Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

March 12, 2019 in Wallboard
Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

This document provides the details of Comstice Wallboard Widgets available for Cisco UCCE. Some widgets have additional controls such as threshold values as well as the start and end time for the hourly charts. It is also possible to enable audio alerts so that when the second threshold is hit, an audio file of your choice will play in the period that you set.

  • Agent Widgets

    Agent Widgets

    Agent widgets show the real-time and daily historical information about the logged in agents. There are two types of widgets the agents;

    Information about agent's state and the stats related to agent's reason codes

    Agent call statistics

    The widgets can be a list of individual agents, grouped agents per state, team or other parameters and agent rankings such as Top 10 Calls answered or RONA.

    Agent Answered RONA 5, 10, 30

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    This widget shows the first 5, 10 or 30 agents from the selected agent list. First column is the received calls, second is answered and the last column is the abandoned calls at the agent level also known as RONA (Reroute On No Answer). Those calls are sent to the agent but taken back to the queue since agent failed to answer on time.

    Agent Daily Summary

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    This widget retrieves the data from Cisco UCCE database historical tables. It shows the state, state duration, calls answered, average talk time, average work time, outbound calls and average outbound talk time. Outbound calls are the calls generated by the agent manually to internal and external numbers.

    Agent List 5, 10, 20, 30

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    This widget lists the first 5, 10, 20 or 30 agents from the selected agents in the settings. Numbers 5,10,20 and 30 represent the maximum number of agents to be displayed.
    Agents 20 and 30 displays two separate tables so Layout 9 is the most suitable layout for these widgets.

    Agent State Bars 10, 20, 30

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    Agent State Bars show the percentage of state each agent has spent during the day when they we logged in. It includes all the login time during the day even though agent has logged out and logged back in several times.

    Agent States

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    This widget lists the number of agents in each state for the logged in agents from the selected agent list.

    Agent Team Received, Answered and Abandoned Hourly

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    Hourly chart that shows the calls received, answered and abandoned (RONA) by the selected agents.

    ANN Agent Calls

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    This widget shows the calls offered and handled (answered) by each agent as well as the total talk time, total ready and not ready time. Only logged in agents are displayed.

    ANN Agent State

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    This widget shows the list of agents with their states and state durations.This information is gathered from Cisco UCCE database historical tables.

    Average Login Percentage Hourly

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    Average number of FTEs based on the login time of the selected agents on each hour. This is a weighted average using total FTEs logged in at each hour.

    Dialer Agents Calls Answered 10 20

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    This widget lists the current state and duration of the selected outbound agents.

    Dialer Agents Realtime

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    This shows a table with each outbound dialer agent and the number of calls they accepted and rejected from the campaign.

    Hourly Agent Efficiency

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    Percentage of the time selected agents spent efficiently during their loggedin time for each hour in the day. Efficiency is based on the criteria configured by the team leaders and assigned to each team.

    Hourly Agent Occupancy

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    Percentage of the time selected agents spent as occupant during their loggedin time for each hour in the day. Occupancy is based on the criteria configured by the team leaders and assigned to each team.

    Hourly Full-Time Employee (FTE)

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    The number of FTEs based on the login time of the selected agents on each hour. If an agent was logged in for 60mins on that hour, she is counted as 1 FTE. If an agent is logged in for 45mins, she is counted as 0.75 FTE.

    Overall Agent Efficiency

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    Percentage of the time selected agents spent efficiently during their loggedin time. Efficiency is based on the criteria configured by the team leaders and assigned to each team.

    Overall Agent Occupancy

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    Percentage of the time selected agents spent as occupant during their loggedin time. Occupancy is based on the criteria configured by the team leaders and assigned to each team.

    Team Answered % Hourly

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    This shows the percentage of answered calls by the selected agents for each hour with respect to the calls presented to the agent. Reverse of this is therate of RONA calls

    Team Answered Abandoned Hourly

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    This widget shows the answered and RONA call count per hour for the agents selected.

    Team Not Ready Percentage Hourly

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    This widget shows the average not ready percentage of the selected agents at each hour based on the time they were logged in.

    Team RONA % Hourly

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    Number of Reroute On No Answer calls by the selected agents per hour

    Top 5 10 Agents Average Talk Time

    Top5 Agents Rona Calls

    This widget lists the top 5 10 agents from the selected agent list by average talk time on that day.

    Top 5 10 Agents with Longest Calls

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    This widget lists the top 5 or 10 agents from the selected list who had the longest handle time with an inbound customer.

    Top 5 10 Avg Handle Time Agents

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    This widget lists the top agents from the selected agents based on their average handle time on that day.

