The number of times that the agent completed a conference. A conference is considered completed when the agent pushes the conference key a second time. This is a cumulative item. | char(1) 1 byte ASCII text string |
DIGITS_DIALED | The digits that the agent dialed to originate a call. Trunk access codes, feature access codes, account codes, and authorization codes are not included. | char(16) 16 byte ASCII text string |
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DIRECTION | The direction of the call that the agent is currently handling for any split/skill. Valid values are blank, IN, OUT, or as defined in Dictionary. If the agent is not on a call, the value is blank (NULL). | smallint(2), 2 bytes |
DURATION | The length of time of the current WORKMODE and DIRECTION for this SPLIT. For example, the length of time in current AGSTATE for this SPLIT, in which case, if the agent goes from AUX to AUXOUT and back to AUX, DURATION restarts with each change in work mode. | integer 4 bytes |
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EVENT_TIME | The time of day, in hour, minute, and second format, at which the WORKMODE or DIRECTION changed | integer 4 bytes |
EXT_CALL_ORIG | An indication that the agent originated an external, off-communication server call. | char(1) 1 byte ASCII text string |
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INTERRUPTED | This item determines whether the agent becomes available due to being interrupted from an interruptible AUX state. | char(1), 1 byte ASCII text string |
KEYBD_DIALED | An indication that the call was keyboard dialed. The KEYBD_DIALED item is available with the ASAI feature. | char(1) 1 byte ASCII text string |

Name | Description | Type |
LOC_ID | The equipment location ID that is associated with a particular agent. This is the location ID of the terminal the agent is logged into. It is associated with a port network location ID on the communication server. The LOC_ID is 0 if multiple locations are not enabled. A location ID is not assigned to an agent until that agent logs into a terminal. An agent may have multiple LOC_IDs if the agent logs into multiple terminals with different locations. This is an administrative item. | smallint 2 bytes |
LOGID (index) | The login ID that the agent used to log in. Agents in multiple splits/skills have one LOGID. This is a row identifier item. | char(16) 16 byte ASCII text string |
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LOGOUTREASON | The reason code, which can be 0 through 9, that is associated with the agent's logout. For Avaya communication servers that do not have the EAS feature and reason codes active, this field always contains a 0 when the agent has logged out. | smallint, 2 bytes |
MCT | An indication that the agent activated a malicious call trace. | char(1) 1 byte ASCII text string |

Name | Description | Type |
RECONNECT | An indication that the agent has reconnects to the call after putting it on hold. | char(1) 1 byte ASCII text string |
ROW_DATE(index) | The date on which data was collected or the exception occurred. This is a row identifier item | date 4 byte Informix date |
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SPLIT | On communication servers without the EAS feature, SPLIT is the number of the split number to which the EXTENSION is assigned. | smallint, 2 bytes |
STARTTIME | The time of day (hour and minute) for which the agent trace is being ordered. This
is the time of day you enter to request the report. This is a row identifier item. |
smallint 2 bytes |

Name | Description | Type |
STARTTIME_UTC | The UTC start time of the interval for which data was collected. It is records in number of seconds since midnight 01/01/1970 UTC. It applies only to the interval table. This is a row identifier item. | integer 4 bytes |
TENANT | The ID of the tenant partition to which the resource belongs. | integer 4 bytes |
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TRANSFERRED | An indication of whether the answering agent initiated a transfer for this call. Valid values for TRANSFERRED are 0, which means that “no” transfer was initiated, and 1, which means that “yes” a transfer was initiated. TRANSFERRED includes all calls that are transferred. | char(1), 1 byte ASCII text string |
UCID | The UCID is the Universal Call Identifier, which is a unique number that is assigned to this call segment within the customer network. | char(20), 20 byte ASCII text string |

Name | Description | Type |
WMODE_SEQ | The sequence number for events that occur in the same second. | smallint 2 bytes |
WORKCODE | The last call work code that the agent entered for the call. The WORKCODE item is available when call work codes are implemented. | char(16) 16 byte ASCII text string |
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WORKMODE | The work mode in which the agent was working during the trace. Agent work modes include: AVAIL, ACD, ACW, AUX, DACD, DACW, RING, UNKNOWN, OTHER, and UNSTAFF. If the agent was not logged in during the collection interval, the value is blank. | smallint, 2 bytes |

Intrahour Agent (hagent)
Name | Description | Type |
ABNCALLS | The number of split/skill ACD calls that are abandoned while ringing the agent's
telephone (after being directed to the agent telephone, but before being answered).
ABNCALLS includes PHANTOMABNS, which are ACD calls and calls routed to an agent or
extension with talk times less than the value of the phantom-abandon call timer.
This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
ABNTIME | The length of time that split/skill ACD callers waited while ringing the agent's telephone before abandoning the call. For phantom abandons, ABNTIME includes the total time until the agent releases the call. This is a cumulative item. | smallint, 2 bytes |
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ACCEPTEDINTRS | The number of interrupts accepted by the agent when the agent is in an interruptible AUX state. It is counted against the agent's top skill. This is a cumulative item. | smallint, 2 bytes |
ACD (index) |
The ACD number for which data was collected. This is a row identifier item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |

Name | Description | Type |
ACDAUXOUTCALLS | The number of AUXOUTCALLS that the agent placed with at least one split/skill or direct
agent ACD call on hold. On Avaya communication servers with multiple call handling and
agents in multiple skills, the call is recorded for the skill of the last ACD call that
the agent put on hold. This includes calls that are placed to transfer or conference the
ACD call. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
ACDCALLS | The number of calls that are queued to SPLIT and answered by this agent in this SPLIT.
ACDCALLS includes ACDCALLS_R1, ACDCALLS_R2, O_ACDCALLS and ACD_RELEASE. This is a cumulative item |
smallint, 2 bytes |
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ACDCALLS_R1 | The number of ACDCALLS that are queued to SPLIT and answered by this Reserve 1 Agent in
this SPLIT. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
ACDCALLS_R2 | The number of ACDCALLS that are queued to SPLIT and answered by this Reserve 2 Agent in
this SPLIT. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |

Name | Description | Type |
ACDTIME | The talk time of all ACDCALLS. ACDTIME includes O_ACDTIME but does not include HOLDTIME.
This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
ACWINCALLS | The number of inbound extension calls that are received by agents while they are in ACW.
This includes ACW for split/skill, direct agent ACD calls, and ACW not associated with a
call. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
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ACWINTIME | The talk time of all ACWINCALLS. ACWINTIME includes DA_ACWINTIME but it does not include
HOLDTIME. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
ACWOUTADJCALLS | The number of ACWOUTCALLS that are placed by an adjunct on behalf of an agent
(keyboarddialed). If such calls are placed to off-communication server destinations,
they are also counted as ACWOUTOFFCALLS. ACWOUTADJCALLS is available with the ASAI
feature. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |

Name | Description | Type |
ACWOUTCALLS | The number of outbound extension calls that are placed by the agent or on behalf of the
agent while they are in ACW. This includes ACW for ACD calls and ACW that is not
associated with a call. ACWOUTCALLS includes ACWOUTADJCALLS, ACWOUTOFFCALLS, and
DA_ACWOCALLS. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
ACWOUTOFFCALLS | The number of ACWOUTCALLS that are placed to an off-communication server destination. If
these calls are placed by an adjunct on behalf of an agent while the agent is in ACW,
they are counted as ACWOUTADJCALLS. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
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includes ACWOUTOFFTIME. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
includes time spent for the following activities: • Non-ACD calls made while in ACW
• ACWOUTADJCALLS • ACWOUTOFFCALLS This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |

Name | Description | Type |
ACWTIME | The length of time that agents spend in ACW that is associated with ACDCALLS. ACWTIME
does not include the time that is spent in ACW that is not associated with an ACD call.
ACWINTIME and ACWOUTTIME associated with calls made or received while in ACW associated
with Split/Skill and direct agent ACD calls are included. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
ANSRINGTIME | The length of time that split/skill and direct agent ACD calls spent ringing at the
agent's telephone before being answered. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
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ASSISTS | The number of times that agents requested supervisor assistance while they were on
split/skill ACD calls, direct agent ACD calls, or in call-related ACW for this
split/skill. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
AUXINCALLS | The number of inbound extension calls that are received by agents while they are in AUX
or AVAILABLE, or while the agents have an ACD, AUXIN, or AUXOUT call on hold. AUXINCALLS
are recorded in the SPLIT that is the OLDEST_LOGON for agents in multiple splits/skills.
This is a cumulative item |
smallint, 2 bytes |

Name | Description | Type |
AUXINTIME | The talk time of all AUXINCALLS. AUXINTIME does not include HOLDTIME. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
AUXOUTADJCALLS | The number of AUXOUTCALLS that are placed by an adjunct on behalf of an agent (keyboard
dialed). If such calls are placed to off-communication server destinations, they are
also counted as AUXOUTOFFCALLS. AUXOUTADJCALLS is available with the ASAI feature.
This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
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AUXOUTCALLS | The number of outbound extension calls that are placed by the agent or on behalf of the
agent while the agent is in AUX or AVAILABLE, or while the agent has an ACD, AUXIN, or
AUXOUT call on hold. Calls the agent makes to transfer or conference an ACD call are
AUXOUTOFFCALLS. For agents with multiple skills AUXOUTCALLS are recorded in the SPLIT
that is the OLDEST_LOGON, unless the agent placed the call with an ACD call on hold. In
this case, AUXOUTCALLS are recorded for the split/skill of the ACD call. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
AUXOUTOFFCALLS | The number of AUXOUTCALLS that are placed to a destination outside the communication
server. If such calls are placed by an adjunct on behalf of an agent, they are also
counted as AUXOUTADJCALLS. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |

Name | Description | Type |
AUXOUTOFFTIME | The talk time of all AUXOUTOFFCALLS not including HOLDTIME. This time is included in
AUXOUTTIME. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
AUXOUTTIME | The talk time of all AUXOUTCALLS. AUXOUTTIME includes AUXOUTOFFTIME. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
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CONFERENCE | The number of times that the agent completed a conference. A conference is considered completed when the agent pushes the conference key a second time. This is a cumulative item. | smallint, 2 bytes |
DA_ABNCALLS | The number of direct agent ACD calls that are abandoned by callers while in queue or
ringing at an agent telephone. DA_ABNCALLS includes calls that are considered abandoned
because their talk time was less than the phantom-abandon call timer. The DA_ABNCALLS
item is available with the ASAI or EAS feature. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |

Name | Description | Type |
DA_ABNTIME | The length of time that DA_ABNCALLS wait in queue or ring before abandoning. DA_ABNTIME includes the time that elapses before the agent releases the call on phantom abandon calls. DA_ABNTIME is available with the ASAI or EAS feature. | smallint, 2 bytes |
DA_ACDCALLS | The number of direct agent ACD calls that the agent answers. DA_ACDCALLS is available
with the ASAI or EAS feature. DA_ACDCALLS includes DA_RELEASE. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
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DA_ACDTIME | The length of time that agents spend talking on DA_ACDCALLS. DA_ACDTIME does not include
HOLDTIME. DA_ACDTIME is available with the ASAI or EAS feature. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
DA_ACWINCALLS | The number of inbound extension calls answered by the ACW agent, who entered that work
mode as a result of a direct agent call. Requires a communication server with the ASAI
or EAS feature for direct agent calling. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |

Name | Description | Type |
DA_ACWINTIME | The length of time that is spent on all DA_ACWINCALLS. DA_ACWINTIME does not include
HOLDTIME. DA_ACWINTIME is available with the ASAI or EAS feature. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
DA_ACWOADJCALLS | The number of DA_ACWOCALLS that an ASAI adjunct placed on behalf of the agent. If these
calls are placed to off-communication server destinations, they are also counted as
DA_ACWOOFFCALLS. The DA_ACWOADJCALLS item is available with the ASAI feature. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
How Avaya Agents can Handle Calls Using Web Browser | ||
DA_ACWOCALLS | The number of outbound extension calls made by the ACW agent, who entered that work mode
as a result of a direct agent call. Requires a communication server with the ASAI or EAS
feature for direct agent calling. DA_ACWOCALLS includes DA_ACWOADJCALLS and
DA_ACWOOFFCALLS. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
DA_ACWOOFFCALLS | The number of DA_ACWOCALLS that are placed to an off-communication server destination.
If these calls are placed by an ASAI adjunct on behalf of the agent, they are also
counted as DA_ACWOADJCALLS. The DA_ACWOOFFCALLS item is available with the ASAI feature.
This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |

