Amazon Connect is a cloud contact center offering platform as a service features. Comstice Quartz Reporting and Analytics platform helps to access Amazon Connect stock reports as well as industry best practice reports used in the contact centers worldwide. This post provides the details of the Comstice Stock Reports created for Amazon Connect Cloud Contact Center.

Agent Reports
Agent Login Logout Summary
Filters: starttime,endtime,agent name/ID, agent hierarcy levels 1-5,
login duration greater / less than
This report shows the total login duration per agent, for the selected time period
Parameter | Description |
Agent Name | Full name of the agent |
Agent ID | Login ID of the agent |
Duration | Login duration of the agent in hh:mm:ss |
Agent Login Logout Detail
Filters: starttime,endtime,agent name/ID, agent hierarcy levels 1-5,
login duration greater / less than
This report shows the login duration per agent, on each of their successful login attempt.
Parameter | Description |
Agent Name | Full name of the agent |
Agent ID | Login ID of the agent |
Start Time | Start time of the report or the interval |
End Time | End time of the report or the interval |
Duration | Login duration of the agent in hh:mm:ss |
Agent Not Ready / AUX Reason Summary
Filters: starttime,endtime,agent name/ID, agent hierarcy levels 1-5
This report shows the total duration of not ready reason codes per agent, one agent per
row.You can select the filter "Hide rows with zero duration" to narrow down the report
Parameter | Description |
Agent Name | Full name of the agent |
Agent ID | Login ID of the agent |
Total Not Ready Duration | Summary of the not ready / AUX duration hh:mm:ss |
Reason Code 1 | Name, Duration, Percentage |
... | ... |
Reason Code 399 | Name, Duration, Percentage |
Duration | Login duration of the agent in hh:mm:ss |
Agent State Trace
Filters: starttime,endtime,agent name/ID, agent hierarcy levels 1-5
This report shows every single state and reason AUX code change in the call center.Even when the reason AUX code changes, you will see a new entry with the duration. Reason / AUX codes are currently called Agent Status code in Amazon Connect.
Parameter | Description |
Agent Name | Full name of the agent |
Agent ID | Login ID of the agent |
Start Time | Start timestamp of the agent state/reason |
End Time | End timestamp of the agent state/reason |
State | New state of the agent when the event happens, including login and logout. |
Reason | The reason / agent status code selected by the agent. These are the reason codes created in Amazon Connect admin console. |
Duration | The difference between the start and end time of the state in hh:mm:ss. It is zero in login and logout states. |
Agent State Summary
This report shows the summary of the agent states for each agent selected in the defined start and end time.
Filters: starttime,endtime,agent name/ID, agent hierarcy levels 1-5
Parameter | Description |
Agent Name | Full name of the agent |
Agent ID | Login ID of the agent |
Login Duration | Duration of the login time for the selected time period in hh:mm:ss |
Available | Available duration and percentage for the time period per agent |
Not Ready | Time spent in Not Ready except in the agent status / reason codes marked as lunch or break. |
ACW | Time spent in After Call Work state if enabled. |
Lunch | Time spent in the reason codes which are marked as "lunch break" as well as the percentage with respect to the login duration. |
Break | Time spent in the reason codes which are marked as "other break" as well as the percentage with respect to the login duration. |
Agent Call Summary
This report presents the number of calls each selected agent handled as well as missed, transferred and other actions. It also includes the total time spent on the call, hold, ACW as well as the overall handle time. This report can be run with intervals as well as a cumulative table for the entire duration. One agent per row, per interval.
Filters: starttime,endtime,agent name/ID, agent hierarcy levels 1-5, queues. Intervals 15,30,60, Entire Duration
Parameter | Description |
Agent Name | Full name of the agent |
Agent ID | Login ID of the agent |
Start Time | Timestamp for the start time of the report |
End Time | Timestamp for the end time of the report |
Total Inbound | Total number of inbound calls answered; direct, transferred as well as calls coming from the queue. |
Total Outbound | Total number of outbound calls generated by the agent. These are not the dialer calls. |
Inbound Queue | Total number of inbound calls answered from the queue. |
Inbound Queue Avg Talk Time | Average duration of the call talk time. Total Talk Time / Total Inbound Queue Calls. |
Inbound Queue Avg Hold Time | Average duration of the call hold time. Total Hold Time / Total Inbound Queue Calls. |
Inbound Queue Avg ACW Time | Average duration of the ACW time. Total ACW Time / Total Inbound Queue Calls. |
Inbound Direct | Total number of direct inbound calls answered. |
Inbound Direct Avg Talk Time | Average duration of the direct calls talk time. Total Talk Time / Total Inbound Direct Calls. |
Inbound Direct Avg Hold Time | Average duration of the direct calls hold time. Total Hold Time / Total Inbound Direct Calls. |
Transfer In | Queue calls transferred into the agent's phone. |
Transfer Out | Queue calls transferred out by the agent. |
Agent Call Detail
This report shows each call presented to or generated by the agent for the selected criteria
Filters: starttime,endtime,agent name/ID, agent hierarcy levels 1-5, queues, routing profile, attributes and the values
Parameter | Description |
Agent Name | Full name of the agent |
Agent ID | Login ID of the agent |
Customer Number | Phone number of the other party |
Agent Connect Time | timestamp of the call when it is connected to the agent |
Call Start Time | timestamp of the call when it first hit Amazon Connect platform |
Call End Time | timestamp of the call when it was terminated in the Amazon Connect platform |
Talk Time/td> | Talk time of the agent for the call |
Hold Time | Hold time of the call |
Longest Hold Time | Longest hold time of the call |
Number of Holds | Number of times the call put on hold |
ACW Time | Time spent in After Call Work state if enabled. |
Hierarchy 1 | Name of the hierarchy 1 for this call |
Hierarchy 2 | Name of the hierarchy 2 for this call |
Hierarchy 3 | Name of the hierarchy 3 for this call |
Hierarchy 4 | Name of the hierarchy 4 for this call |
Hierarchy 5 | Name of the hierarchy 5 for this call |
Direction | Direction of the call; inbound or outbound |
Queue | Queue of the call hit before handed to the agent |
Attributes | List of attributes and their final values for the call |
Queue Duration | Number of seconds the call waited in the queue before answered by the agent |
Recording | Click here to listen to the recording of the call |
Transcript | Transcript of the call conversation as a written text; only in the languages supported by Amazon Transcribe |
Agent Wrap-Up Summary
This report shows the summary of the wrap up / call disposition codes selected by the agent. Please note that wrap up codes are only available if Comstice Quartz Web Agent interface is used to handle the calls. Amazon Connect does not support wrap-up codes.Also note that agents may select more than one wrap-up codes for the same call.
