Avaya Communication Manager CDR Configuration

April 4, 2024 in Avaya
Avaya Communication Manager CDR Configuration

In Avaya Communication Manager, Call Detail Records (CDR) files are not typically stored in a user-accessible directory on the Communication Manager itself. Instead, Avaya Communication Manager is configured to send CDR data to an external server, such as an FTP/SFTP server, a syslog server, or a dedicated CDR collection server. The Communication Manager generates CDR data and transmits it in real-time or batch mode to these external destinations.

However, if your specific setup involves temporarily storing CDR files on the Communication Manager before transferring them, or if you're looking for log files or temporary data, you might need to know where these files could reside during processing. Here are some common paths where such data might be temporarily stored or processed:

Comstice Quartz Repoting for Avaya Aura and Avaya Contact Center Select call centers can process call detail records and you can search CDR data using Comstice Quartz Reporting solution.

Common Directories for Temporary Storage or Logs

  • /var/home/ftp/CDR This directory is commonly used if CDR data is temporarily stored before being transferred to an external server. However, this is not a default setup and would require specific configuration.
  • /var/log/ecs This directory contains the Event Capturing System (ECS) logs. While not CDR files per se, these logs can contain events and errors related to CDR processing.
  • /tmp/cdr Another potential directory for temporary storage or processing, though not commonly used unless specifically configured.

Steps to Verify and Configure CDR Storage and Transmission

  1. Access Avaya Communication Manager via SAT (System Access Terminal):

    Use the SAT (System Access Terminal) or an SSH client to access the Avaya Communication Manager.

    Use the add command to create a new user account specifically for SFTP access.

    For example, enter the command: add user and fill in the required fields.

    Permissions: Assign appropriate permissions to this user, ensuring it has access to the directories where CDR files are stored.

    The configuration for where CDR data is sent is typically defined in the system configuration files. You can check the settings by accessing the system parameters and IP services configurations in the Avaya Communication Manager.

    You can log into the SAT interface and use commands like change system-parameters cdr and change ip-services to check how CDRs are configured to be outputted.

  2. Check System Parameters for CDR:

    Use the following command to view and configure CDR parameters:

    change system-parameters cdr

    Here, you can see settings like Primary Output Format, Primary Output Endpoint, etc.

  3. Check IP Services Configuration:

    Use the following command to configure and verify IP services related to CDR:

    change ip-services

    Ensure the Service Type is set to CDR1 (or CDR2 for secondary), and the Remote Node and Remote Port are correctly configured for your external CDR collection server.

Example: Viewing and Configuring CDR Parameters

  1. Check CDR Parameters:
    change system-parameters cdr

    Review the output settings. You might see fields like:

    • Primary Output Format: This could be RADIUS, ASCII, etc.
    • Primary Output Endpoint: This would be configured to send data to an external server.
  2. Configure IP Services:

    Type the command below

    change ip-services

    Look for entries where the Service Type is CDR1 (primary) or CDR2 (secondary). Ensure fields like Local Node, Remote Node, and Remote Port are correctly set up.

    Service Type: CDR1
    Local Node: procr
    Remote Node: (name or IP of your SFTP server)
    Remote Port: 22 (default for SFTP)
    Reliable Protocol: y
  3. Set Up CDR Link:

    Enter the command below

    change cdr-link

    Configure the CDR link with the appropriate node names and IP addresses.


In Avaya Communication Manager, CDR files are typically sent to an external server rather than stored locally. You can configure and verify these settings using the SAT commands change system-parameters cdr, change ip-services, and change cdr-link. If any temporary storage is configured on the Communication Manager itself, it might be in directories like /var/home/ftp/CDR or /tmp/cdr , but this would depend on specific custom configurations. For most setups, the primary focus should be on ensuring correct transmission of CDR data to the external collection server.
