Cisco UCCE Cradle to Grave Reporting

February 18, 2021 in Cisco Reporting
Cisco UCCE Cradle to Grave Reporting

Cisco UCCE and PCCE reports provided in Cisco CUIC Reporting Service are very detailed. However, there are some reports customers have been asking and not available with the Cisco UCCE stock reports. Comstice Quartz Reporting solution for Cisco UCCE includes these reports mentioned below that every Cisco UCCE Call Center manager is asking for.

Real-Time Reports

Agents on the Phone

This real-time report shows the agents on a call including ACD and non-ACD inbound and outbound calls on their agent phone line.

Filters: agent list, team list

Name State Other Party Duration
Bla McElroy Lunch Break 5552713232 02:17
Bla McElroy Talking In 5558913274 06:03
Sunny Lenarduzzi Callback - Abandoned +5554923232 05:36
Christian Wurtz Talking Out 5552617232 00:48
Sam Smith Callback - Campaign 7139293714 05:23

Active Calls in Queue

This real-time report shows each call waiting in the queue including the calling number, queue name, duration, trigger extension and one of the ten call variables as Flag

Flag can be any call variable populated by UCCE or CVP such as caller's full name, account number or notifications such as payment pending, VIP, potential fraud etc.

You can also add some labels to trigger called numbers such as Main CS number, New Business, Emergency etc.

Filters: call type list, precision queue list

Calling Number Called Number Queue Name Duration Flag
5552713232 Main CS Number CS_US_West_Orders_CT 02:17 CP998239823
7139293714 Main IT Number Global_IT_PQ 02:41 VIP
4165550329 83500 CS_US_West_Replacements_PQ 04:21 Refinance
8290399281 Main CS Number CS_US_Wholesalers_CT 06:38 Payment Overdue
Calling Number Called Number Queue Name Duration Flag
5550392292 Warehouse_West CS_US_Wholesalers_CT 01:04 Hello Computers Co.

Historical Reports

Call Tracker

If you need to find a particular call, Call Tracker can help. Using information such as Calling Number, Call Type, Precision Queue, Agent, particular value on a specific call variable and wrap up reasons selected, you can filter the call within a specific time range and pinpoint the target call.

First, the result will show the list of calls matching your search criteria. By clicking on the "Details" button of a particular call, you will be able to see the call legs for that call in detail.

Filters: inbound / outbound calls, starttime, endtime, agent name, calling number, precision queue, skill group,call type, call variable 1-10 value, wrap-up reason

Parameter Description
View Customer Journey Map Shows the details of the call legs
Calling Number / ANI Calling number for the call
Called Number / DNIS Internal extension that call is answered by UCCE
Start Time Start date and time of the call in the selected timezone at user settings
Digits Dialed Number dialed by UCCE This can be different than the called number
Cisco Finesse Webphone Gadget
Parameter Description
Queue Wait Time Number of seconds caller waited in the queue for the selected call leg
Call Disposition Outcome of the particular call leg. Looking at disposition of each call leg can be misleading. Call Outcome is a more accurate parameter to look at.
Duration Total duration of the particular call leg. Call Tracker finds the call by matching a particular call leg, therefore duration information here only shows the duration of one of the legs. For the total duration, we need to look at the over call steps of the target call.
Ring Time Number of seconds call rang on agent's extension
Parameter Description
Hold Time Number of seconds call was on hold
Talk Time Number of seconds agent was talking on that particular call leg
Work Time Number of seconds agent spent on after call work state after this call
Answered Within Service Level Flag that shows whether the call was answered within the number of seconds set as the service level for that queue.
Parameter Description
Wrapup Data Wrap-up reason selected by the agent for the call.
Call Outcome There are usually four outcomes; Abandoned in IVR, Abandoned in Queue, Answered by the Agent, Answered in IVR
Skill Group Skill group selected for the call by Cisco UCCE.
Call Type Call Type selected for the call by Cisco UCCE.
Parameter Description
Precision Queue Precision queue selected for the call by Cisco UCCE.
Attributes Precision Queue attributes assigned to that call. Only populated for Precision Queue calls
Call Variable 1 - 10 Ten configurable key-value pairs for each call
Transfer Time Date and time when call is transferred. Single-step transfer
Parameter Description
Consult Time Date and time when call is transferred. Consult transfer
Conference Time Date and time when call is conferenced.

Call Variable Summary

There are ten call variables with each ACD call which Cisco UCCE can pass data to the agent and other parties. These variables are often used for further classification of the calls. Using Call Variable Summary report, you can see the number of occurrences of each potential value for the selected call variable. By clicking on the "Details" button, you can drill down to the list of calls for that particular call variable.

You can also select a particular call and drill down further to see the details of each call leg.