Name | Description | Type |
DA_ACWOOFFTIME | The length of time that agents spend talking on all DA_ACWOOFFCALLS. DA_ACWOOFFTIME does
is available the ASAI or EAS feature. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
DA_ACWOTIME | The length of time that agents spend on DA_ACWOCALLS. DA_ACWOTIME does not include
HOLDTIME. DA_ACWOTIME includes DA_ACWOOFFTIME. The DA_ACWOTIME item is available with
the ASAI or EAS feature. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
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DA_ACWTIME | The duration of ACW that is associated with DA_ACDCALLS, including time on DA_ACWINCALLS
and DA_ACWOCALLS. The DA_ACWTIME item is available with the ASAI or EAS feature.
This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
DA_ANSTIME | The length of time that calls spend in the direct agent queue and ringing before being
answered. The DA_ANSTIME item is available with the ASAI or EAS feature. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |

Name | Description | Type |
DA_OTHERCALLS | The number of direct agent calls that are redirected to another destination before they
are answered. Calls can be redirected as a result of call pickup, coverage, or
Redirection on No Answer. The DA_OTHERCALLS item is available with the ASAI or EAS
feature. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
DA_OTHERTIME | The length of time that is spent in queue or ringing by DA_OTHERCALLS before they are
redirected. The DA_OTHERTIME item is available with the ASAI or EAS feature. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
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EVENT1-EVENT9 | The number of times each event, or stroke count, feature button from 1 to 9 was pressed
while the agent was on an ACD call or in call-related ACW. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
HOLDABNCALLS | The number of times that callers abandoned while on hold. The HOLDABNCALLS item applies
to all of the calls that the agent put on hold. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |

Name | Description | Type |
HOLDCALLS | The number of calls that are placed on hold at least once. HOLDCALLS includes
HOLDABNCALLS. The HOLDCALLS item applies to all of the calls that the agent put on hold.
This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
HOLDTIME | The length of time all calls are on hold. The HOLDTIME applies to all the calls that the
agent put on hold. HOLDTIME includes HOLDACDTIME. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
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I_ACDAUXINTIME | The length of time during the collection interval that the agent spent talking on AUXIN
calls with at least one split/skill or direct agent ACD call on hold. For agents in
multiple splits/skills, this time is recorded in the record in which SPLIT is
OLDEST_LOGON. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
I_ACDAUX_OUTTIME | The length of time during the collection interval that the agent was in AUX work,
AVAILABLE, had an ACD, AUXIN, or AUXOUT call on hold and on outbound extension calls.
When the agent was in AUX work, AVAILABLE, or had an AUXIN or AUXOUT call on hold, the
AUXOUT time and calls are recorded for the SPLIT that is the OLDEST_LOGON. When the
agent had an ACD call on hold, SPLIT is the split/skill associated with the last ACD
call put on hold. I_AUXOUTTIME includes I_ACDAUX_OUTTIME but does not include the time
calls spent on hold. This is a cumulative item |
smallint, 2 bytes |

Name | Description | Type |
I_ACDOTHERTIME | The length of time during the collection interval that the agent spent in the OTHER
state with at least one split/skill or direct agent ACD call on hold. Instances of the
OTHER state include, dialing an outgoing call, a ringing extension call, or having calls
on hold and with no other state selected. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
I_ACDTIME | The length of time during the collection interval that the agent was talking on ACD
calls for this SPLIT. I_ACDTIME includes time on O_ACDCALLS. I_ACDTIME does not include
HOLDTIME. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
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I_ACWINTIME | The length of time during the collection interval that the agent was in ACW and on
inbound extension calls. I_ACWINTIME includes ACW for split/skill ACD calls and ACW that
is not associated with a call. I_ACWINTIME does not include the time that inbound ACW
calls spend on hold. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
I_ACWOUTTIME | The length of time during the collection interval that the agent was in ACW and on
outbound extension calls. I_ACWOUTTIME includes ACW for split/skill ACD calls and ACW
that is not associated with a call. I_ACWOUTTIME does not include the time ACWOUT calls
spend on hold. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |

Name | Description | Type |
I_ACWTIME | The length of time during the collection interval that the agent is in ACW. This
includes ACW for split/skill ACD calls and ACW that is not associated with a call.
I_ACWINTIME and I_ACWOUTTIME include time for direct agent ACW in and out calls, but
I_ACWTIME does not include this time. Therefore, the sum of I_ACWINTIME and I_ACWOUTTIME
may be greater than I_ACWTIME. I_ACWTIME includes the portions of I_ACWINTIME and
I_ACWOUTTIME that are not associated with direct agent calls. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
I_AUXINTIME | The length of time during the collection interval that the agent was in AUX work or
AVAILABLE and on an inbound extension call. I_AUXINTIME includes the length of time when
an ACD, AUXIN, or AUXOUT call is on hold and the time the agent is on inbound extension
calls and SPLIT is the OLDEST_LOGON. I_AUXINTIME includes I_ACDAUXINTIME but does not
include the time these calls spent on hold. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
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I_AUXOUTTIME | The length of time during the collection interval that the agent was in AUX work, AVAILABLE, had an ACD, AUXIN, or AUXOUT call on hold and on outbound extension calls. When the agent was in AUX work, AVAILABLE, or had an AUXIN or AUXOUT call on hold, the AUXOUT time and calls are recorded for the SPLIT that is the OLDEST_LOGON. When the agent had an ACD call on hold, SPLIT is the split/skill associated with the last ACD call put on hold. I_AUXOUTTIME includes I_ACDAUX_OUTTIME but does not include the time calls spent on hold. This is a cumulative item. | smallint, 2 bytes |
I_AUXSTBYTIME | The time during the collection interval that an Agent was in AUX Work state while the skill was Normal. This database item is valid only for agents administered as Reserve Level 1 or Reserve Level 2 for a skill. If the skill goes from Normal to Overload 1, or from Overload 1 to Overload, depending on if the Agent is Reserve 1 or Reserve 2, the agent will stop accumulating I_AUXSTBYTIME and start accumulating I_AUXTIME. I_AUXSTBYTIME is not included in I_STAFFTIME or I_AUXTIME. | smallint, 2 bytes |

Name | Description | Type |
I_AVAILTIME | The length of time during the collection interval that the agent was available for ACD calls in this split/skill. This is a cumulative item. | smallint, 2 bytes |
I_DA_ACDTIME | The length of time during the collection interval that the agent spent talking on direct agent calls. I_DA_ACDTIME does not include HOLDTIME. The I_DA_ACDTIME item is available with the ASAI or EAS feature. This is a cumulative item. | smallint, 2 bytes |
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I_DA_ACWTIME | The length of time during the collection interval that the agent was doing ACW that was
associated with direct agent ACD calls. The I_DA_ACWTIME item is available with the ASAI
or EAS feature. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
I_OTHERSTBYTIME | The time during the collection interval that the Agent was logged into the skill and in
standby because the skill was not in overload 1 or 2. This database item is valid only
for agents administered as Reserve Level 1 or Reserve Level 2 for a skill. Note: Reserve Level 1 agents that are working on a call for another skill when the reserve skill goes into an overload condition will stop being tracked as I_OTHERSTBYTIME_R1 and start being tracked as I_OTHERTIME_R1. I_OTHERSTBYTIME is available with Advocate Service Level Supervisor. I_OTHERSTBYTIME is not included in I_STAFFTIME or I_OTHERTIME. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |

Name | Description | Type |
I_OTHERSTBYTIME_R1 | The time during the collection interval that Reserve Level 1 agents were logged into
this skill and in standby. I_OTHERSTBYTIME_R1 accumulates while the skill (for which the
agent is Reserve Level 1) is Normal. I_OTHERSTBYTIME is not included in I_STAFFTIME, I_OTHERTIME or I_OTHERTIME_R1. Notes: Reserve Level 1 agents that are working on a call for another skill when the reserve skill goes into an overload condition will stop being tracked as I_OTHERSTBYTIME_R1 and start being tracked as I_OTHERTIME_R1. I_OTHERSTBYTIME_R1 is available with Advocate Service Level Supervisor. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
I_OTHERSTBYTIME_R2 | The time during the collection interval that Reserve Level 2 agents were staffed in this
skill and in standby. I_OTHERSTBYTIME_R2 accumulated while the skill (for which the
agent is Reserve Level 2) is not in overload 2. Note: Reserve Level 2 agents that are working on a call for another skill when the reserve skill goes into an overload condition will stop being tracked as I_OTHERSTBYTIME_R2 and start being tracked as I_OTHERTIME_R2. I_OTHERSTBYTIME_R2 is available with Advocate Service Level Supervisor. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
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I_OTHERTIME | The length of time that the agent was doing other work. Reserve agents only accumulate
I_OTHERTIME when the skill is in overload 1 or 2. I_OTHERTIME includes I_ACDOTHERTIME, I_DA_ACDTIME, and I_DA_ACWTIME. I_OTHERTIME does not include I_OTHERSTBYTIME. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
I_RINGTIME | The length of time during the collection interval that the agent had split/skill and
direct agent ACD calls ringing. If the agent changes work modes or makes/receives
another call instead of answering the ringing call, I_RINGTIME will stop accumulating.
RINGTIME is the length of time that the caller spends ringing and is independent of
agent activity. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |

Name | Description | Type |
I_STAFFTIME | The length of time during the collection interval that the agent was logged in to this
split/skill. Reserve agents only accumulate STAFFTIME when the skill is in overload 1 or
smallint, 2 bytes |
INTRDELIVERIES | The number of calls delivered to the agent when the agent is interrupted in an
interruptible AUX state. It is counted against the agent's skill the call is delivered
to. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
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INTRNOTIFIES | The number of interrupt notifications received by the agent when the agent is in an
interruptible AUX state. It is counted against the agent's top skill. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
INTRVL | The number of minutes in the intrahour interval. The length of the intrahour interval
can be 15, 30, or 60 minutes. INTRVL applies to intrahour tables only. This is an administrative item. |
smallint (only in hagent table), 2 bytes |

Name | Description | Type |
NOANSREDIR | The number of split/skill and direct agent ACD calls that rang at this agent's telephone
and then were automatically redirected by the Redirection on No Answer feature because
they were not answered. Split/skill ACD calls are requeued to the split/skill or VDN,
whereas direct agent ACD calls are redirected to the agent's coverage path. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
O_ACDCALLS | The number of ACDCALLS and DA_ACDCALLS that are placed by an adjunct (predictive
dialing). The O_ACDCALLS item is available with the ASAI feature. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
How to Run Avaya Phone Inside Web Browser | ||
O_ACDTIME | The talk time of all O_ACDCALLS. O_ACDTIME does not include HOLDTIME. O_ACDTIME is
included in ACDTIME. The O_ACDTIME item is available with the ASAI feature. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
O_ACWTIME | The duration of all ACW that is associated with O_ACDCALLS. O_ACWTIME is included in
ACWTIME. The O_ACWTIME item is available with the ASAI feature. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |

Name | Description | Type |
PHANTOMABNS | The number of ACD calls for which talk time is less than the value of the
phantom-abandon call timer. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
REJECTEDINTRS | The number of interrupts rejected by the agent. It is counted against the agent’s top
skill. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
How to Avoid Installing Any Software on Avaya Agent PCs | ||
RINGCALLS | The number of split/skill and direct agent ACD calls that rang at the agent's position.
RINGCALLS includes NOANSREDIR. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
RINGTIME | The length of time that split/skill and direct agent ACD calls spend ringing at the
agent's position independent of disposition or other agent activity. I_RINGTIME is the
time that the agent spends in the ringing state and is affected by other agent activity.
RINGTIME is the time the caller spends ringing at the agent station. RINGTIME includes
ANSRINGTIME. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |

Name | Description | Type |
STARTTIME | The start time for the interval for which data was collected. STARTTIME applies only to
the Interval table. This is a row identifier item. |
smallint (only in hagent table), 2 bytes |
STARTTIME_UTC | The UTC start time of the interval for which data was collected. It is records in number
of seconds since midnight 01/01/1970 UTC. It applies only to the interval table.
This is a row identifier item. |
smallint (only in hagent table), 2 bytes |
Avaya Remote Agent Toolkit | ||
TI_AUXTIME | The length of time during the collection interval that the agent spends in AUX for all
splits/skills, or on AUXINCALLS or AUXOUTCALLS and SPLIT was OLDEST_LOGON. “TI_” time is
stored for the split/skill in which the agent has been logged in the longest. “TI_”
needs to be summed across the splits/skills that the agent may log into in case the
logon order changes during the collection interval. Notes: When OLDEST_SKILL is a Reserve Level Skill, the TI_AUXTIME (agent) database item includes the time that an agent was in AUX Work whether the skill is in a normal or an overthreshold condition. TI_AUXTIME includes TI_AUXTIME0, TI_AUXTIME1 through 9, TI_AUXTIME10 through 99 (optional feature), I_AUXINTIME, and I_AUXOUTTIME. SUM(TI_AUXTIME) equals the sum of all TI_AUXTIME items, 0-9, 10-99 (optional feature), over all splits/skills that the agent was logged into. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
TI_AVAILTIME | The length of time during the collection interval that the agent is in the AVAIL state
for split/skill or direct agent ACD calls in any split/skill. TI_AVAILTIME is recorded
for the split/skill in which the agent has been logged in the longest. “TI_” time needs
to be summed across the splits/skills the agents may log in to, in case the logon order
changes during the collection interval. On communication servers without the EAS
feature, if an agent logs into multiple splits and is in AUX mode in one split and is
available for ACD calls in another split, the agent accrues I_AVAILTIME for the split in
which the agent is available and TI_AVAILTIME in the split that the agent has been
logged into the longest. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |

Name | Description | Type |
TI_OTHERTIME | The length of time during the collection interval that the agent is in OTHER in any
split/skill. TI_OTHERTIME is collected for the time period after the link to the
communication server is initiated and directly after the agent logs in but before the
CMS is notified of the agent's work state. While the agent is in Auto-In or Manual-In,
other work for this split/skill includes the amount of time that is spent doing any of
the following:
Note: When OLDEST_SKILL is a Reserve Level Skill, the TI_OTHERTIME (agent) database item includes the time that an agent was in AUX Work whether the skill is in a normal or an overthreshold condition. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint (only in hagent table), 2 bytes |
Avaya CRM Integration with No CRM Subscription | ||
TI_STAFFTIME | The length of time during the collection interval that the agent is staffed in any
split/skill. “TI_” time is stored for the split/skill in which the agent has been logged
in the longest. “TI_” needs to be summed across the splits/skills that the agent may log
into in case the logon order changes during the collection interval. sum(TI_STAFFTIME) =
TI_AVAILTIME + TI_OTHERTIME), over all of the splits/skills that the agent was logged
into. Note: When OLDEST_SKILL is a Reserve Level Skill, the TI_STAFFTIME (agent) database item includes the time that an agent was in AUX Work whether the skill is in a normal or an overthreshold condition. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint (only in hagent table), 2 bytes |
How Avaya Agents can Handle Calls Using Web Browser | ||
TRANSFERRED | The number of calls that the agent transferred to another destination. TRANSFERRED
includes all calls that are transferred. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |

Daily Agent (dagent)
Name | Description | Type |
ABNCALLS | The number of split/skill ACD calls that are abandoned while ringing the agent's telephone
(after being directed to the agent telephone, but before being answered). ABNCALLS includes
PHANTOMABNS, which are ACD calls and calls routed to an agent or extension with talk times
less than the value of the phantom-abandon call timer. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
ACCEPTEDINTRS | The number of interrupts accepted by the agent when the agent is in an interruptible AUX
state. It is counted against the agent's top skill. This is a cumulative item. |
integer, 4 bytes |
How to set targets and limits for Avaya Agents | ||
ACDAUXOUTCALLS | The number of AUXOUTCALLS that the agent placed with at least one split/skill or direct
agent ACD call on hold. On Avaya communication servers with multiple call handling and
agents in multiple skills, the call is recorded for the skill of the last ACD call that the
agent put on hold. This includes calls that are placed to transfer or conference the ACD
call. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
ACDCALLS | The number of calls that are queued to SPLIT and answered by this agent in this SPLIT.
ACDCALLS includes ACDCALLS_R1, ACDCALLS_R2, O_ACDCALLS and ACD_RELEASE. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |

Name | Description | Type |
ACWINCALLS | The number of inbound extension calls that are received by agents while they are in ACW.
This includes ACW for split/skill, direct agent ACD calls, and ACW not associated with a
call. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
ACWOUTADJCALLS | The number of ACWOUTCALLS that are placed by an adjunct on behalf of an agent
(keyboarddialed). If such calls are placed to off-communication server destinations,
they are also counted as ACWOUTOFFCALLS. ACWOUTADJCALLS is available with the ASAI
feature. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 4 bytes |
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ACWOUTCALLS | The number of outbound extension calls that are placed by the agent or on behalf of the
agent while they are in ACW. This includes ACW for ACD calls and ACW that is not
associated with a call. ACWOUTCALLS includes ACWOUTADJCALLS, ACWOUTOFFCALLS, and
DA_ACWOCALLS. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
ACWOUTOFFCALLS | The number of ACWOUTCALLS that are placed to an off-communication server destination. If
these calls are placed by an adjunct on behalf of an agent while the agent is in ACW,
they are counted as ACWOUTADJCALLS. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |

Name | Description | Type |
ASSISTS | The number of times that agents requested supervisor assistance while they were on
split/skill ACD calls, direct agent ACD calls, or in call-related ACW for this
split/skill. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
AUXINCALLS | The number of inbound extension calls that are received by agents while they are in AUX
or AVAILABLE, or while the agents have an ACD, AUXIN, or AUXOUT call on hold. AUXINCALLS
are recorded in the SPLIT that is the OLDEST_LOGON for agents in multiple splits/skills.
This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 4 bytes |
Report and Analyze Repeat Callers in Avaya CMS | ||
AUXOUTADJCALLS | The number of AUXOUTCALLS that are placed by an adjunct on behalf of an agent (keyboard
dialed). If such calls are placed to off-communication server destinations, they are
also counted as AUXOUTOFFCALLS. AUXOUTADJCALLS is available with the ASAI feature.
This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
AUXOUTCALLS | The number of outbound extension calls that are placed by the agent or on behalf of the
agent while the agent is in AUX or AVAILABLE, or while the agent has an ACD, AUXIN, or
AUXOUT call on hold. Calls the agent makes to transfer or conference an ACD call are
AUXOUTOFFCALLS. For agents with multiple skills AUXOUTCALLS are recorded in the SPLIT that is the OLDEST_LOGON, unless the agent placed the call with an ACD call on hold. In this case, AUXOUTCALLS are recorded for the split/skill of the ACD call. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |

Name | Description | Type |
AUXOUTOFFCALLS | The number of AUXOUTCALLS that are placed to a destination outside the communication
server. If such calls are placed by an adjunct on behalf of an agent, they are also
counted as AUXOUTADJCALLS. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
CONFERENCE | The number of times that the agent completed a conference. A conference is considered
completed when the agent pushes the conference key a second time. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 4 bytes |
Agent and Team Scorecards by Email, Daily, Weekly, Monthly | ||
DA_ABNCALLS | The number of direct agent ACD calls that are abandoned by callers while in queue or
ringing at an agent telephone. DA_ABNCALLS includes calls that are considered abandoned
because their talk time was less than the phantom-abandon call timer. The DA_ABNCALLS
item is available with the ASAI or EAS feature. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
DA_ACDCALLS | The number of direct agent ACD calls that the agent answers. DA_ACDCALLS is available
with the ASAI or EAS feature. DA_ACDCALLS includes DA_RELEASE. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |

Name | Description | Type |
DA_ACDTIME | The length of time that agents spend talking on DA_ACDCALLS. DA_ACDTIME does not include
HOLDTIME. DA_ACDTIME is available with the ASAI or EAS feature. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
DA_ACWINCALLS | The number of inbound extension calls answered by the ACW agent, who entered that work
mode as a result of a direct agent call. Requires a communication server with the ASAI
or EAS feature for direct agent calling. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 4 bytes |
Avaya Outbound Agent Toolkit on the Web Browser | ||
DA_ACWOADJCALLS | The number of DA_ACWOCALLS that an ASAI adjunct placed on behalf of the agent. If these
calls are placed to off-communication server destinations, they are also counted as
DA_ACWOOFFCALLS. The DA_ACWOADJCALLS item is available with the ASAI feature. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
DA_ACWOCALLS | The number of outbound extension calls made by the ACW agent, who entered that work mode
as a result of a direct agent call. Requires a communication server with the ASAI or EAS
feature for direct agent calling. DA_ACWOCALLS includes DA_ACWOADJCALLS and
DA_ACWOOFFCALLS. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |

Name | Description | Type |
DA_ACWOOFFCALLS | The number of DA_ACWOCALLS that are placed to an off-communication server destination.
If these calls are placed by an ASAI adjunct on behalf of the agent, they are also
counted as DA_ACWOADJCALLS. The DA_ACWOOFFCALLS item is available with the ASAI feature.
This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
DA_OTHERCALLS | The number of direct agent calls that are redirected to another destination before they
are answered. Calls can be redirected as a result of call pickup, coverage, or
Redirection on No Answer. The DA_OTHERCALLS item is available with the ASAI or EAS
feature. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 4 bytes |
Monitor avaya Queues and Agents with Comstice Wallboard Mobile app | ||
EVENT1-EVENT9 | The number of times each event, or stroke count, feature button from 1 to 9 was pressed
while the agent was on an ACD call or in call-related ACW. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
HOLDABNCALLS | The number of times that callers abandoned while on hold. The HOLDABNCALLS item applies
to all of the calls that the agent put on hold. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |

Name | Description | Type |
HOLDCALLS | The number of calls that are placed on hold at least once. HOLDCALLS includes
HOLDABNCALLS. The HOLDCALLS item applies to all of the calls that the agent put on hold.
This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
INTRDELIVERIES | The number of calls delivered to the agent when the agent is interrupted in an
interruptible AUX state. It is counted against the agent's skill the call is delivered
to. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 4 bytes |
Visual Customer Patience Index for Avaya Queues | ||
INTRNOTIFIES | The number of interrupt notifications received by the agent when the agent is in an
interruptible AUX state. It is counted against the agent's top skill. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 4 bytes |
NOANSREDIR | The number of split/skill and direct agent ACD calls that rang at this agent's telephone and then were automatically redirected by the Redirection on No Answer feature because they were not answered. Split/skill ACD calls are requeued to the split/skill or VDN, whereas direct agent ACD calls are redirected to the agent's coverage path. This is a cumulative item. | smallint, 2 bytes |