    Top 5 or 10 Agents, RONA Calls

    Top5 Agents Rona Calls

    RONA is the call which arrived on agent's phone, rang for a while but has not been answered by the agent. The call then gets sent back to the queue. It is an unwanted situation hence needs to be monitored. This widget shows the top 5 or 10 agents in your selected agent list who had the highest number of RONA calls.

    Top 5, 10 agents Break Duration

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    Certain reason codes are considered as "Break" such as lunch, toilet break, 15-min off etc. This widget helps team leaders to monitor and manage agent break durations.

    Top 5, 10 Agents

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    This widget shows the top 5 or 10 agents from the selected agents list based on the number of calls answered.

    Top 5, 10, 20 Agents Login Time

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    This widget lists the top agents based on their total login time during the day.

    Top 5, 10, 20 Agents Outbound Calls

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    This widget lists the top agents who managed to answer the most outbound dialer calls.

    Top 5, 10, 20 Agents, Calls Answered

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    This widget lists the top agents who managed to answer the most inbound customer calls.

    Top 5-10 Not Ready Reasons per duration

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    This widget lists the top 5 or 10 reason codes based on the duration for the selected agents.

  • Call Type

    Call Type

    Call Type widgets show the respective call volumes, service levels, handle and wait times for the incoming calls.

    Call Types are also used for marking certain call state our route in the reports. Hence, some of the call types may have many calls offered but no calls answered or abandoned. We can these call types as transient. In the call type widget settings, you can tick the box "Exclude calltypes with zero answered and abandoned" which will ignore the transient call types in the widget.

    Hourly charts show the full 24 hr window by default. It is also possible to set the start and end time so that x-axis of the chart will only cover the working hours of your team.

    Calls in Queue

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    This widget displays the total number of calls waiting in the queues selected in the widget settings. If the thresholds are set, the background will be color-coded with amber / threshold 1 and red / threeshold 2. It is also possible to enable audio alerts as well.

    Calls Received

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    This is the number of calls offered for the selected call types on that day, starting from midnight of the day.

    Calls Abandoned

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    This is the number of calls abandoned by the caller while waiting in the queue for the selected call types on that day, starting from midnight of the day.

    Calls Received, Answered and Abandoned

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    Total number of calls received or offered, answered (may not be yet handled) and abandoned during the day.

    Avg Handle Time Hourly

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    Average Handle Time is the average of the handle times for each call types combined for that day. We find the weighted average of the selected call types by using total calls handled value as the weight.

    Calls Abandoned Hourly

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    Total calls abandoned at each hour for every call type selected in the widget settings for that day.

    Top 5, 10 Calltypes Calls in Queue

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    Individual calls waiting in the queue. This feature requires Comstice CTI Service. Please consult your Comstice account manager about this feature.

    Calls Other

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    Calls which are offered but not answered or abandoned. They are usually dequeued calls, short calls, failed calls. There is a long list of call classification in Cisco UCCE reports and the database schema. You can verify those from Cisco documentation.

    Daily Answer Rate

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    Percentage of calls answered versus the calls offered. It is also possible to exclude certain call classifications such as short calls, redirected/dequeued calls etc. to increase the answer rate.

    Oldest in Queue

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    Duration of the longest waiting call within the group of call types selected in the settings.

    Calls Received and Answered

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    Total number of calls offered and answered. It is also possible to exclude certain call classifications such as short calls, redirected/dequeued calls etc. to minimize the calls offered value.

    Avg Talk Time

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    Average talk time for each call type. We use the calls handled as the weight and calculate the weighted average.

    Avg Wait Time

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    Average wait time for each call type. We use the calls handled as the weight and calculate the weighted average.

    Digest Info

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    This widget is a combination of agent state distribution as well as the call type calls in queue, oldest in queue, calls offered, answered and abandoned.

    Calls Answered Hourly

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    Total number of calls answered each hour for the selected call types.

    Calls Abandoned Hourly

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    Total number of calls abandoned each hour for the selected call types.

    Top 5, 10 Calls Answered per Calltype

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    This widget lists the top call types with the higest number of answered calls.

    Calls Received, Answered, Abandoned per Calltype

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    Total calls offered, answered and abandoned per Call Type

    Top 5,10 Call Types

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    This table dynamically displays the call types with calls waiting from the list of selected call types. If there are no calls in the queue for those call types, it lists the call types with the highest number of received calls.

    Calls Other Hourly

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    This widget lists the number of received calls other than answered or abandoned in an hourly chart. This can be used to identify spikes in error calls or to monitor overflow calls.