Filters: starttime,endtime,call variable 1-10, calltype, precision queue, agent, checkbox for "Only show calls answered by an agent"

Variable Value Number of Occurrences Details
US CS West 238 List Calls
US WholeSale 201 List Calls
Self-Service Overflow 123 List Calls
IT Helpdesk 74 List Calls
Variable Value Number of Occurrences Details
Emergency 36 List Calls

Call Variable Detail

This report shows the list of calls for the selected call variable value.

Parameter Description
View Customer Journey Map Shows the details of the call legs
Calling Number / ANI Calling number for the call
Called Number / DNIS Internal extension that call is answered by UCCE
Start Time Start date and time of the call in the selected timezone at user settings
Parameter Description
Digits Dialed Number dialed by UCCE This can be different than the called number
Queue Wait Time Number of seconds caller waited in the queue for the selected call leg
Call Disposition Outcome of the particular call leg. Looking at disposition of each call leg can be misleading. Call Outcome is a more accurate parameter to look at.
Duration Total duration of the particular call leg. Call Tracker finds the call by matching a particular call leg, therefore duration information here only shows the duration of one of the legs. For the total duration, we need to look at the over call steps of the target call.
Parameter Description
Ring Time Number of seconds call rang on agent's extension
Hold Time Number of seconds call was on hold
Talk Time Number of seconds agent was talking on that particular call leg
Work Time Number of seconds agent spent on after call work state after this call
Parameter Description
Answered Within Service Level Flag that shows whether the call was answered within the number of seconds set as the service level for that queue.
Wrapup Data Wrap-up reason selected by the agent for the call.
Call Outcome There are usually four outcomes; Abandoned in IVR, Abandoned in Queue, Answered by the Agent, Answered in IVR
Skill Group Skill group selected for the call by Cisco UCCE.
Parameter Description
Call Type Call Type selected for the call by Cisco UCCE.
Precision Queue Precision queue selected for the call by Cisco UCCE.
Attributes Precision Queue attributes assigned to that call. Only populated for Precision Queue calls
Call Variable 1 - 10 Ten configurable key-value pairs for each call
Parameter Description
Transfer Time Date and time when call is transferred. Single-step transfer
Consult Time Date and time when call is transferred. Consult transfer
Conference Time Date and time when call is conferenced.

Wrap-Up Code Summary


This report presents the number of calls each wrap-up code is selected. You can click on the details button to see the list of calls for each wrap-up code.

Wrap-Up Reason Call Count Details
Issue Resolved 238 List Calls
One-way Audio 173 List Calls
Follow-Up Ticket Opened 61 List Calls
Requeued 35 List Calls
Wrap-Up Reason Call Count Details
Customer Disconnected 17 List Calls
Escalation Requested 11 List Calls
Network Error 8 List Calls

Wrap-Up Code Detail

This report shows each call presented to or generated by the agent for the selected criteria

Filters: starttime,endtime,agent name/ID, agent hierarcy levels 1-5, queues, routing profile, attributes and the values

Parameter Description
View Customer Journey Map Shows the details of the call legs
Calling Number / ANI Calling number for the call
Called Number / DNIS Internal extension that call is answered by UCCE
Start Time Start date and time of the call in the selected timezone at user settings
Parameter Description
Digits Dialed Number dialed by UCCE This can be different than the called number
Queue Wait Time Number of seconds caller waited in the queue for the selected call leg
Call Disposition Outcome of the particular call leg. Looking at disposition of each call leg can be misleading. Call Outcome is a more accurate parameter to look at.
Duration Total duration of the particular call leg. Call Tracker finds the call by matching a particular call leg, therefore duration information here only shows the duration of one of the legs. For the total duration, we need to look at the over call steps of the target call.
Ring Time Number of seconds call rang on agent's extension
Parameter Description
Hold Time Number of seconds call was on hold
Talk Time Number of seconds agent was talking on that particular call leg
Work Time Number of seconds agent spent on after call work state after this call
Answered Within Service Level Flag that shows whether the call was answered within the number of seconds set as the service level for that queue.
Parameter Description
Wrapup Data Wrap-up reason selected by the agent for the call.
Call Outcome There are usually four outcomes; Abandoned in IVR, Abandoned in Queue, Answered by the Agent, Answered in IVR
Skill Group Skill group selected for the call by Cisco UCCE.
Call Type Call Type selected for the call by Cisco UCCE.
Parameter Description
Precision Queue Precision queue selected for the call by Cisco UCCE.
Attributes Precision Queue attributes assigned to that call. Only populated for Precision Queue calls
Call Variable 1 - 10 Ten configurable key-value pairs for each call
Transfer Time Date and time when call is transferred. Single-step transfer
Parameter Description
Consult Time Date and time when call is transferred. Consult transfer
Conference Time Date and time when call is conferenced.

