Decentralising contact center services has advantages as well as shortcomings for the agents. Comstice offers an Agent Toolkit for Cisco Contact Centers UCCE and UCCX to offer a better visibility and contact management even when they are home-based, in remote locations or on the move.
Better Queue Visibility
Remote agents often have no access to real-time dashboards and wallboards that are used in the contact center floors. This makes it harder to monitor queues and take actions. Comstice Wallboard Mobile App helps remote agents to monitor queue stas and agent states as well as receive team notifications as a screen alert.
Team Messages
Using Comstice Wallboard team messages feature, managers can send messages to the team members in Severity 1,2 and 3. Agents can receive those messages using Comstice Wallboard Mobile App and Comstice Desktop Agent app. Those messages also have an expiry date and time so that they can be removed automatically in the predefined timeframe.
Audible Alerts
Often times remote agents are not on their desks to monitor the calls in queue. Comstice Desktop Agent audible alerts can be set at the team level and plays an audio file to indicate the calls waiting in the queue for that team. Team level threshold levels can be set for calls in queue and oldest waiting call to trigger the audible alert.
Team States
To be able to see the agent states of the rest of the team is very important for the remote agents so that they can check the team availability before they take a break. Comstice Desktop Agent displays team states for each agent including the reason codes for the Not Ready agents. Comstice Wallboard Mobile App also presents the team visibility for each agent.

Break Duration
There is no direct visibility between the remote agent and the supervisor. Therefore sometimes it is harder to monitor remote agent's breaks during the shift. Comstice Desktop Agent shows the duration spent on the reason codes for breaks. Any reason code that has special words such as "Break" will be counted and displayed to the agent as a bar chart. This helps agents to see how much time they spent on that shift for breaks with respect to their recommended break duration per shift.
Full Mobility
f contact center agent has no access to Desktop PCs and they are on the go such as on-call nurses, delivery and support personnel, they can use Comstice Mobile Agent App to receive calls directly from the contact center queue. The calls can also be routed to these agents based on their geolocation so that contact center picks the nearest agent to the customer rather than longest available.
Comstice is a Cisco Solution Partner specialising Customer Service solutions. Please contact us from comstice.com, follow us on Twitter or in YouTube.