    Top 5,10 Calltypes Calls Abandoned

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    This widget shows the calltypes with the highest number of abandoned calls, top 5 or 10 from the selected calltypes.

    Service Level Percent Hourly

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    Service level answered percentage at each hour for the selected calltypes.

    Service Level 4,8 Donut

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    Service level answered percentage for the individual calltypes for that day starting from midnight. It may show 4 or 8 donut charts, one for each calltype.

    Daily Abandon Rate

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    Percentage of abandoned calls for the selected calltypes with respect to calls offered. User can also select the option to ignore the calltypes with zero answered and abandoned calls, i.e. transient calltypes.

  • Skill Group

    Skill Group

    Here is a list of widgets for Cisco UCCE Skill Groups which can be used in Comstice Wallboard.

    Calls in Queue

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    Total number of calls in queue for the selected skill groups.

    Oldest in Queue

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    Duration of the longest waiting call in queue in queue for the selected skill groups.

    Grouped Skills

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    This widget helps user to group the skill groups into single row and create a table with multiple grouped SGs.

    Grouped Skills Digest

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    This widget helps user to group the skill groups into single row and create a table with multiple grouped SGs.

    Received, Answered, Abandoned

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    This widget shows the total number of received, answered and abandoned calls for the selected skill groups.

    Skill Group Call Volume

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    This widget shows the offered, answered, abandoned and RONA (re-route on no answer) calls for the selected skill groups.

    Skill Group Hourly

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    This chart shows the offered, answered and abandoned calls for the selected skill groups for each hour of the day.

    Skill Group Inbound

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    This widget shows each skill group as a separate row in the table and lists the agent availability and the queue stats real-time.

    Top 5 Skill Groups (per calls in queue)

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    This chart shows the top 5 or 10 skill groups from the selected skill group list based on the calls waiting in the queue.

  • Precision


    Comstice Wallboard presents real-time and historical data for precision queues.

    Calls in Queue

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    Total number of calls waiting in the queue for the selected precision queues.

    Calls Abandoned

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    Total number of calls abandoned for the selected precision queues.

    Calls Received, Answered and Abandoned

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    Total number of calls received, answered and abandoned for the selected precision queues. Received calls may be greater than the sum of answered and abandoned calls since some calls can be dequeued and redirected to other labels.

    Avg Talk Time

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    Average talk time for the selected precision queues. This value is calculated using weighted averaging with calls handled.

    Top 5,10 PQ Calls in Queue

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    Based on the selected precision queues, this table shows the top 5 or 10 precision queues with the highest number of calls waiting.

    Service Level (Gauge, Value)

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    Service level answered for the selected precision queues.

    Service Level 5, 10

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    Top 5, 10 precision queues with service level answered for the selected precision queues.

    Daily Answer Rate

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    Precentage of calls answered versus the calls received.

    Oldest in Queue

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    Duration of the longest waiting call in the selected precision queues.

    Calls Answered

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    Total number of calls answered based on the selected precision queues.

    Calls Received, Answered and Abandoned

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    Total number of calls received, answered and abandoned based on the selected precision queues.

    Average Talk Time

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    Weighted average of the average talk times of the selected precision queues.

    Average Wait Time

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    Weighted average of the average wait times of the selected precision queues.

    Service Level 4, 8 Donut

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    Individual call type service levels in a donut chart with two threshold options for visual alerts. Chart goes amber when the first threshold hit and becomes red when the second threshold is achieved. Second threshold must be less than the first threshold value.

    Daily Abandon Rate (Donut)

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    This widget shows the percentage of abandoned calls that day with respect to the calls offered. Users also have the option to ignore the call types which have neither answered nor abandoned calls i.e. transient calltypes.

    Daily Incoming Calls Hourly

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    This hourly chart gathers the data from the calltype interval tables. Interval tables populate the data in the beginning of each hour and half hours by default.

    Maximum Wait Time

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    Longest wait time of the callers waited in the calltype queues. This is not the currently waiting call but the longest time a caller waited on that day.

    Calls in Progress

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    Number of calls which are being handled by the agents for the selected calltypes.

    Max Calls in Queue

    Comstice Wallboard Widgets for Cisco UCCE

    This is the maximum number of calls in queue achieved for the selected queues on that day. This is not the total number of calls currently waiting.

  • Other


    Comstice Wallboard can present third party data along with Cisco real-time daily historical data.
    Third party data such as ServiceNow, SalesForce, ZenDesk and similar ticketing systems can be presentedas widgets.