Transfer and Consult Call Detail

This report shows the list of calls transferred by the agent using single-step or consult transfer

Parameter Description
View Customer Journey Map Shows the details of the call legs
Calling Number / ANI Calling number for the call
Called Number / DNIS Internal extension that call is answered by UCCE
Start Time Start date and time of the call in the selected timezone at user settings
Parameter Description
Digits Dialed Number dialed by UCCE This can be different than the called number
Queue Wait Time Number of seconds caller waited in the queue for the selected call leg
Call Disposition Outcome of the particular call leg. Looking at disposition of each call leg can be misleading. Call Outcome is a more accurate parameter to look at.
Duration Total duration of the particular call leg. Call Tracker finds the call by matching a particular call leg, therefore duration information here only shows the duration of one of the legs. For the total duration, we need to look at the over call steps of the target call.
Parameter Description
Ring Time Number of seconds call rang on agent's extension
Hold Time Number of seconds call was on hold
Talk Time Number of seconds agent was talking on that particular call leg
Work Time Number of seconds agent spent on after call work state after this call
Parameter Description
Answered Within Service Level Flag that shows whether the call was answered within the number of seconds set as the service level for that queue.
Wrapup Data Wrap-up reason selected by the agent for the call.
Call Outcome There are usually four outcomes; Abandoned in IVR, Abandoned in Queue, Answered by the Agent, Answered in IVR
Skill Group Skill group selected for the call by Cisco UCCE.
Parameter Description
Call Type Call Type selected for the call by Cisco UCCE.
Precision Queue Precision queue selected for the call by Cisco UCCE.
Attributes Precision Queue attributes assigned to that call. Only populated for Precision Queue calls
Call Variable 1 - 10 Ten configurable key-value pairs for each call
Parameter Description
Transfer Time Date and time when call is transferred. Single-step transfer
Consult Time Date and time when call is transferred. Consult transfer

Conferenced Calls Detail

This report shows each call which are conferenced by the UCCE agent.

Parameter Description
View Customer Journey Map Shows the details of the call legs
Calling Number / ANI Calling number for the call
Called Number / DNIS Internal extension that call is answered by UCCE
Start Time Start date and time of the call in the selected timezone at user settings
Parameter Description
Digits Dialed Number dialed by UCCE This can be different than the called number
Queue Wait Time Number of seconds caller waited in the queue for the selected call leg
Call Disposition Outcome of the particular call leg. Looking at disposition of each call leg can be misleading. Call Outcome is a more accurate parameter to look at.
Duration Total duration of the particular call leg. Call Tracker finds the call by matching a particular call leg, therefore duration information here only shows the duration of one of the legs. For the total duration, we need to look at the over call steps of the target call.
Parameter Description
Ring Time Number of seconds call rang on agent's extension
Hold Time Number of seconds call was on hold
Talk Time Number of seconds agent was talking on that particular call leg
Work Time Number of seconds agent spent on after call work state after this call
Parameter Description
Answered Within Service Level Flag that shows whether the call was answered within the number of seconds set as the service level for that queue.
Wrapup Data Wrap-up reason selected by the agent for the call.
Call Outcome There are usually four outcomes; Abandoned in IVR, Abandoned in Queue, Answered by the Agent, Answered in IVR
Skill Group Skill group selected for the call by Cisco UCCE.
Parameter Description
Call Type Call Type selected for the call by Cisco UCCE.
Precision Queue Precision queue selected for the call by Cisco UCCE.
Attributes Precision Queue attributes assigned to that call. Only populated for Precision Queue calls
Call Variable 1 - 10 Ten configurable key-value pairs for each call
Parameter Description
Conference Time Date and time when call is conferenced.

Abandoned Calls in Queue Detail

This report shows every single call which is abandoned by the caller while waiting in the queue. You can filter for the time interval, calltype, skill group and precision queue.

Field Description
View Customer Journey Map Shows the details of the call legs
Calling Number / ANI Calling number for the call
Called Number / DNIS Internal extension that call is answered by UCCE
Start Time Start date and time of the call in the selected timezone at user settings
Field Description
Digits Dialed Number dialed by UCCE This can be different than the called number
Queue Wait Time Number of seconds caller waited in the queue for the selected call leg
Call Disposition Outcome of the particular call leg. Looking at disposition of each call leg can be misleading. Call Outcome is a more accurate parameter to look at.
Duration Total duration of the particular call leg. Call Tracker finds the call by matching a particular call leg, therefore duration information here only shows the duration of one of the legs. For the total duration, we need to look at the over call steps of the target call.
Field Description
Answered Within Service Level Flag that shows whether the call was answered within the number of seconds set as the service level for that queue.
Call Outcome There are usually four outcomes; Abandoned in IVR, Abandoned in Queue, Answered by the Agent, Answered in IVR
Skill Group Skill group selected for the call by Cisco UCCE.
Call Type Call Type selected for the call by Cisco UCCE.
Field Description
Precision Queue Precision queue selected for the call by Cisco UCCE.
Attributes Precision Queue attributes assigned to that call. Only populated for Precision Queue calls
Call Variable 1 - 10 Ten configurable key-value pairs for each call

Abandoned in IVR Detail

This report shows the calls which are abandoned while in IVR and never went to a queue or answered by an agent. They can be the calls legitimately terminated by the caller or abandoned due to cumbersome menu options.