Name | Description | Type |
O_ACDCALLS | The number of ACDCALLS and DA_ACDCALLS that are placed by an adjunct (predictive
dialing). The O_ACDCALLS item is available with the ASAI feature. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
REJECTEDINTRS | The number of interrupts rejected by the agent. It is counted against the agent’s top
skill. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 4 bytes |
Record Avaya Agent Screens Using Web Browser and No Installation | ||
RINGCALLS | The number of split/skill and direct agent ACD calls that rang at the agent's position.
RINGCALLS includes NOANSREDIR. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
TIMEZONE | The 40 character long TIMEZONE is used for daily, weekly, or monthly archiving and indicates the time zone used for aggregation. The TIMEZONE field is added to the daily, weekly, and monthly tables. This field allows reporting of daily, weekly, and monthly data for a specified time zone other than the default ACD time zone. For daily, weekly, and monthly data, one additional time zone per ACD can be configured. If the tenancy feature is installed, an additional time zone per tenant can be defined. | char(40), 40 byte ASCII text string |
How to Run Avaya Phone Inside Web Browser | ||
TRANSFERRED | The number of calls that the agent transferred to another destination. TRANSFERRED
includes all calls that are transferred. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |

Weekly Agent (wagent)
Name | Description | Type |
ABNCALLS | The number of split/skill ACD calls that are abandoned while ringing the agent's telephone
(after being directed to the agent telephone, but before being answered). ABNCALLS includes
PHANTOMABNS, which are ACD calls and calls routed to an agent or extension with talk times
less than the value of the phantom-abandon call timer. This is a cumulative item. |
integer, 4 bytes |
ACCEPTEDINTRS | The number of interrupts accepted by the agent when the agent is in an interruptible AUX
state. It is counted against the agent's top skill. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 4 bytes |
How to Avoid Installing Any Software on Avaya Agent PCs | ||
ACDAUXOUTCALLS | The number of AUXOUTCALLS that the agent placed with at least one split/skill or direct
agent ACD call on hold. On Avaya communication servers with multiple call handling and
agents in multiple skills, the call is recorded for the skill of the last ACD call that the
agent put on hold. This includes calls that are placed to transfer or conference the ACD
call. This is a cumulative item |
integer, 4 bytes |
ACDCALLS | The number of calls that are queued to SPLIT and answered by this agent in this SPLIT.
ACDCALLS includes ACDCALLS_R1, ACDCALLS_R2, O_ACDCALLS and ACD_RELEASE. This is a cumulative item. |
integer, 4 bytes |

Name | Description | Type |
ACWINCALLS | The number of inbound extension calls that are received by agents while they are in ACW.
This includes ACW for split/skill, direct agent ACD calls, and ACW not associated with a
call. This is a cumulative item. |
integer, 4 bytes |
ACWOUTADJCALLS | The number of ACWOUTCALLS that are placed by an adjunct on behalf of an agent
(keyboarddialed). If such calls are placed to off-communication server destinations,
they are also counted as ACWOUTOFFCALLS. ACWOUTADJCALLS is available with the ASAI
feature. This is a cumulative item. |
integer, 4 bytes |
Avaya Remote Agent Toolkit | ||
ACWOUTCALLS | The number of outbound extension calls that are placed by the agent or on behalf of the
agent while they are in ACW. This includes ACW for ACD calls and ACW that is not
associated with a call. ACWOUTCALLS includes ACWOUTADJCALLS, ACWOUTOFFCALLS, and
DA_ACWOCALLS. This is a cumulative item. |
integer, 4 bytes |
ACWOUTOFFCALLS | The number of ACWOUTCALLS that are placed to an off-communication server destination. If
these calls are placed by an adjunct on behalf of an agent while the agent is in ACW,
they are counted as ACWOUTADJCALLS. This is a cumulative item. |
integer, 4 bytes |

Name | Description | Type |
ASSISTS | The number of times that agents requested supervisor assistance while they were on
split/skill ACD calls, direct agent ACD calls, or in call-related ACW for this
split/skill. This is a cumulative item. |
integer, 4 bytes |
AUXINCALLS | The number of inbound extension calls that are received by agents while they are in AUX
or AVAILABLE, or while the agents have an ACD, AUXIN, or AUXOUT call on hold. AUXINCALLS
are recorded in the SPLIT that is the OLDEST_LOGON for agents in multiple
splits/skills. This is a cumulative item. |
integer, 4 bytes |
Avaya CRM Integration with No CRM Subscription | ||
AUXOUTADJCALLS | The number of AUXOUTCALLS that are placed by an adjunct on behalf of an agent (keyboard
dialed). If such calls are placed to off-communication server destinations, they are
also counted as AUXOUTOFFCALLS. AUXOUTADJCALLS is available with the ASAI feature.
This is a cumulative item. |
integer, 4 bytes |
AUXOUTCALLS | The number of outbound extension calls that are placed by the agent or on behalf of the
agent while the agent is in AUX or AVAILABLE, or while the agent has an ACD, AUXIN, or
AUXOUT call on hold. Calls the agent makes to transfer or conference an ACD call are
AUXOUTOFFCALLS. For agents with multiple skills AUXOUTCALLS are recorded in the SPLIT that is the OLDEST_LOGON, unless the agent placed the call with an ACD call on hold. In this case, AUXOUTCALLS are recorded for the split/skill of the ACD call. This is a cumulative item. |
integer, 4 bytes |

Name | Description | Type |
AUXOUTOFFCALLS | The number of AUXOUTCALLS that are placed to a destination outside the communication
server. If such calls are placed by an adjunct on behalf of an agent, they are also
counted as AUXOUTADJCALLS. This is a cumulative item. |
integer, 4 bytes |
CONFERENCE | The number of times that the agent completed a conference. A conference is considered
completed when the agent pushes the conference key a second time. This is a cumulative item. |
integer, 4 bytes |
How Avaya Agents can Handle Calls Using Web Browser | ||
DA_ABNCALLS | The number of direct agent ACD calls that are abandoned by callers while in queue or
ringing at an agent telephone. DA_ABNCALLS includes calls that are considered abandoned
because their talk time was less than the phantom-abandon call timer. The DA_ABNCALLS
item is available with the ASAI or EAS feature. This is a cumulative item. |
integer, 4 bytes |
DA_ACDCALLS | The number of direct agent ACD calls that the agent answers. DA_ACDCALLS is available
with the ASAI or EAS feature. DA_ACDCALLS includes DA_RELEASE. This is a cumulative item. |
integer, 4 bytes |

Name | Description | Type |
DA_ACWINCALLS | The number of inbound extension calls answered by the ACW agent, who entered that work
mode as a result of a direct agent call. Requires a communication server with the ASAI
or EAS feature for direct agent calling. This is a cumulative item. |
integer, 4 bytes |
DA_ACWOADJCALLS | The number of DA_ACWOCALLS that an ASAI adjunct placed on behalf of the agent. If these
calls are placed to off-communication server destinations, they are also counted as
DA_ACWOOFFCALLS. The DA_ACWOADJCALLS item is available with the ASAI feature. This is a cumulative item. |
integer, 4 bytes |
How to set targets and limits for Avaya Agents | ||
DA_ACWOCALLS | The number of outbound extension calls made by the ACW agent, who entered that work mode
as a result of a direct agent call. Requires a communication server with the ASAI or EAS
feature for direct agent calling. DA_ACWOCALLS includes DA_ACWOADJCALLS and
DA_ACWOOFFCALLS. This is a cumulative item. |
integer, 4 bytes |
DA_ACWOOFFCALLS | The number of DA_ACWOCALLS that are placed to an off-communication server destination.
If these calls are placed by an ASAI adjunct on behalf of the agent, they are also
counted as DA_ACWOADJCALLS. The DA_ACWOOFFCALLS item is available with the ASAI feature.
This is a cumulative item. |
integer, 4 bytes |

Name | Description | Type |
DA_OTHERCALLS | The number of direct agent calls that are redirected to another destination before they
are answered. Calls can be redirected as a result of call pickup, coverage, or
Redirection on No Answer. The DA_OTHERCALLS item is available with the ASAI or EAS
feature. This is a cumulative item. |
integer, 4 bytes |
EVENT1-EVENT9 | The number of times each event, or stroke count, feature button from 1 to 9 was pressed
while the agent was on an ACD call or in call-related ACW. This is a cumulative item. |
integer, 4 bytes |
Send Weekly Avaya Agent Scorecards by Email | ||
HOLDABNCALLS | The number of times that callers abandoned while on hold. The HOLDABNCALLS item applies
to all of the calls that the agent put on hold. This is a cumulative item. |
integer, 4 bytes |
HOLDCALLS | The number of calls that are placed on hold at least once. HOLDCALLS includes
HOLDABNCALLS. The HOLDCALLS item applies to all of the calls that the agent put on hold.
This is a cumulative item. |
integer, 4 bytes |

Name | Description | Type |
INTRDELIVERIES | The number of calls delivered to the agent when the agent is interrupted in an
interruptible AUX state. It is counted against the agent's skill the call is delivered
to. This is a cumulative item. |
integer, 4 bytes |
INTRNOTIFIES | The number of interrupt notifications received by the agent when the agent is in an
interruptible AUX state. It is counted against the agent's top skill. This is a cumulative item. |
integer, 4 bytes |
Report and Analyze Repeat Callers in Avaya CMS | ||
NOANSREDIR | The number of split/skill and direct agent ACD calls that rang at this agent's telephone
and then were automatically redirected by the Redirection on No Answer feature because
they were not answered. Split/skill ACD calls are requeued to the split/skill or VDN,
whereas direct agent ACD calls are redirected to the agent's coverage path. This is a cumulative item. |
integer, 4 bytes |
O_ACDCALLS | The number of ACDCALLS and DA_ACDCALLS that are placed by an adjunct (predictive
dialing). The O_ACDCALLS item is available with the ASAI feature. This is a cumulative item. |
integer, 4 bytes |

Name | Description | Type |
PHANTOMABNS | The number of ACD calls for which talk time is less than the value of the
phantom-abandon call timer. This is a cumulative item. |
integer, 4 bytes |
REJECTEDINTRS | The number of interrupts rejected by the agent. It is counted against the agent’s top
skill. This is a cumulative item |
integer, 4 bytes |
Agent and Team Scorecards by Email, Daily, Weekly, Monthly | ||
RINGCALLS | The number of split/skill and direct agent ACD calls that rang at the agent's position.
RINGCALLS includes NOANSREDIR. This is a cumulative item. |
integer, 4 bytes |
TIMEZONE | The 40 character long TIMEZONE is used for daily, weekly, or monthly archiving and indicates the time zone used for aggregation. The TIMEZONE field is added to the daily, weekly, and monthly tables. This field allows reporting of daily, weekly, and monthly data for a specified time zone other than the default ACD time zone. For daily, weekly, and monthly data, one additional time zone per ACD can be configured. If the tenancy feature is installed, an additional time zone per tenant can be defined. | char(40), 40 byte ASCII text string |
Avaya Outbound Agent Toolkit on the Web Browser | ||
TRANSFERRED | The number of calls that the agent transferred to another destination. TRANSFERRED
includes all calls that are transferred. This is a cumulative item. |
integer, 4 bytes |

Monthly Agent (magent)
Name | Description | Type |
ABNCALLS | The number of split/skill ACD calls that are abandoned while ringing the agent's telephone
(after being directed to the agent telephone, but before being answered). ABNCALLS includes
PHANTOMABNS, which are ACD calls and calls routed to an agent or extension with talk times
less than the value of the phantom-abandon call timer. This is a cumulative item. |
integer, 4 bytes |
ACCEPTEDINTRS | The number of interrupts accepted by the agent when the agent is in an interruptible AUX
state. It is counted against the agent's top skill. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 4 bytes |
Monitor avaya Queues and Agents with Comstice Wallboard Mobile app | ||
ACDAUXOUTCALLS | The number of AUXOUTCALLS that the agent placed with at least one split/skill or direct
agent ACD call on hold. On Avaya communication servers with multiple call handling and
agents in multiple skills, the call is recorded for the skill of the last ACD call that the
agent put on hold. This includes calls that are placed to transfer or conference the ACD
call. This is a cumulative item. |
integer, 4 bytes |
ACDCALLS | The number of calls that are queued to SPLIT and answered by this agent in this SPLIT.
ACDCALLS includes ACDCALLS_R1, ACDCALLS_R2, O_ACDCALLS and ACD_RELEASE. This is a cumulative item |
integer, 4 bytes |