Filters: starttime,endtime,agent name/ID, Wrap-up codes, agent hierarcy levels 1-5
Parameter | Description |
Wrap-Up Name | Wrap up name selected by the agent |
Total Calls | Number of queue calls agents selected this wrap-up code |
Total Handle Time | Total handle time for the calls selected for this wrap up. Handle time = Talk+ ACW + Hold Time |
Avg Handle Time | Average handle time for the calls selected for this wrap up. Avg Handle time = (Talk+ ACW + Hold Time) / Total Calls for this Wrap Up |
Max Handle Time | Maximum handle time for the calls selected for this wrap up. Max Handle time = MAX(Talk+ ACW + Hold Time) |
% Talk Time | Perentage of talk time with respect to the handle time. 100 * SUM(Talk Time) / SUM(Handle Time) |
Total ACW Time | Total ACW of the calls with this wrap-up. |
Avg ACW Time | Avg ACW of the calls with this wrap-up. Total ACW Time / Total Calls |
Max ACW Time | MAximum ACW of the calls with this wrap-up. |
% ACW | Perentage of ACW time with respect to the handle time. 100 * SUM(ACW Time) / SUM(Handle Time) |
Agent Wrap-Up Detail
This report shows each call for the wrap up / call disposition codes selected by the selected agents. Please note that wrap up codes are only available if Comstice Quartz Web Agent interface is used to handle the calls. Amazon Connect does not support wrap-up codes.Also note that agents may select more than one wrap-up codes for the same call.
Filters: starttime,endtime,agent name/ID, Wrap-up codes, agent hierarcy levels 1-5
Parameter | Description |
Agent Name | Full name of the agent |
Agent ID | Login ID of the agent |
Start Time | Timestamp for the start time of the call |
End Time | Timestamp for the end time of the call |
Customer Number | Phone number of the calling customer |
Wrap-Up | Wrap up names selected by the agent |
Queue | The queue that the call hit for this agent |
Handle Time | Total handle time for the call |
Talk Time | Talk time for the selected call |
Hold TimeTime | Total hold time for the selected call |
ACW Time | ACW of time of the selected call |
Call and Queue Reports
Call Tracker
This report shows every single call that hits Amazon Connect for the selected search criteria.If the call is handled by multiple agents, then it will have multiple rows
Field | Description |
Contact ID | Unique identifier of each call generated by Amazon Connect. |
Previous ID | Previous ID of the call |
Next ID | Next ID of the call |
Call Start Time | Timestamp of the call hitting Amazon Connect |
Call End Time | Timestamp of the call ended at Amazon Connect |
Agent Connect Time | Timestamp that the call is connected to an agent. NULL if not handled by the agent |
Agent Name | Full name of the agent |
Agent ID | Login ID of the agent |
Customer Number | Phone number of the other party |
Talk Time/td> | Talk time of the agent for the call |
Hold Time | Hold time of the call |
Longest Hold Time | Longest hold time of the call |
Number of Holds | Number of times the call put on hold |
ACW Time | Time spent in After Call Work state if enabled. |
Hierarchy 1 | Name of the hierarchy 1 for this call |
Hierarchy 2 | Name of the hierarchy 2 for this call |
Hierarchy 3 | Name of the hierarchy 3 for this call |
Hierarchy 4 | Name of the hierarchy 4 for this call |
Hierarchy 5 | Name of the hierarchy 5 for this call |
Direction | Direction of the call; inbound or outbound |
Attributes | List of attributes and their final values for the call |
Queue | Queue of the call hit before handed to the agent |
Queue Start Time | Timestamp of the instance when call started to wait in the queue |
Queue Duration | Number of seconds the call waited in the queue before answered by the agent |
TransferredTo | Endpoint the call is transferred to |
TransferCompleteTime | Timestamp of the call transfer completed |
Recording | Click here to listen to the recording of the call |
Transcript | Transcript of the call conversation as a written text; only in the languages supported by Amazon Transcribe |
Contact Attribute Summary
Field | Description |
Contact ID | Unique identifier of each call generated by Amazon Connect. |
Call Start Time | Timestamp of the call hitting Amazon Connect |
Call End Time | Timestamp of the call ended at Amazon Connect |
Agent Connect Time | Timestamp that the call is connected to an agent. NULL if not handled by the agent |
Agent Name | Full name of the agent |
Agent ID | Login ID of the agent |