Avaya ECH Report Definitions

January 16, 2024 in Avaya Cms
Avaya ECH Report Definitions

Avaya External Call History Interface (ECHI) creates comprehensive data about each call in Avaya Call Centers. Comstice Avaya Call Reporting solution processes this raw data and creates various reports for cradle to grave reporting of each call.

Avaya External call History Data Schema

Parameter Description
callid A unique number that is assigned to this call and all of its call segments. For conferenced and transferred calls, two (or more) calls are associated with each other. When the entire call is recorded, one CALLID is used to join all of the associated call segments. In “meet-me” conferences, this may result in a “later” segment of the call starting earlier than the first segment. CALLIDs are not strictly sequential, but will be unique for all calls recorded over the course of a day.
acwtime The length of time that agents spend in ACW that is associated with this call by the answering agent in this segment.
onholdtime The length of time that split/skill ACD callers spend on hold.
Parameter Description
consulttime The length of time that an agent talks on any outbound call while in AUX work, ACW, or in OTHER with a call on hold. This includes the time the originating agent spent talking to the destination party while establishing a conference or transferring a call, which is the time between presses of the transfer or conference button. CONSULTTIME includes wait time if the agent is calling a VDN or split/skill extension, but the wait time can be subtracted out by subtracting the DISPTIME item from CONSULTTIME.
disptime The wait time in the vector, in queue, and ringing that elapses until the disposition is recorded in DISPOSITION for the segment. For extension calls that are placed directly to agents and not through a VDN, this is always zero.
duration The total time that the trunk was in use. This is the overall trunk holding time from the beginning of the call segment until the caller is disconnected. For the first segment of a call, this is the trunk holding time for the caller for the entire call, from the time the trunk is seized until the trunk is idle. With a transfer, the original trunk remains associated with both call segments until the call ends.
segstart The operating system time and date when the call segment started. The operating system time and date is the number of seconds since midnight, 01/01/70. Call segments start when CMS receives the first message for the call because each call segment represents a call. Another segment starts when an agent transfers or conferences a call.
Parameter Description
segstart_utc The operating system time and date when the call segment started. The operating system time and date is the number of seconds since midnight, 01/01/70. Call segments start when CMS receives the first message for the call because each call segment represents a call. Another segment starts when an agent transfers or conferences a call in UTC.
segstop The operating system time and date when the call segment ended. The operating system time and date is the number of seconds since midnight, 01/01/70. A call segment ends when all trunks and agents that are associated with the call segment have dropped off the call. This means that ACW time for the agent is included when calculating the call segment stop time.
segstop_utc The operating system time and date when the call segment ended. The operating system time and date is the number of seconds since midnight, 01/01/70. A call segment ends when all trunks and agents that are associated with the call segment have dropped off the call. This means that ACW time for the agent is included when calculating the call segment stop time in UTC.
Parameter Description
talktime The total talk time for the answering agent in this segment.
netintime The length of time that the call spends in a VDN while processing at a communication server that is located elsewhere in the network.
origholdtime The total length of time for which the call was put on hold by the originating agent.
queuetime The total length of time for which the call was put on hold by the originating agent.
ringtime Time the call segment spent ringing at the agent position.
tenant The ID of the tenant partition to which the resource belongs.
Parameter Description
ecd_num The ID of the tenant partition to which the resource belongs.
dispivector The number of the first vector that is associated with the disposition VDN (DISPVDN).
dispsplit The number of the first vector that is associated with the disposition VDN (DISPVDN).
firstvector The number of the first vector that is associated with the first VDN for the call segment. This is blank if no vector is involved.
split1-3 The number of the first split/skill to which the call queued in the first VDN with which it was associated in the call segment.
trunkgroup TID of the trunk group used in the call.
Parameter Description
eqlocid Location ID of the trunk associated with the call.
origlocid The location ID of the agent who is originating the call.
answerlocid Location ID of the trunk associated with the call.
obslocid The location ID of an agent observing or bridging on to an existing call.
obslocid The location ID of an agent observing or bridging on to an existing call.
uuilen Length in bytes of the User to User Information associated with the call segment.
Parameter Description
assist The number of times that agents requested supervisor assistance while they were on split/skill ACD calls, direct agent ACD calls, or in call-related ACW for this split/skill.
audiodifficulty CMS records the trunk associated with audio difficulty for personal calls if the trunk group is measured. Without personal call tracking, audio difficulty is restricted to ACD calls.