Name | Description | Type |
ACWINCALLS | The number of inbound extension calls that are received by agents while they are in ACW.
This includes ACW for split/skill, direct agent ACD calls, and ACW not associated with a
call. This is a cumulative item. |
integer, 4 bytes |
ACWOUTADJCALLS | The number of ACWOUTCALLS that are placed by an adjunct on behalf of an agent
(keyboarddialed). If such calls are placed to off-communication server destinations,
they are also counted as ACWOUTOFFCALLS. ACWOUTADJCALLS is available with the ASAI
feature. This is a cumulative item. |
integer, 4 bytes |
Visual Customer Patience Index for Avaya Queues | ||
ACWOUTCALLS | The number of outbound extension calls that are placed by the agent or on behalf of the
agent while they are in ACW. This includes ACW for ACD calls and ACW that is not
associated with a call. ACWOUTCALLS includes ACWOUTADJCALLS, ACWOUTOFFCALLS, and
DA_ACWOCALLS. This is a cumulative item. |
integer, 4 bytes |
ACWOUTOFFCALLS | The number of ACWOUTCALLS that are placed to an off-communication server destination. If
these calls are placed by an adjunct on behalf of an agent while the agent is in ACW,
they are counted as ACWOUTADJCALLS. This is a cumulative item. |
integer, 4 bytes |

Name | Description | Type |
ASSISTS | The number of times that agents requested supervisor assistance while they were on
split/skill ACD calls, direct agent ACD calls, or in call-related ACW for this
split/skill. This is a cumulative item. |
integer, 4 bytes |
AUXINCALLS | The number of inbound extension calls that are received by agents while they are in AUX
or AVAILABLE, or while the agents have an ACD, AUXIN, or AUXOUT call on hold. AUXINCALLS
are recorded in the SPLIT that is the OLDEST_LOGON for agents in multiple splits/skills.
This is a cumulative item. |
integer, 4 bytes |
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AUXOUTADJCALLS | The number of AUXOUTCALLS that are placed by an adjunct on behalf of an agent (keyboard
dialed). If such calls are placed to off-communication server destinations, they are
also counted as AUXOUTOFFCALLS. AUXOUTADJCALLS is available with the ASAI feature.
This is a cumulative item. |
integer, 4 bytes |
AUXOUTCALLS | The number of outbound extension calls that are placed by the agent or on behalf of the
agent while the agent is in AUX or AVAILABLE, or while the agent has an ACD, AUXIN, or
AUXOUT call on hold. Calls the agent makes to transfer or conference an ACD call are
AUXOUTOFFCALLS. For agents with multiple skills AUXOUTCALLS are recorded in the SPLIT that is the OLDEST_LOGON, unless the agent placed the call with an ACD call on hold. In this case, AUXOUTCALLS are recorded for the split/skill of the ACD call. This is a cumulative item. |
integer, 4 bytes |
Name | Description | Type |
AUXOUTOFFCALLS | The number of AUXOUTCALLS that are placed to a destination outside the communication
server. If such calls are placed by an adjunct on behalf of an agent, they are also
counted as AUXOUTADJCALLS. This is a cumulative item. |
integer, 4 bytes |
CONFERENCE | The number of times that the agent completed a conference. A conference is considered
completed when the agent pushes the conference key a second time. This is a cumulative item. |
integer, 4 bytes |
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DA_ABNCALLS | The number of direct agent ACD calls that are abandoned by callers while in queue or
ringing at an agent telephone. DA_ABNCALLS includes calls that are considered abandoned
because their talk time was less than the phantom-abandon call timer. The DA_ABNCALLS
item is available with the ASAI or EAS feature. This is a cumulative item. |
integer, 4 bytes |
DA_ACDCALLS | The number of direct agent ACD calls that the agent answers. DA_ACDCALLS is available
with the ASAI or EAS feature. DA_ACDCALLS includes DA_RELEASE. This is a cumulative item. |
integer, 4 bytes |

Name | Description | Type |
DA_ACWINCALLS | The number of inbound extension calls answered by the ACW agent, who entered that work
mode as a result of a direct agent call. Requires a communication server with the ASAI
or EAS feature for direct agent calling. This is a cumulative item. |
integer, 4 bytes |
DA_ACWOADJCALLS | The number of DA_ACWOCALLS that an ASAI adjunct placed on behalf of the agent. If these
calls are placed to off-communication server destinations, they are also counted as
DA_ACWOOFFCALLS. The DA_ACWOADJCALLS item is available with the ASAI feature. This is a cumulative item. |
integer, 4 bytes |
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DA_ACWOCALLS | The number of outbound extension calls made by the ACW agent, who entered that work mode
as a result of a direct agent call. Requires a communication server with the ASAI or EAS
feature for direct agent calling. DA_ACWOCALLS includes DA_ACWOADJCALLS and
DA_ACWOOFFCALLS. This is a cumulative item. |
integer, 4 bytes |
DA_ACWOOFFCALLS | The number of DA_ACWOCALLS that are placed to an off-communication server destination.
If these calls are placed by an ASAI adjunct on behalf of the agent, they are also
counted as DA_ACWOADJCALLS. The DA_ACWOOFFCALLS item is available with the ASAI feature.
This is a cumulative item. |
integer, 4 bytes |
Name | Description | Type |
DA_OTHERCALLS | The number of direct agent calls that are redirected to another destination before they
are answered. Calls can be redirected as a result of call pickup, coverage, or
Redirection on No Answer. The DA_OTHERCALLS item is available with the ASAI or EAS
feature. This is a cumulative item. |
integer, 4 bytes |
EVENT1-EVENT9 | The number of times each event, or stroke count, feature button from 1 to 9 was pressed
while the agent was on an ACD call or in call-related ACW. This is a cumulative item. |
integer, 4 bytes |
Avaya Remote Agent Toolkit | ||
HOLDABNCALLS | The number of times that callers abandoned while on hold. The HOLDABNCALLS item applies
to all of the calls that the agent put on hold. This is a cumulative item. |
integer, 4 bytes |
HOLDCALLS | The number of calls that are placed on hold at least once. HOLDCALLS includes
HOLDABNCALLS. The HOLDCALLS item applies to all of the calls that the agent put on hold.
This is a cumulative item. |
integer, 4 bytes |

Name | Description | Type |
INTRDELIVERIES | The number of calls delivered to the agent when the agent is interrupted in an
interruptible AUX state. It is counted against the agent's skill the call is delivered
to. This is a cumulative item. |
integer, 4 bytes |
INTRNOTIFIES | The number of interrupt notifications received by the agent when the agent is in an
interruptible AUX state. It is counted against the agent's top skill. This is a cumulative item. |
integer, 4 bytes |
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NOANSREDIR | The number of split/skill and direct agent ACD calls that rang at this agent's telephone
and then were automatically redirected by the Redirection on No Answer feature because
they were not answered. Split/skill ACD calls are requeued to the split/skill or VDN,
whereas direct agent ACD calls are redirected to the agent's coverage path. This is a cumulative item. |
integer, 4 bytes |
O_ACDCALLS | The number of ACDCALLS and DA_ACDCALLS that are placed by an adjunct (predictive
dialing). The O_ACDCALLS item is available with the ASAI feature. This is a cumulative item. |
integer, 4 bytes |
Name | Description | Type |
PHANTOMABNS | The number of ACD calls for which talk time is less than the value of the
phantom-abandon call timer. This is a cumulative item. |
integer, 4 bytes |
REJECTEDINTRS | The number of interrupts rejected by the agent. It is counted against the agent’s top
skill. This is a cumulative item. |
integer, 4 bytes |
How Avaya Agents can Handle Calls Using Web Browser | ||
RINGCALLS | The number of split/skill and direct agent ACD calls that rang at the agent's position.
RINGCALLS includes NOANSREDIR. This is a cumulative item. |
integer, 4 bytes |
TIMEZONE | The 40 character long TIMEZONE is used for daily, weekly, or monthly archiving and indicates the time zone used for aggregation. The TIMEZONE field is added to the daily, weekly, and monthly tables. This field allows reporting of daily, weekly, and monthly data for a specified time zone other than the default ACD time zone. For daily, weekly, and monthly data, one additional time zone per ACD can be configured. If the tenancy feature is installed, an additional time zone per tenant can be defined. | char(40), 40 byte ASCII text string |
How to set targets and limits for Avaya Agents | ||
TRANSFERRED | The number of calls that the agent transferred to another destination. TRANSFERRED
includes all calls that are transferred. This is a cumulative item. |
integer, 4 bytes |

Avaya CMS Configuration Tables
Avaya contact center parameters, agent, split, vdn and other configuration iteams are stored in the Synonyms table. It is a single table that stores all the configuration and preference items. The Synonyms database items apply to items in the Synonyms (synonyms) table. The table contains dictionary synonyms.
Synonyms database items
Name | Description | Type |
ACD_NO(index) | The ACD number for which data was collected. | smallint, 2 bytes |
DESCR | The description, or definition, of the dictionary synonym. | char(150)(Only first 50 are significant), 150 byte ASCII text string |
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ITEM_TYPE (index) | ITEM_TYPE (index). | char(20), 20 byte ASCII text string |
ITEM_NAME (index) | The name of the synonym. There can be many ITEM_NAMEs for a specific ITEM_TYPE. | char(60)(Only first 20 are significant), 60 byte ASCII text string |
Name | Description | Type |
STANDARD | This item indicates if the item is a standard or custom synonym. Values are: 1 = standard, not 1 = custom. | smallint, 2 bytes |
VALUE (index) | The item name’s corresponding value. Because each ITEM_TYPE can have many different ITEM_NAMEs, a discrete value is assigned to each synonym ITEM_NAME. | char(40) (Only first 15 aresignificant) 40 byte ASCII text string |

Avaya CMS Skill / Split Tables
The Split/Skill database item descriptions apply to historical items. Historical split/skill database items apply to the following tables:
- Intrahour Split/Skill (hsplit)
- Daily Split/Skill (dsplit)
- Weekly Split/Skill (wsplit)
- Monthly Split/Skill (msplit)
Intrahour Split/Skill (hsplit)
Name | Description | Type |
ABNCALLS | The number of CALLSOFFERED that are abandoned while in queue or ringing at an agent
position. When a call is abandoned while it is queued to multiple splits/skills, only the primary split/skill increments ABNCALLS. If a split/skill ACD call is ringing at an agent and then abandons, the split/ skill that routed the call to the agent gets credit for the abandon. ABNCALLS includes PHANTOMABNS, which are ACD calls and calls routed to an agent or extension with talk times less than the value of the phantom-abandon call timer. ABNCALLS = ABNCALLS1 + ABNCALLS2 + ABNCALLS3 + ABNCALLS4 + ABNCALLS5 + ABNCALLS6 + ABNCALLS7 + ABNCALLS8 + ABNCALLS9 + ABNCALLS10 ABNCALLS includes ABNRINGCALLS, O_ABNCALLS, PHANTOMABNS, SLVLABNS. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
Report and Analyze Repeat Callers in Avaya CMS | ||
ABNCALLS1-ABNCALLS10 | The number of CALLSOFFERED that are abandoned during the collection interval in each of
the service-level increments PERIOD1 through PERIOD9, as defined on the Call Center
Administration: Split/Skill Call Profile window. If call profiles are not set, the data
is stored in the first interval (ABNCALLS1). ABNCALLS10 counts calls that abandoned
after PERIOD9. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
ABNRINGCALLS | The number of split/skill or direct agent ABNCALLS that are abandoned while ringing at
an agent position. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
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ACD (index) |
The ACD number for which data was collected. This is a row identifier item |
smallint, 2 bytes |
Name | Description | Type |
smallint in hsplit table 2 bytes in hsplit table |
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ABNCALLS1-ABNCALLS10 | The number of CALLSOFFERED that are abandoned during the collection interval in each of
the service-level increments PERIOD1 through PERIOD9, as defined on the Call Center
Administration: Split/Skill Call Profile window. If call profiles are not set, the data
is stored in the first interval (ABNCALLS1). ABNCALLS10 counts calls that abandoned
after PERIOD9. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
ACDCALLS_R1 | The number of ACDCALLS calls that are answered by a Reserve 1 Agent in the split/skill.
This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
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ACDCALLS_R2 | The number of ACDCALLS calls that are answered by a Reserve 2 Agent in the split/skill.
This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |

Name | Description | Type |
ACDTIME | The talk time of all ACDCALLS. ACDTIME includes O_ACDTIME but does not include HOLDTIME.
This is a cumulative item. |
smallint 2 bytes |
ACWINTIME | The talk time of all ACWINCALLS. ACWINTIME includes DA_ACWINTIME but it does not include
HOLDTIME. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
Visual Customer Patience Index for Avaya Queues | ||
ACWOUTCALLS | The number of outbound extension calls that are placed by agents or on behalf of the
agent while they are in ACW. This includes ACW for ACD calls and ACW that is not
associated with a call. ACWOUTCALLS includes ACWOUTADJCALLS and ACWOUTOFFCALLS.
This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
ACWOUTOFFCALLS | The number of ACWOUTCALLS that are placed to an off-communication server destination. If
these calls are placed by an adjunct on behalf of an agent while the agent is in ACW,
they are also counted as ACWOUTADJCALLS. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
Name | Description | Type |
includes ACWOUTOFFTIME. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint 2 bytes |
ASSISTS | The number of times that agents requested supervisor assistance while they were on
split/skill ACD calls, direct agent ACD calls, or in call-related ACW for this
split/skill. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
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AUXINCALLS | The number of inbound extension calls that are received by agents while they are in AUX
or AVAILABLE, or while the agents have an ACD, AUXIN, or AUXOUT call on hold. AUXINCALLS
are recorded in the SPLIT that is the OLDEST_LOGON for agents in multiple splits/skills.
This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
AUXOUTADJCALLS | The number of AUXOUTCALLS that are placed by an adjunct on behalf of an agent (keyboard
dialed). If such calls are placed to off-communication server destinations, they are
also counted as AUXOUTOFFCALLS. AUXOUTADJCALLS is available with the ASAI feature.
This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |

Name | Description | Type |
AUXOUTCALLS | The number of outbound extension calls that are placed by agents while they are in AUX
or AVAILABLE, or while the agents have an ACD, AUXIN, or AUXOUT call on hold.
AUXOUTCALLS are recorded in the SPLIT that is the OLDEST_LOGON, unless the agent placed
the call with an ACD call on hold. In this case, AUXOUTCALLS are recorded for the
split/skill of the ACD call. AUXOUTCALLS includes ACDAUXOUTCALLS, AUXOUTADJCALLS, and
AUXOUTOFFCALLS. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint 2 bytes |
AUXOUTOFFCALLS | The number of AUXOUTCALLS that are placed to a destination outside the communication
server. If such calls are placed by an adjunct on behalf of an agent, they are also
counted as AUXOUTADJCALLS. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
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BACKUPCALLS | The number of ACDCALLS that are delivered by a vector command other than “queue to” and
answered by this split/skill plus the number of ACDCALLS that are delivered to this
split/skill by a “queue to” vector command and answered by an agent who has either
Reserve 1 or Reserve 2 skill levels assigned for this skill. This allows tracking of calls that are answered by agents with a Reserve 1 or Reserve 2 skill level assigned for a particular skill. This includes calls delivered by messaging split/skill, check, route to split/skill or direct agent, and redirect on no answer vector routing. Calls that are redirected back to the split/skill from ringing by the redirect on no answer feature that are subsequently answered by an agent in the split/skill are counted as BACKUPCALLS. To calculate the number of calls that are answered in a main split/skill (MAINCALLS), subtract BACKUPCALLS from ACDCALLS. Note that this calculation does not include direct agent calls. The BACKUPCALLS item is available with the Vectoring feature. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
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BUSYCALLS | The number of CALLSOFFERED that are given a busy signal by the communication server. This occurs when the “busy” vector command is executed while the call is queued to this split/skill and this is the primary split/skill to which the call is queued, or if a call queued to this split/skill forwards to another split/skill whose queue is full. A busy is given when a nonvector-controlled split has: a full queue, no queue and no available agents, or no agents that are staffed. This is a cumulative item. | smallint, 2 bytes |
Name | Description | Type |
CALLSOFFERED | The number of calls that queued to the split/skill and that completed during the interval. This does not include calls that could not queue to the split/skill because the queue was full or there was no queue. CALLSOFFERED = ACDCALLS + ABNCALLS + BUSYCALLS + DISCCALLS + OUTFLOWCALLS + DEQUECALLS + ICRPULLCALLS. CALLSOFFERED includes ABNCALLS, RINGCALLS, OTHERCALLS, and INFLOWCALLS. This is a cumulative item. | smallint 2 bytes |
CONFERENCE | The number of ACDCALLS that are conferenced at least once. This is a cumulative item. | smallint, 2 bytes |
Avaya Remote Agent Toolkit | ||
DA_ACWOCALLS | Number of outbound extension calls made by ACW agents, who entered that work mode as a result of direct agent calls from this split/skill. Requires a communication server with the ASAI or EAS feature for direct agent calling. This is a cumulative item. | smallint, 2 bytes |
DEQUECALLS | The number of calls that queued to this split/skill as a nonprimary split/skill and
whose disposition was recorded in another split/skill as answered, abandoned, outflowed,
busy, or forced disconnect. The DEQUECALLS item is available with the Vectoring feature.
This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |

Name | Description | Type |
DISCCALLS | The number of CALLSOFFERED that executed the “disconnect'' vector command. DISCCALLS
also includes calls that are disconnected by the communication server when the vector
disconnect timer expires. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint 2 bytes |
EVENT1-EVENT9 | The number of times each event (stroke count) feature button (feature button 1 to 9) was
pressed by agents on split/skill or direct agent ACD calls or in after call work
associated with an ACD call for this split/skill. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
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HIGHCALLS | Split/skill tables The number of ACDCALLS with high priority that are answered by agents in this split/skill, for example, answered calls that are queued to the split/skill with high priority by a “queue to” or “check” vector command. This includes calls that are queued to a split/skill with priority using the “route to” or “messaging split/skill” vector commands, and calls that queued directly to a split/skill with priority. Priority in these cases is determined by the class of restriction of the originator, which is an agent, an extension, a trunk group or a VDN. The HIGHCALLS item is available with the Vectoring feature. | smallint, 2 bytes |
HOLDABNCALLS | The number of times that split/skill ACD callers abandoned the call while on hold. This is a cumulative item | smallint, 2 bytes |
Name | Description | Type |
HOLDCALLS | The number of split/skill ACD calls that are placed on hold at least once. HOLDCALLS includes HOLDABNCALLS. This is a cumulative item. | smallint 2 bytes |
INFLOWCALLS | The number of calls that are redirected to the split/skill's queue from another queue. When a call leaves the VDN, for example, by routing to another VDN, or leaves vector processing, for example, by routing to a split/skill, the next split/skill to which a call queues will not be credited with an inflow. Calls that ring at an agent and are then requeued to the same split/skill by the Redirect on No answer feature are counted as inflows to that split/skill. Without the Vectoring feature, an inflow is counted for calls that intraflow from one split queue to another split queue. With the Vectoring feature, calls answered by an agent in a non-primary split/skill are counted as inflows to that split/skill. Calls that abandon from ringing at an agent's telephone in a non-primary split/skill are also counted as inflows to that skill. | smallint, 2 bytes |
How Avaya Agents can Handle Calls Using Web Browser | ||
INTERFLOWCALLS | The number of OUTFLOWCALLS that are redirected to a destination outside the communication server. This is a cumulative item. | smallint, 2 bytes |
INTRVL | The number of minutes in the intrahour interval. The length of the intrahour interval
can be 15, 30, or 60 minutes. INTRVL applies to intrahour tables only. This is an administrative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |

Name | Description | Type |
LOWCALLS | On communication servers with the Vectoring feature, LOWCALLS is the number of ACDCALLS
with low priority that are answered by this split/skill. On communication servers without the Vectoring feature, LOWCALLS is the number of ACDCALLS with no priority that are answered by this split/skill. This is a cumulative item |
smallint 2 bytes |
MAXINQUEUE | The maximum number of simultaneous calls that are in this split/skill queue during the
collection interval. This is a maximum value item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
How to set targets and limits for Avaya Agents | ||
MAXSTAFFED | The maximum number of agents that are simultaneously staffed during the collection interval. MAXSTAFFED includes MAXTOP. This is a maximum value item. | smallint, 2 bytes |
Name | Description | Type |
MEDCALLS | On communication servers with the Vectoring feature, MEDCALLS is the number of ACDCALLS
with medium priority that are answered by agents in the split/skill. For example,
answered calls that are queued to the split/skill with medium priority by a “queue to”
or “check” vector command. MEDCALLS includes calls that are queued to a split/skill with
no priority using the “route to” or “messaging split” vector commands, calls that queued
directly to a non-vector-controlled split with no priority, and calls that intraflowed
to a split/skill with no priority On communication servers without the Vectoring feature, MEDCALLS is the number of ACDCALLS with the priority set to yes that are answered by agents in the split/skill. This is a cumulative item |
smallint 2 bytes |
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NOANSREDIR | The number of split/skill ACD calls that rang at agent positions in the split/skill and
then were automatically redirected back to the split/skill queue or to a VDN by the
Redirection on No Answer feature because they were not answered. When a call is requeued to the same split/skill by the Redirection on No Answer feature, it is counted as an outflow from the split/skill and an inflow to the same split/skill. This is not true for calls that are redirected to a VDN by the Redirection on No Answer feature, rather than redirecting the call back to the same split/skill. Such calls count as outflows from the original split or skill, but do not count as inflows to the next split/skill to which they are queued through the new VDN. It is also counted as a NOANSREDIR call and so can be subtracted out from the outflows and from the inflows to calculate the number of outflows and inflows that are not due to requeuing the call to the same split. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
Report and Analyze Repeat Callers in Avaya CMS | ||
O_ABNCALLS | The number of ABNCALLS that are placed by an adjunct, that is, the number of outbound
predictive dialing calls that are abandoned by the far end. O_ABNCALLS is a subset of
ABNCALLS. Available for outbound calls with the ASAI feature. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
O_ACDCALLS | The number of ACDCALLS that are placed by an adjunct (outbound predictive dialing).
O_ACDCALLS includes DA_ACDCALLS. The O_ACDCALLS item is available with the ASAI
feature. This is a cumulative item |
smallint, 2 bytes |