Field Description
Contact ID Unique identifier of each call generated by Amazon Connect.
Call Start Time Timestamp of the call hitting Amazon Connect
Call End Time Timestamp of the call ended at Amazon Connect
Agent Connect Time Timestamp that the call is connected to an agent. NULL if not handled by the agent
Field Description
Agent Name Full name of the agent
Agent ID Login ID of the agent

Repetitive Call Summary

You can set repetitive call threshold and find the list of callers who called your UCCE Contact Center more than the the threshold.

Calling Number Occurrence Details
7139293714 48 List Calls
+6139723714 39 List Calls
4169293714 25 List Calls
7135590517 16 List Calls
Calling Number Occurrence Details
5559293714 8 List Calls

Repetitive Call Detail

You can list the individual calls from the same calling number for the specified time. It is also possible to update the filters, narrow down the start and end time, add call type, precision queue or agent information.

Field Description
View Customer Journey Map Shows the details of the call legs
Calling Number / ANI Calling number for the call
Called Number / DNIS Internal extension that call is answered by UCCE
Start Time Start date and time of the call in the selected timezone at user settings
Field Description
Digits Dialed Number dialed by UCCE This can be different than the called number
Queue Wait Time Number of seconds caller waited in the queue for the selected call leg
Call Disposition Outcome of the particular call leg. Looking at disposition of each call leg can be misleading. Call Outcome is a more accurate parameter to look at.
Duration Total duration of the particular call leg. Call Tracker finds the call by matching a particular call leg, therefore duration information here only shows the duration of one of the legs. For the total duration, we need to look at the over call steps of the target call.
Field Description
Ring Time Number of seconds call rang on agent's extension
Hold Time Number of seconds call was on hold
Talk Time Number of seconds agent was talking on that particular call leg
Work Time Number of seconds agent spent on after call work state after this call
Field Description
Answered Within Service Level Flag that shows whether the call was answered within the number of seconds set as the service level for that queue.
Wrapup Data Wrap-up reason selected by the agent for the call.
Call Outcome There are usually four outcomes; Abandoned in IVR, Abandoned in Queue, Answered by the Agent, Answered in IVR
Skill Group Skill group selected for the call by Cisco UCCE.
Field Description
Call Type Call Type selected for the call by Cisco UCCE.
Precision Queue Precision queue selected for the call by Cisco UCCE.
Attributes Precision Queue attributes assigned to that call. Only populated for Precision Queue calls
Call Variable 1 - 10 Ten configurable key-value pairs for each call
Field Description
Transfer Time Date and time when call is transferred. Single-step transfer
Consult Time Date and time when call is transferred. Consult transfer
Conference Time Date and time when call is conferenced.

IVR Traffic Analysis

This report is used to check the calls handled in the IVR and never needed to be transferred to an agent. It can be filtered based on the call type or the call variables. It will pick up the calls with zero queue wait time and never sent to an agent.

Field Description Detail
US Sales 379 List Calls
Self Service Top-Up 281 List Calls
Finance Enquiry 126 List Calls
Global IT 56 List Calls

IVR Call Detail

This report shows every single call for the selected IVR criteria and the customer journey for each call.

Field Description
View Customer Journey Map Shows the details of the call legs
Calling Number / ANI Calling number for the call
Called Number / DNIS Internal extension that call is answered by UCCE
Start Time Start date and time of the call in the selected timezone at user settings
Field Description
Digits Dialed Number dialed by UCCE This can be different than the called number
Call Disposition Outcome of the particular call leg. Looking at disposition of each call leg can be misleading. Call Outcome is a more accurate parameter to look at.
Duration Total duration of the particular call leg. Call Tracker finds the call by matching a particular call leg, therefore duration information here only shows the duration of one of the legs. For the total duration, we need to look at the over call steps of the target call.
Call Outcome There are usually four outcomes; Abandoned in IVR, Abandoned in Queue, Answered by the Agent, Answered in IVR
Field Description
Skill Group Skill group selected for the call by Cisco UCCE.
Call Type Call Type selected for the call by Cisco UCCE.
Precision Queue Precision queue selected for the call by Cisco UCCE.
Attributes Precision Queue attributes assigned to that call. Only populated for Precision Queue calls
Field Description
Call Variable 1 - 10 Ten configurable key-value pairs for each call