Amazon Connect Stock Reports Guide

June 15, 2019 in Amazon Connect
Amazon Connect Stock Reports Guide

Amazon Connect is a cloud contact center offering platform as a service features. Amazon Connect has stock reports for accessing real-time and historical data. Comstice Quartz Reporting and Analytics platform helps to access Amazon Connect stock reports as well as industry best practice reports used in the contact centers worldwide. This post provides the details of the Amazon Connect report parameters and definitions.

Amazon Connect Stock Reports

Real-Time Reports Historical Reports
These reports can be run from midnight of that day or as a trailing time window. The trailing interval options are; 30mins, 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 24 hrs These reports can be run from midnight of that day or as a trailing time window. The trailing interval options are; 30mins, 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 24 hr
  • Queues, Agent Queues, Routing Profiles
  • Agents
  • Queues
  • Agents
  • Phone Numbers

Real-Time Reports

Queues: Agents

This report has two sections. Agent and performance. Agent section shows the stats related to the agents of the queue. Performance section shows the data about the contact stats. You can filter this report per queue or routing profile. Queues report can also be run as Agent Queues and Routing Profiles.

Field Description
Online Count of agents with a status other than Offline.
NPT:Non-Productive Time Count of agents in a custom status (any status other than Available, Error, or Offline.) Agents can handle contacts while in a custom status.
OnCall Count of agents currently on a contact.
ACW:AfterCallWork Count of agents with a status of AfterCallWork
Available Count of agents with a status of Available
Error Count of agents with a status of Error
Staffed Count of agents logged in and with a status of Available, On call, or ACW

Queues: Performance

Field Description
In Queue Count of contacts currently in the queue
Oldest Length of time in the queue for the contact that has been in the queue the longest
Scheduled Count of customers in the queue for which there is a callback scheduled
Queued Count of contacts added to the queue during the specified time range
Abandoned Count of contacts disconnected by the customer while in the queue during the specified time range. Contacts queued for callback are not counted as abandoned
Handled Count of contacts in the queue that were answered by an agent
AHT Average time, from start to finish, that a contact was connected with an agent (average handled time). This is calculated by averaging the amount of time between the contact being answered by an agent and the contact ending
SL Intervals Percentage of contacts removed from the queue between 0 and X seconds after being added to it (Service Level). A contact is removed from the queue when one of the following occurs: an agent answers the call, the customer abandons the call, or the customer requests a call back. The possible values for X are: 15, 20, 25, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 180, 240, 300, and 600
Agent Hung Up Count of contacts disconnected where the agent disconnected before the customer
Handled In Count of incoming contacts handled by an agent during the specified time range that were initiated using one of the following methods: inbound call, transfer to agent, transfer to queue, or queue-to-queue transfer
Handled Out Count of contacts handled by an agent during the specified time range that were initiated by an agent placing an outbound call using the CCP
Callback contacts handled Count of contacts handled by an agent that were queued callbacks
API Contacts Handled Count of contacts that were initiated by an API operation, such as StartOutboundVoiceContact, and handled by an agent
Hold Abandons Count of contacts that disconnected while the customer was on hold. A disconnect could be because the customer hung up while on hold, or that there was a technical issue with the contact while on hold
Consult Count of contacts in the queue that were handled by an agent, and the agent consulted with another agent or a call center manager during the contact
Max Queued The longest time that a contact spent waiting in the queue. This includes all contacts added to the queue, even if they were not connected with an agent, such as abandoned contacts
Missed Count of contacts routed to an agent but not answered by the agent, including contacts abandoned by the customer, during the specified time range. A contact can be counted as missed multiple times, once for each time it is routed to an agent but not answered
Avg abandon time Average time, in seconds, that abandoned contacts were in the queue before being abandoned
Avg queue answer time Average time, in seconds, that a contact was in the queue before being answered by an agent. This is calculated using the amount of time that the contact was in the queue, not any time that the contact spent in prior steps of the contact flow, such as listening or responding to prompts
Avg hold time Average time, in seconds, that a contact in the queue was on hold
Avg interaction time Average time, in seconds, that contacts were connected to and interacting with agents. This does not include hold time or time spent waiting in the queue
Avg interaction and hold time Average time, in seconds, that contacts in the queue spent interacting with agents and on hold. This is calculated as follows: Avg hold time + Avg interaction time
Transferred in Count of contacts transferred into the queue during the specified time range
Transferred out Count of contacts transferred out of the queue during the specified time range
Transferred in from queue Count of contacts transferred into the queue from another queue during a Customer queue flow
Transferred out from queue Count of contacts transferred out of the queue to another queue during a Customer queue flow


This report shows the details of the individual agent states and performance. It is an interactive report; supervisors can use this report to change agent's state. The report has three sections; Agent, phone and performance. Agent section shows the stats related to the agents of the queue. Performance section shows the data about the contact stats. You can filter this report per queue or routing profile. Queues report can also be run as Agent Queues.

Agent Subsection

Field Description
Status Count of agents with a status other than Offline.
Duration Count of agents in a custom status (any status other than Available, Error, or Offline.) Agents can handle contacts while in a custom status.
Agent Hierarchy Count of agents currently on a contact.
Routing Profile Count of agents with a status of AfterCallWork
Agent Name Count of agents with a status of Available
Agent First Name Count of agents with a status of Error
Agent Last Name Count of agents logged in and with a status of Available, On call, or ACW

Phone Subsection

Field Description
Active Count of agents with a status other than Offline.
Availability Count of agents in a custom status (any status other than Available, Error, or Offline.) Agents can handle contacts while in a custom status.
Contact State Count of agents currently on a contact.
Queue Count of agents with a status of AfterCallWork

Performance Subsection

Field Description
Avg ACW Count of agents with a status other than Offline.
Missed Count of agents in a custom status (any status other than Available, Error, or Offline.) Agents can handle contacts while in a custom status.
Handled In Count of agents currently on a contact.
Handled Out Count of agents with a status of AfterCallWork
AHT Count of agents with a status of Available
Occupancy Count of agents with a status of Error
Callback contacts handled Count of agents logged in and with a status of Available, On call, or ACW
API contacts handled Count of agents logged in and with a status of Available, On call, or ACW