Name | Description | Type |
O_OTHERCALLS | The number of outbound calls that queued to this split/skill and are not answered or
abandoned as ACD split/skill calls. O_OTHERCALLS includes forced busy calls and calls
with unknown dispositions. The O_OTHERCALLS item is available with the ASAI feature.
This is a cumulative item. |
smallint 2 bytes |
OUTFLOWCALLS | The number of CALLSOFFERED that are redirected to another destination while queued to
this split/skill. This can happen under different circumstances, depending on the
communication server release and on whether the Vectoring feature is active or not.
On communication servers without the Vectoring feature, a call can be counted as OUTFLOWCALLS in any of the following instances: • The call intraflowed or interflowed. • The split/skill call forwarding was active. • A ringing ACD call was answered using call pickup. • A ringing ACD call redirected on no answer On communciation servers with vectoring, a call can be counted as OUTFLOWCALLS in any of thefollowing instances: • A ringing ACD call redirected on no answer. • The call rang at an agent in this split/skill and was answered using call pickup. • The call was routed to another VDN. • The call routed to a number or digits. • The call queued to a messaging split/skill. • The call queued to this split/skill as the primary split/skill and was answered by an agent in another split/skill, rang at an agent in another split/skill and then abandoned or was redirected by the Redirection on No Answer feature. OUTFLOWCALLS includes INTERFLOWCALLS, NOANSREDIR, and SLVLOUTFLOWS. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
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PERIODCHG | An indication of whether service level increments PERIOD1 through PERIOD9 changed during
the collection interval. Service level is defined on the Call Center Administration:
Split/Skill Call Profile window. Valid values for PERIODCHG are 0, which means that no
change was made, and 1, which means that a change was made. This is an administrative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
PHANTOMABNS | The number of split/skill ACD calls for which talk time is less than the value of the
phantom-abandon call timer. This is a cumulative item |
smallint, 2 bytes |
Name | Description | Type |
RINGCALLS | The number of split/skill calls that rang at agent positions. RINGCALLS includes
NOANSREDIR. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint 2 bytes |
SERVICELEVEL | The number of seconds within which calls must be answered or connected in order to be
considered acceptable. The acceptable service level is defined on the Call Center
Administration: Split/Skill Call Profile window. This is an administrative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
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STARTTIME | The start time of the interval for which data was collected. STARTTIME applies only to
the interval table. This is a row identifier item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
STARTTIME_UTC | The UTC start time of the interval for which data was collected. It is records in number
of seconds since midnight 01/01/1970 UTC. It applies only to the interval table.
This is a row identifier item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |

Name | Description | Type |
SVCLEVELCHG | An indication of whether the service level was changed during the collection interval.
Valid values for SVCLEVELCHG are 0, which means that no change was made, and 1, which
means that a change was made. This is an administrative item. |
smallint 2 bytes |
TOPCALLS | The number of ACDCALLS with top priority that are answered by agents in this
split/skill. The TOPCALLS item is available with the Vectoring feature. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
Monitor avaya Queues and Agents with Comstice Wallboard Mobile app | ||
TRANSFERRED | The number of ACDCALLS that are transferred to another destination. TRANSFERRED includes
all split/skill calls that are transferred. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
Daily Split/Skill (dsplit)
Name | Description | Type |
TIMEZONE | The 40 character long TIMEZONE is used for daily, weekly, or monthly archiving and indicates the time zone used for aggregation. The TIMEZONE field is added to the daily, weekly, and monthly tables. This field allows reporting of daily, weekly, and monthly data for a specified time zone other than the default ACD time zone. For daily, weekly, and monthly data, one additional time zone per ACD can be configured. If the tenancy feature is installed, an additional time zone per tenant can be defined. | char(40), 40 byte ASCII text string |

Weekly Split/Skill (wsplit)
Name | Description | Type |
TIMEZONE | The 40 character long TIMEZONE is used for daily, weekly, or monthly archiving and indicates the time zone used for aggregation. The TIMEZONE field is added to the daily, weekly, and monthly tables. This field allows reporting of daily, weekly, and monthly data for a specified time zone other than the default ACD time zone. For daily, weekly, and monthly data, one additional time zone per ACD can be configured. If the tenancy feature is installed, an additional time zone per tenant can be defined. | char(40), 40 byte ASCII text string |

Monthly Split/Skill (msplit)
Name | Description | Type |
TIMEZONE | The 40 character long TIMEZONE is used for daily, weekly, or monthly archiving and indicates the time zone used for aggregation. The TIMEZONE field is added to the daily, weekly, and monthly tables. This field allows reporting of daily, weekly, and monthly data for a specified time zone other than the default ACD time zone. For daily, weekly, and monthly data, one additional time zone per ACD can be configured. If the tenancy feature is installed, an additional time zone per tenant can be defined. | char(40), 40 byte ASCII text string |
Avaya CMS Trunk Group Tables
The Trunk Group database item descriptions apply to historical items. Historical trunk group database items apply to the following tables:
- Intrahour Trunk Group (htkgrp)
- Daily Trunk Group (dtkgrp)
- Weekly Trunk Group (wtkgrp)
- Monthly Trunk Group (mtkgrp)
Intrahour Trunk Group (htkgrp)
Name | Description | Type |
ABNCALLS | The number of calls carried by this trunk group that are abandoned by the caller before
being answered by an agent. ABNCALLS includes PHANTOMABNS, which are ACD calls and calls routed to an agent or extension with talk times less than the value of the phantom-abandon call timer. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
ABNQUECALLS | The number of ABNCALLS that are abandoned while in a split/skill or direct agent ACD
queue. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
Visual Customer Patience Index for Avaya Queues | ||
ABNVECCALLS | The number of ABNCALLS that abandoned while in vector processing. This includes vector
calls that abandoned while in queue or while ringing at an agent position. The
ABNVECCALLS item is available with the Vectoring feature. ABNVECCALLS includes ABNQUECALLS and ABNRINGCALLS. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
ACDCALLS | The number of INCALLS that are answered by an agent as a split/skill or direct agent ACD
call. ACDCALLS includes ACDCALLS_R1, ACDCALLS_R2, and BACKUPCALLS. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |

Name | Description | Type |
ACDCALLS_R1 | The number of ACDCALLS that are answered by a Reserve 1 Agent as a split/skill ACD call.
This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
ACDCALLS_R2 | The number of ACDCALLS that are answered by a Reserve 2 Agent as a split/skill ACD call.
This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
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AUDIO | The number of calls for which audio difficulty problems were reported for a trunk or for
trunks in this trunk group. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
BACKUPCALLS | The number of ACDCALLS that are delivered by a vector command other than “queue to” and
answered by this split/skill plus the number of ACDCALLS that are delivered to this
split/skill by a “queue to” vector command and answered by an agent who has either
Reserve 1 or Reserve 2 skill levels assigned for this skill. This allows tracking of calls that are answered by agents with a Reserve 1 or Reserve 2 skill level assigned for a particular skill. This includes calls delivered by messaging split/skill, check, route to split/skill or direct agent, and redirect on no answer vector routing. Calls that are redirected back to the split/skill from ringing by the redirect on no answer feature and are subsequently answered by an agent in the split/skill are counted as BACKUPCALLS. To calculate the number of calls that are answered in a main split/skill (MAINCALLS), subtract BACKUPCALLS from ACDCALLS. Note that this calculation does not include direct agent calls. The BACKUPCALLS item is available with the Vectoring feature. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
Name | Description | Type |
BH_ABNCALLS | The number of incoming calls carried by the trunk group that are abandoned by callers
during the busy hour. This is a busy hour item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
BH_ACDCALLS | The number of incoming calls that are carried by this trunk group during the busy hour
and are answered by an agent as split/skill or direct agent ACD calls. This is a busy hour item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
How to Run Avaya Phone Inside Web Browser | ||
BH_BUSYCALLS | The number of incoming calls that are carried by the trunk group during the busy hour
and are given a busy signal by the communication server. This is a busy hour item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
BH_DISCCALLS | The number of incoming calls that are carried by the trunk group during the busy hour
and are forced by the communication server to disconnect. This is a busy hour item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |

Name | Description | Type |
BH_INCALLS | The number of incoming calls that are carried by this trunk group and complete during
This is a busy hour item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
BH_OABNCALLS | The number of outgoing adjunct-originated calls that: are carried by the trunk group and
are abandoned during the busy hour. The BH_OABNCALLS item is available with the ASAI
feature. This is a busy hour item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
How to Avoid Installing Any Software on Avaya Agent PCs | ||
BH_OACDCALLS | The number of outgoing adjunct-originated ACD calls that are carried by the trunk group, that are answered by an agent as split/skill or direct agent ACD calls, and that complete during the busy hour. The BH_OACDCALLS is available with the ASAI feature. This is a busy hour item. | smallint, 2 bytes |
BH_OOTHERCALLS | The number of outgoing calls that are carried by the trunk group during the busy hour
and are not answered or abandoned as ACD calls. BH_OOTHERCALLS include extension out
calls, outbound call management calls forced busy or forced disconnect, short outgoing
calls, and outgoing calls with unknown disposition. This is a busy hour item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
Name | Description | Type |
BH_OTHERCALLS | The number of incoming calls that are carried by the trunk group during the busy hour
and are not answered or abandoned as ACD calls. BH_OTHERCALLS includes extension in
calls, calls forced busy or disconnected, calls that outflowed off the communication
server, short inbound calls, and inbound calls of unknown disposition. BH_OTHERCALLS
includes BH_BUSYCALLS and BH_DISCCALLS. This is a busy hour item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
BH_OUTCALLS | The number of outgoing calls that are carried by the trunk group and complete during the
This is a busy hour item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
Avaya Remote Agent Toolkit | ||
BLOCKAGE | The number of outbound call attempts that are blocked because all trunks are busy. This
item is available for G2 only and is no longer supported. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
BUSYCALLS | The number of INCALLS that are given a busy signal by the communication server. This
occurs when the “busy” vector command executes. BUSYCALLS occurs if a call is routed to
a split/skill with coverage set to “yes” and there are no agents available, the queue is
full or there is no queue, there is no coverage, and an announcement has played or the
trunk is not a CO trunk. BUSYCALLS can occur if a call is routed to a direct agent with
coverage set to “yes”, the agent is not logged in, no coverage path is administered, and
an announcement has played or the trunk is not a CO trunk. BUSYCALLS can occur without
vectoring when a split queue is full or there are no queue slots available, no busy
coverage is administered and an announcement has played, or the trunk is not a CO trunk.
This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |

Name | Description | Type |
COMPLETED | Trunk group tables The number of OUTCALLS that are completed by being answered at the
far end. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
DISCCALLS | The number of INCALLS that are disconnected by the communication server by the
“disconnect” vector command. DISCCALLS also includes calls that are disconnected by the
communication server when the vector disconnect timer expires or calls that reached the
end of vector processing without being queued. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
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FAILURES | Number of trunk hardware failures for this trunk. | smallint, 2 bytes |
INCALLS | The number of inbound calls that are carried by this TKGRP and that completed during the
smallint, 2 bytes |
Name | Description | Type |
INTRVL | The number of minutes in the intrahour interval. The length of the intrahour interval
can be 15, 30, or 60 minutes. INTRVL applies to intrahour tables only. This is an administrative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
O_ABNCALLS | The number of OUTCALLS on this trunk group that are offered by an adjunct as split/skill
or direct agent ACD calls and were answered and then abandoned by the far end. The
O_ABNCALLS item is available with the ASAI feature. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
How Avaya Agents can Handle Calls Using Web Browser | ||
O_ACDCALLS | The number of OUTCALLS from this trunk group that are offered by an adjunct to one or
more splits/skills and were answered by an agent. The O_ACDCALLS item is available with
the ASAI feature. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
O_OTHERCALLS | The number of OUTCALLS on this trunk group that are not answered or abandoned as ACD
split/ skill calls. O_OTHERCALLS includes extension out calls, calls forced busy and
forced disconnected, short outgoing calls, and calls with unknown dispositions.
O_OTHERCALLS includes SHORTCALLS. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |

Name | Description | Type |
OTHERCALLS | The number of INCALLS carried by this trunk group that are not answered as split/skill
or direct agent ACD calls or do not abandon. These include forced busy calls, forced
disconnect calls, calls that are connected to a non-ACD destination, short inbound
calls, calls that outflowed off the communication server, and calls with unknown
OTHERCALLS = INCALLS - ACDCALLS -ABNCALLS. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
OUTCALLS | The number of outbound calls that are carried by this TKGRP and complete during the
This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
How to set targets and limits for Avaya Agents | ||
STARTTIME | The start time of the interval for which data was collected. STARTTIME applies only to
the interval table. This is a row identifier item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
STARTTIME_UTC | The UTC start time of the interval for which data was collected. It is records in number of seconds since midnight 01/01/1970 UTC. It applies only to the interval table. This is a row identifier item. | smallint, 2 bytes |
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TRANSFERRED | The number of calls that the agent transferred to another destination. TRANSFERRED calls
include both inbound and outbound calls. Therefore, OTHERCALLS and O_OTHERCALLS may each
include some TRANSFERRED. TRANSFERRED includes all calls that are transferred.
This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
Daily Trunk Group (dtkgrp)
Name | Description | Type |
BH_INTERVAL | integer, 4 bytes |
TIMEZONE | The 40 character long TIMEZONE is used for daily, weekly, or monthly archiving and indicates the time zone used for aggregation. The TIMEZONE field is added to the daily, weekly, and monthly tables. This field allows reporting of daily, weekly, and monthly data for a specified time zone other than the default ACD time zone. For daily, weekly, and monthly data, one additional time zone per ACD can be configured. If the tenancy feature is installed, an additional time zone per tenant can be defined. | char(40), 40 byte ASCII text string |