conference Duration spent in the conference call
daqueued A trunk state in which the trunk quickly becomes idle after the call is transferred to another queue..
daqueued A trunk state in which the trunk quickly becomes idle after the call is transferred to another queue..
Parameter Description
holdabn An indication of whether this call abandoned from hold in this call segment. Valid values for HOLDABN are 0, which means that the call did not abandon from hold, and 1, which means that “yes” the call did abandon from hold. The HOLDABN item applies to all of the calls that the agent put on hold.
holdabn An indication of whether this call abandoned from hold in this call segment. Valid values for HOLDABN are 0, which means that the call did not abandon from hold, and 1, which means that “yes” the call did abandon from hold. The HOLDABN item applies to all of the calls that the agent put on hold.
malicious An indication of whether a MCT was activated for this call segment. Valid values for MALICIOUS are 0, which means that no MCT was activated, and 1, which means that a MCT was activated.
observingcall An indication of whether this call represents an agent observing or bridging on to an existing call. Valid values for OBSERVINGCALL are 0, which means that no observing took place, and 1, which means that observing did take place.
Parameter Description
transferred An indication of whether the answering agent initiated a transfer for this call. Valid values for TRANSFERRED are 0, which means that “no” transfer was initiated, and 1, which means that “yes” a transfer was initiated. TRANSFERRED includes all calls that are transferred.
agentreleased The agent released or dropped the split/skill or direct agent ACD call, including transferred and conferenced calls. Valid values are n, which means that the call was not released or dropped, and y, which means that the call was released or dropped.
acdnum ACD ID of the current call.
calldisp An indication of the call disposition.
disppriority The priority that the call had at its disposition in this segment. Values from 1 to 6.
Parameter Description
holds Number of times the call was held.
segment ID of the call leg starting from 1.
ansreason ID of the call leg starting from 1.
origreason ID of the call leg starting from 1.
dispsklevel The skill level, from 1 through 16, that is associated with the skill in which the agent answered the call or, for calls that abandoned from ringing or from a direct agent queue, associated with the agent from whom the call abandoned.
Parameter Description
events1-9 The skill level, from 1 through 16, that is associated with the skill in which the agent answered the call or, for calls that abandoned from ringing or from a direct agent queue, associated with the agent from whom the call abandoned.
ecd_control The skill level, from 1 through 16, that is associated with the skill in which the agent answered the call or, for calls that abandoned from ringing or from a direct agent queue, associated with the agent from whom the call abandoned.
ecd_info Information specific to the Externally Controlled Distribution application.
ucid Unique Id of the call.
Parameter Description
dispvdn The number of the VDN that is associated with the call at its disposition for this call segment. DISPVDN is blank for calls that are not associated with a VDN at their disposition.
eqloc The physical equipment location, or trunk number, for which data was collected or for which the exception occurred. This is blank if the trunk is not measured.
firstvdn The number of the first VDN that is associated with the call segment. This is blank for calls that are not associated with a VDN.
origlogid The login ID of the agent who is originating the call. This is used for calls that an agent originates to another agent, to an on-communication server extension, or to an external destination.
anslogid The login ID of the agent who answered the call in this segment. This field is blank for unmeasured extensions when EAS is not active.
Parameter Description
lastobserver The login ID of the last agent who service-observed or bridged on to this call.
dialednumber Dialed number of the call leg.
dialednumber Dialed number of the call leg.
callingparty Phone number of the calling party in the current call leg.
collectdigits The collect digits command collects the touchtone digits entered by a Call Prompting user. The command allows the system to collect up to 24 digits from a touchtone phone.
cwcdigits An ACD capability using which the agent can enter a string of digits during or after the call and send the digits to CMS for management reporting.
Parameter Description
callingii The Information Indicator (II) digits that are associated with the call. These digits are a two-digit string that is provided by ISDN PRI to indicate the type of originating line of the caller. These digits supply information about the originator location, for example, pay phone, hospital, or prison. The column is blank if the call does not contain II digits.
cwcs1-5 Call Work Codes (CWCs) are up to 16–digit sequences that agents type to record the occurrence of customer-defined events, such as account codes or social security numbers.
vdn2-9 VDN ID of the current leg.
asaiuui The ASAIUUI variable is assigned a unique value for each incoming call based on ASAI user information. Once a value is assigned, the value can be modified by an adjunct after a route-to adjunct vector step. You can also use the set command to change the assigned value. A common use for an ASAIUUI variable in a vector step is to test the assigned value against a threshold value.