The essence of cybersecurity today is about minimizing the need for the trust. Organizations are looking for solutions to reduce and if possible, eliminate the trust needed for their operations. Zero-trust is the new buzzword in Cyber Security. Here is how you can transform mobile business telephony for zero-trust information security.
The Problem
Mobile business phones are key for the business operations and often used by customer-facing employees. Since mobile business conversations can not be recorded easily, mobile phone usage for business is restricted to the minimum number of users. Even in that case, the communication can not be monitored, voice and chat conversations can not be reported easily. Mobile business phones are also intrusive; since the clients and partners can see the actual mobile phone number of the employee, they can call at any time and expect and response back. Unanswered voicemail messages on the mobile business phones are not a good customer experience.
So, the needs are;
- Mobile business calls and chats (SMS, WhatsApp etc.) must be recorded and transcripts should be analyzed
- Mobile business users should be able to set their availability so that the calls will be automatically routed to another team member or an internal support desk for better customer experience. Voicemail should be avoided as much as possible.
- Mobile business users will shield their direct mobile phone number and display a team phone number instead.
This also brings other opportunities;
- Better CRM integration with the mobile business phone line for callback lists, call result codes and opening tasks (call logging will be done automatically)
- More employees can have mobile business phone line, customer journeys can be extended further within the organisation
- Partners and franchisers can use mobile business phone line and be part of the customer journeys since their communication can also be recorded and reported
- Organisations can have mobile business phone experience for their industry; healthcare, insurance, retail, law firms can use mobile business line “skins” for the use cases specific to their line of business
- Users can block cold-callers or nominate suspicious numbers for blacklisting
- Users can pin their geo-location and the call can be sent to the nearest team member
- Mobile users can see the full name of the caller if there are records about the calling number in the system such as CRM or other backoffice apps
The Solution
Comstice offers a software solution that companies can record and transcribe mobile business calls and chats without sharing any data with Comstice or any other partner. It allows mobile user to make and receive calls, set themselves available or busy and shield their mobile number.

The solution is built on AWS telephony service called Amazon Connect. Amazon Connect allows companies to create their own telephony instance, isolated from any other organisation. All the data and the recording is stored in a dedicated storage of your organisation. Amazon Connect is a very basic telephony service, therefore the risk of downtime is very minimal.
Dual Mode: VoIP and Mobile Phone Line
Mobile user can make and receive calls in Voice over Internet mode or use the mobile phone line. In mobile phone line mode, user will always receive a call even when trying to make a call. AWS will call back the mobile user and the destination number at the same time and merge both calls.
analyze Communication Scripts
Mobile user can make and receive calls in Voice over Internet mode or use the mobile phone line. In mobile phone line mode, user will always receive a call even when trying to make a call. AWS will call back the mobile user and the destination number at the same time and merge both calls.
No Need to Trust Comstice
The whole idea of zero-trust is that you can take the minimum technology and run it privately. You can run Comstice Mobile Softphone in your own AWS private cloud and Amazon Connect instance. Comstice has no access to your data or usage information.
Frequently Asked Questions
How is it possible that I can use the mobile phone line but the other party can not see my mobile number?
Comstice app sends your outbound call request to AWS and AWS calls you back from your mobile phone line. At the same time, it also calls the destination number you dialed and merges both calls together. The called party sees the Amazon Connect number your administrator configured.
We do not want to use Comstice mobile app. Can we create our own app?
You can have a custom app and publish at your enterprise app store only or public app stores. Comstice can create a custom app for your business needs. Because Comstice has to eventually support the end-to-end solution, the app needs to be created and mainteained by Comstice.
I have MS Teams. Why should I use Comstice Mobile Connect?
MS Teams is useful for internal communications, however it is not designed for true mobile use. We recommend to use MS Teams for internal communications on the desktop with mobile app extension. However, for true mobile communications with the customers and the partners a specialist solution would offer better features and functionality.