Weekly Trunk Group (wtkgrp)
Name | Description | Type |
TIMEZONE | The 40 character long TIMEZONE is used for daily, weekly, or monthly archiving and indicates the time zone used for aggregation. The TIMEZONE field is added to the daily, weekly, and monthly tables. This field allows reporting of daily, weekly, and monthly data for a specified time zone other than the default ACD time zone. For daily, weekly, and monthly data, one additional time zone per ACD can be configured. If the tenancy feature is installed, an additional time zone per tenant can be defined. | char(40), 40 byte ASCII text string |
Monthly Trunk Group (mtkgrp)
Name | Description | Type |
TIMEZONE | The 40 character long TIMEZONE is used for daily, weekly, or monthly archiving and indicates the time zone used for aggregation. The TIMEZONE field is added to the daily, weekly, and monthly tables. This field allows reporting of daily, weekly, and monthly data for a specified time zone other than the default ACD time zone. For daily, weekly, and monthly data, one additional time zone per ACD can be configured. If the tenancy feature is installed, an additional time zone per tenant can be defined. | char(40), 40 byte ASCII text string |

Avaya CMS Trunk Tables
The Trunk database item descriptions apply to historical items. Historical trunk database items apply to the following tables:
Intrahour Trunk (htrunk)
Name | Description | Type |
ABNCALLS | smallint, 2 bytes |
ACDCALLS | smallint, 2 bytes |
Report and Analyze Repeat Callers in Avaya CMS | ||
ACDCALLS_R1 | smallint, 2 bytes |
ACDCALLS_R2 | smallint, 2 bytes |
Name | Description | Type |
AUDIO | smallint, 2 bytes |
FAILURES | smallint, 2 bytes |
Agent and Team Scorecards by Email, Daily, Weekly, Monthly | ||
I_INOCC | smallint, 2 bytes |
I_OUTOCC | smallint, 2 bytes |

Name | Description | Type |
INCALLS | smallint, 2 bytes |
INTIME | smallint, 2 bytes |
Avaya Outbound Agent Toolkit on the Web Browser | ||
MBUSYTIME | smallint, 2 bytes |
O_ABNCALLS | smallint, 2 bytes |
Name | Description | Type |
O_ACDCALLS | smallint, 2 bytes |
O_OTHERCALLS | smallint, 2 bytes |
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OUTCALLS | smallint, 2 bytes |
OTHERCALLS | smallint, 2 bytes |

Name | Description | Type |
OUTTIME | smallint, 2 bytes |
SHORTCALLS | smallint, 2 bytes |
Visual Customer Patience Index for Avaya Queues | ||
STARTTIME | smallint, 2 bytes |
STARTTIME_UTC | smallint, 2 bytes |
Daily Trunk (dtrunk)
Name | Description | Type |
TIMEZONE | char(40), 40 byte ASCII text string |

Weekly Trunk (wtrunk)
Name | Description | Type |
TIMEZONE | char(40), 40 byte ASCII text string |
Monthly Trunk (mtrunk)
Name | Description | Type |
TIMEZONE | char(40), 40 byte ASCII text string |

Avaya CMS Vector Tables
The Vector database item descriptions apply to historical items. Vector database items are only available if you purchased the optional Vectoring feature.
Historical vector database items apply to the following tables:
Intrahour Vector (hvector)
Name | Description | Type |
INTRVL | The number of minutes in the intrahour interval. The length of the intrahour interval
can be 15, 30, or 60 minutes. INTRVL applies to intrahour tables only. This is an administrative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
NETPOLLS | The number of network polls for the “consider” vector steps in BSR. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
Record Avaya Agent Screens Using Web Browser and No Installation | ||
STARTTIME | The start time of the interval for which data was collected. STARTTIME applies only to
the interval table. This is a row identifier item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
STARTTIME_UTC | The UTC start time of the interval for which data was collected. It is records in number
of seconds since midnight 01/01/1970 UTC. It applies only to the interval table.
This is a row identifier item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
Daily Vector (dvector)
Name | Description | Type |
TIMEZONE | The 40 character long TIMEZONE is used for daily, weekly, or monthly archiving and indicates the time zone used for aggregation. The TIMEZONE field is added to the daily, weekly, and monthly tables. This field allows reporting of daily, weekly, and monthly data for a specified time zone other than the default ACD time zone. For daily, weekly, and monthly data, one additional time zone per ACD can be configured. If the tenancy feature is installed, an additional time zone per tenant can be defined. | char(40), 40 byte ASCII text string |

Weekly Vector (wvector)
Name | Description | Type |
TIMEZONE | The 40 character long TIMEZONE is used for daily, weekly, or monthly archiving and indicates the time zone used for aggregation. The TIMEZONE field is added to the daily, weekly, and monthly tables. This field allows reporting of daily, weekly, and monthly data for a specified time zone other than the default ACD time zone. For daily, weekly, and monthly data, one additional time zone per ACD can be configured. If the tenancy feature is installed, an additional time zone per tenant can be defined. | char(40), 40 byte ASCII text string |
Monthly Vector (mvector)
Name | Description | Type |
TIMEZONE | The 40 character long TIMEZONE is used for daily, weekly, or monthly archiving and indicates the time zone used for aggregation. The TIMEZONE field is added to the daily, weekly, and monthly tables. This field allows reporting of daily, weekly, and monthly data for a specified time zone other than the default ACD time zone. For daily, weekly, and monthly data, one additional time zone per ACD can be configured. If the tenancy feature is installed, an additional time zone per tenant can be defined. | char(40), 40 byte ASCII text string |

Avaya CMS VDN Table
The VDN Database item descriptions apply to historical items. VDN database items are only available if you purchased the optional Vectoring feature.
Historical VDN database items apply to the following tables:
Intrahour VDN (hvdn)
Name | Description | Type |
BH_ABNCALLS | The number of INCALLS that are abandoned by callers during the busy hour. This is a busy hour item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
BH_ACDCALLS | The number of ACDCALLS that are completed during the busy hour. This is a busy hour item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
How to Run Avaya Phone Inside Web Browser | ||
BH_ACDTIME | The talk time for ACDCALLS that are completed during the busy hour. This is a busy hour item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
BH_BUSYCALLS | The number of INCALLS that are given a busy signal by the communication server during
the busy hour. This is a busy hour item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
Name | Description | Type |
BH_DISCCALLS | The number of INCALLS that are disconnected by the communication server during the busy
hour. This is a busy hour item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
BH_OTHERCALLS | The number of OTHERCALLS that completed during the busy hour. BH_OTHERCALLS includes
forced-busy calls or force-disconnected calls, calls that outflow from the VDN, and
non-ACD calls that were answered. This is a busy hour item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
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BH_STARTTIME | The starting time of the hour for which busy hour data was collected. The busy hour is that set of contiguous intervals during the day totaling one hour in which the number of INCALLS to the VDN was a maximum. This is a busy hour item. | smallint, 2 bytes |
BH_VDNCALLS | The number of INCALLS to the VDN that are complete during the busy hour. BH_VDNCALLS
includes answered calls that complete, calls that abandon, calls given a forced busy,
calls that are forced to disconnect, and calls that outflow from the VDN during the busy
hour. This is a busy hour item. |
integer, 2 bytes |

Name | Description | Type |
CONNTALKTIME | The talk time for all CONNECTCALLS. CONNTALKTIME does not include HOLDTIME. This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
INTERFLOWCALLS | The number of OUTFLOWCALLS that are redirected to a destination outside the
communication server. INTERFLOWCALLS includes LOOKFLOWCALLS (successful Look-Ahead
Interflow and BSR) and DEFLECTCALLS (successful NCR redirections). This is a cumulative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
Avaya Remote Agent Toolkit | ||
INTRVL | The number of minutes in the intrahour interval. The length of the intrahour interval can be 15, 30, or 60 minutes. INTRVL applies to intrahour tables only. This is an administrative item. | smallint, 2 bytes |
Name | Description | Type |
MAXOCWTIME | The maximum time that a call, recorded during the collection interval, waited in the VDN before being answered (ACD calls) or connected (non-ACD calls), abandoning, being redirected, receiving a busy signal or being disconnected. This applies only to the first disposition of the call. This is a maximum value item. | smallint, 2 bytes |
NETPOLLS | The number of network polls for “consider” vector steps in BSR. This is a cumulative item | smallint, 2 bytes |
Avaya CRM Integration with No CRM Subscription | ||
PERIODCHG | An indication of whether service level increments PERIOD1 through PERIOD9 changed during
the collection interval. Service level is defined on the Call Center Administration: VDN
Call Profile window. Valid values for PERIODCHG are 0, which means that no change was
made, and 1, which means that a change was made. This is an administrative item. |
smallint, 2 bytes |
SERVICELEVEL | The number of seconds within which calls must be answered or connected to be considered acceptable. The acceptable service level is defined on the Call Center Administration: VDN Call Profile Setup window. | smallint, 2 bytes |

Name | Description | Type |
STARTTIME | The start time of the interval for which data was collected. STARTTIME applies only to
the interval table. This is a row identifier item. |
smallint (only in hvdn table), 2 bytes |
STARTTIME_UTC | The UTC start time of the interval for which data was collected. It is records in number
of seconds since midnight 01/01/1970 UTC. It applies only to the interval table.
This is a row identifier item. |
smallint (only in hvdn table), 2 bytes |
How Avaya Agents can Handle Calls Using Web Browser | ||
SVCLEVELCHG | An indication of whether the service level was changed during the collection interval.
Valid values for SVCLEVELCHG are 0, which means that no change was made, and 1, which
means that a change was made. This is an administrative item |
smallint, 2 bytes |
Daily VDN (dvdn)
Name | Description | Type |
BH_INTERVAL | integer (only in dvdn table), 4 bytes |
TIMEZONE | The 40 character long TIMEZONE is used for daily, weekly, or monthly archiving and indicates the time zone used for aggregation. The TIMEZONE field is added to the daily, weekly, and monthly tables. This field allows reporting of daily, weekly, and monthly data for a specified time zone other than the default ACD time zone. For daily, weekly, and monthly data, one additional time zone per ACD can be configured. If the tenancy feature is installed, an additional time zone per tenant can be defined. | char(40), 40 byte ASCIItext string |

Weekly VDN (wvdn)
Name | Description | Type |
TIMEZONE | The 40 character long TIMEZONE is used for daily, weekly, or monthly archiving and indicates the time zone used for aggregation. The TIMEZONE field is added to the daily, weekly, and monthly tables. This field allows reporting of daily, weekly, and monthly data for a specified time zone other than the default ACD time zone. For daily, weekly, and monthly data, one additional time zone per ACD can be configured. If the tenancy feature is installed, an additional time zone per tenant can be defined. | char(40), 40 byte ASCII text string |
Monthly VDN (mvdn)
Name | Description | Type |
TIMEZONE | The 40 character long TIMEZONE is used for daily, weekly, or monthly archiving and indicates the time zone used for aggregation. The TIMEZONE field is added to the daily, weekly, and monthly tables. This field allows reporting of daily, weekly, and monthly data for a specified time zone other than the default ACD time zone. For daily, weekly, and monthly data, one additional time zone per ACD can be configured. If the tenancy feature is installed, an additional time zone per tenant can be defined. | char(40), 40 byte ASCII text string |